"[182] Sandra Harris of Moviepilot noted the miniseries' "gorgeous scenery" and "nice interweaving of flashbacks with the regular scenes,"[190] while Ian Jane of DVD Talk and John Campopiano of Bloody Disgusting praised the combination of childhood nostalgia with horror elements. '"[119] Tim Funk of The Charlotte Observer explained, "Watching them, we can't help but recall our own childhood hurts and fears. "[117], The most praise came towards It's first part, a common highlight being the performances of the child actors[118][84][119][103][114] and its development of the Losers. [6] Cohen also initially wrote the second episode as, according to Wallace, "a very interior melodrama" that differed heavily from the novel and where Tom Rogan played a much bigger role in the plot. However, they chose to produce it due to the success of Stand by Me (1986) and other television programs based on long books. It was shot over a three-month summer period in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Upon returning, they are all terrorized by Pennywise. Far more people than ever read the book have seen pictures of Curry's Pennywise, or have watched clips, or remember their siblings forcing them to watch it with them. Hélène Shirley was born as Nicole Segaud. [73] Then, a 2-CD release of the TV movie's complete score by Richard Bellis was released on November 15, 2011 by Intrada Records,[71] and is volume 184 of the label's special collection. All the exterior stuff was done in Stanley Park and I remember being amazed it was so woodsy and so far removed. [11] The number of the Bowers Gang are reduced from seven in the novel to five for the miniseries: Gabe Khouth as Victor Criss and Chris Eastman as Belch Huggins, while the actors of Peter Gordon and Moose Sadler go uncredited. [5] This casting was unusual for a horror production at the time, but producer Jim Green reasoned that it was in order to increase eyeballs from more easily frightened casual viewers. Un film di Tommy Lee Wallace con Tim Curry, John Ritter, Seth Green, Harry Anderson Stephen King and I corresponded after the fact, and he felt as I did about the show's strengths and weaknesses, but overall was very complimentary. [29] His reason was that it was a censorship rule not to show children in jeopardy, a major theme in It. Given that the shooting entailed an adult cast with child counterparts, Wallace sought to have the adult actors meet with the children playing the younger versions of their characters: "We made a point of bringing the adult and children actors together for a couple of days, even though it was costly, since the adults and the kids have no scenes together. [205][206] From October 27 to October 28, 2018, at the Scotiabank Convention Centre's 2018 Frightmare in the Falls event, Campopiano held an exhibit of the props, costumes, memorabilia, and behind-the-scenes of It to promote the documentary. [170][89] On June 7, 2019 in Italy, the Italian company Cinemuseum issued 400 copies of a Blu-ray of It that included an exclusive lenticular slip, a 44-page booklet, and 5x5 postcards. According to Mixon, he based the shape of Pennywise's head on Lon Chaney in The Phantom of the Opera (1925), "stylized into a clown. [208][209] The short, directed by Ryan Grulich, features Tony Dakota reprising his role as Georgie Denbrough from the It miniseries, and centers on the idea of how the narrative could have continued had Georgie not been killed by Pennywise. : For instance, since blood could not come out of body orifices, blood instead had to come out of physical objects such as sinks and photo books. You'll know that this is no slasher film where stupid teenagers almost volunteer to be victims and bleed all over the screen. The protagonists are The Lucky Seven, or The Losers Club, a group of outcast kids who discover Pennywise and vow to kill him by any means necessary. Stanley regroups with the Losers, but is grabbed by It. [230] There were no further announcements. "[178] It topped The New York Observer's 2014 list of the best Stephen King miniseries; the source explained that while it was "two hours too long," it was still the scariest King miniseries of all time. "[6], One major change King disliked but had to deal with was the decreased amount of depth of the main characters, particularly Richie Tozier, who was altered from a Los Angeles DJ into a television show comedian. "[79] The lack of graphic content It could display also resulted its story to be very character-orientated for its genre. Producing and shooting It's final spider form required a budget of $200,000[66] and 13 weeks of time. "[50] However, Wallace and Cohen retained the centrality of Pennywise in the source novel; as noted by film scholar Tony Magistrale in Hollywood's Stephen King, the made-for-television movie retains the "association between the adult world of Derry and It [which] is further established in the masterful choice of a carnival clown as a unifying symbol for the various creatures representing the monster."[51]. He turned to me and said "Hi!" [183] As The Atlantic summarized the terror of the performance and character, "He speaks in a kind of singsongy, guttural growl, his teeth are sharp fangs, and the contrast between his comical yellow dungarees and his penchant for ripping off children's limbs is fairly stark. [6] Although King had multiple drafts of the script sent to him by Cohen, he had little to no involvement in the writing of the miniseries. Bill is the last to leave Derry, coaxing Audra out of her catatonia by riding down a street on his childhood bike "Silver". Les services AlloCiné | [47] He originally planned for the spider form to be hinted at in part one when Pennywise was hit by the rock, but the idea was scrapped. He also panned the second part for padding it with uninteresting presentations of the adult Losers. [78], As It was a television production, its content had to follow Broadcast Standards and Practices. Other well-known Canadian actors in the miniseries include Laura Harris as Loni; Garry Chalk, most known for voice acting, as Eddie's gym class coach; Jay Brazeau as a taxi driver; Paul Batten as Eddie's pharmacist; Donna Peerless and Tom Heaton as teachers Miss Douglas and Mr. Keene; and Kim Kondrashoff, Helena Yea, and Charles Siegel as the Losers' classmates, Joey, Rose, and Nat respectively. Aytl Jensen is an actor, director, screenwriter and casting director, Aytl first appeared on screen baby in several Egyptian films and series. "[6] For Ritter and Crane, the two looked very different, which meant they had to make similar the young and adult versions of Ben through actions and facial expressions.[24]. [6][14][12] On set, Thomas called the spider a "diva," Ritter mocked it as a "muppet from hell,"[15] and O'Toole recalled most of the cast calling it the "Alaskan king crab. [11] The Chinese restaurant sequence was shot in only one take and involved the actors not being aware what was going to happen so that "our expressions were all real," explained Reid. It was released on VHS and LaserDisc in 1991. It's very dated, you know? [75], On October 18, 2016, guitarist Eric Calderone released his electric guitar cover of Bellis' circus theme for It.[76]. [4], George A. Romero had originally been signed on to direct the project, which at the time ABC had planned for an eight-to-ten-hour series that would run over four two-hour blocks. [69] Bellis recorded four-days worth of orchestra parts performed by various ensembles that had 55 players at most, and the electronic instruments were tracked at Ray Colcord's home studio. "[109] Many reviewers spotlighted some of the scare moments of the miniseries, often using the Chinese restaurant sequence as an example. Dan Platt sculpted a puppet replication of Pennywise specifically for the stop motion scenes, with painting done by Mixon and the hair by Jack Bricker. [130] In January 1992, a high-quality, digital-stereo LaserDisc version of It was released in Japan. Curry used Robin Williams-esque natural improvisation when playing Pennywise, giving the character a Bronx accent in order to sound like, as Curry put it, "an old-time Catskills comic. [64] In addition to painting the entire creature, Orsco mold the torso, arms, and head;[59] while the spider's legs and abdomen were sculpted by Sims. [57], The majority of the special effects were done practically without digital alteration,[6] such as puppeteers being used to animate the fortune cookies in the Chinese restaurant scene. In the history of film and television, accidents have occurred during shooting, such as cast or crew fatalities or serious accidents that plagued production.From 1980 to 1990, there were 37 deaths relating to accidents during stunts; 24 of these deaths involved the use of helicopters. [194], In 2013, Pennywise made an appearance in an advertisement for organic food company Herbaria that was produced by Andreas Roth with Jung von Matt/Neckar and Tempomedia. "[181], Collins and James Smythe of The Guardian claimed the miniseries to have a cult status,[181][182] Smythe using Curry's portrayal as the main reason: "To this day, it's Pennywise that people turn to if you ask them to picture a scary clown. Scopri le audizioni da paura; Casting pubblicità: come recitare in uno spot; Casting Rai: provini fiction, serie tv e programmi Rai 1, Rai 2, Rai 3 [70], Bellis' use of motifs and ostinatos in It were inspired by the works of Bernard Herrmann. Politique de cookies | "[59], The scene when the Losers find Stanley's decapitated head in the refrigerator was done via a split screen effect; it consists of one shot of Masur wearing a Jim-McLoughlin-designed "severed neck" with black areas filled in by another shot of the refrigerator without the actor. "[88], Jonathan Barkin, in a 2016 review, wrote that the first part, while the best of the miniseries, suffered from "awkward attempts to tie everything together," where what is only shown is "the smallest of snippets and there aren't really any solid connecting lines." The child actors were much more of a challenge [...] I'm especially proud of the adult/child pairings, as I think we made really Terence Kelly, who portrays officer Nell, was nominated for a Gemini for another role as an officer in Reg Serge. While divided critical perspectives towards It have continued in later years, the miniseries has become most known for Curry's version of Pennywise. Spero che il video vi sia piaciuto. [6] The teeth were designed by Jim McLoughlin. Beverly frees her friends, but Eddie dies. [57] As Mixon explained, "They just didn't want any [wet] gore, although rot and decay was okay. Casting Film Se sarete chiamati a fare un casting film, ldovete ricordare che la preparazione varia secondo il … With those eyes, and that mouth, and his crazy, sardonic sense of humor, less turned out to be more in the makeup department. astute choices and got really lucky making it believable that that group of seven kids grew up to be that group of seven adults, which is no easy feat. [6] On June 1, 1989, ABC announced that the miniseries would be six hours and directed by Romero, with no cast planned. [210] On August 27, 2018, a teaser trailer for Georgie was uploaded to YouTube. Some are simply ethereal, like smoke. [11] On each shooting day, it took at least three hours for him to take off his make-up and get out of his costume. While the climax may be somewhat unavoidably unsatisfying, it is nostalgically remembered for its strengths, including its unforgettably gruesome Pennywise portrayal, its memorably shocking moments of on-screen visceral horror [...] and its thoroughly convincing portrayal of camaraderie from both generations of the Losers Club. The site's consensus reads, "Though hampered by an uneven second half, It supplies a wealth of funhouse thrills and an idelible turn from Tim Curry as Pennywise. [11], In explaining why directing a screen version of a King story was difficult, Wallace summarized, "Stephen King is so good with language that he can make almost anything sound incredibly scary. [69] The score took five weeks to compose and produce. "[66] Its odd design and unusually large size caught the attention of Canadian customs officials when it reached the US-Canada border of White Rock during its relocation from Los Angeles to a sound stage at The Bridge Studios; the officials delayed the operation. "[5], A lot of Wallace's directing was influenced by films he worked on with John Carpenter, such as Halloween (1978) and The Fog (1980). [50] He found the miniseries' version of Richie to have only two dimensions: "scumbag" and "sort of a kindhearted Buddy Hackett. After concluding It is dead, the group exits the sewers and makes a promise to return if It should ever resurface. [177][187][188] As Bloody Disgusting explained, "His mixture of pleasant charm with gleeful terror has cemented the character in our minds, filling our slumbers with nightmares. [171] On July 30, 2019, a Blu-ray version of It including a lenticular slip cover and an offer of cash for purchasing a ticket to see It Chapter Two (2019) was released. [58], It was composer Richard Bellis' first score since his career "came to a screeching halt for some unknown reason" in 1984. [6], It is the titular shapeshifting antagonist of the miniseries whose primary form is a wisecracking clown named Pennywise, played by Tim Curry. [96], Just before the broadcast, a variety of predictions were made by television writers about how big It's ratings would be. The others chase the injured demon, ripping out its heart and killing It. Kunis starred as Rachel Jansen in the 2008 comedy film, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, co-produced by Judd Apatow.The role, which she won after unsuccessfully auditioning for Knocked Up, entailed improvization on her part. Nel 1983 recita, invece, nel film di Tony Gatlif, Les Princes, On ne meurt que deux fois di Jacques Deray, Betty Blue (1986) di Jean-Jacques Beineix, Pour Sacha di Alexandre Arcady e La teta y la luna di Juan José Bigas Luna, che gli vale il Premio Patrick Dewaere nel 1983, e in Asterix & Obelix - Missione Cleopatra (2001), che gli vale una candidatura al Premio César. It retreats in a drain before grabbing Bill's arm. Recrutement | [67] It began with Mixon coming up with the idea of a "soft and fleshy" spiderlike creature. [106][112][84][1][102][79][104] Bark dismissed it as a "hokey, feel-good" resolution,[119] Keller called it "trite,"[104] and Chapman described it as a "cop-out" as it ruined the "epic mind game" notion of It being in the characters' heads. Two veterans of The X-Files appear in It: William B. Davis as Mr. Gedreau, and Megan Leitch as a library aide Richie talks to while being taunted by Pennywise. It was capable of more than what you saw onscreen. [11] A lot of the effects Wallace planned to use while storyboarding did not make it into the final version for budget reasons, such as the roots writhing around Pennywise in his ghostly encounter with the adult Losers in the sewer. It (also known as Stephen King's It) is a 1990 American ABC two-part psychological horror drama miniseries directed by Tommy Lee Wallace and adapted by Lawrence D. Cohen from Stephen King's 1986 novel of the same name.The story revolves around a predatory monster which has the ability to transform itself into its prey's worst fears, allowing it to exploit the phobias of its victims. Audra recovers and she and Bill kiss in the middle of town. [199][200], In May 2017, an Indiegogo campaign was created for Pennywise: The Story of IT, an independent documentary film about the production and lasting impact of the It miniseries. This is the terror of the unnatural, delivered by threats and special effects, not by corpses. [110][1][84][111] A couple reviews particularly appreciated the miniseries' horrification of everyday objects and scenarios, such as shower heads and photo galleries. [97], It turned out to be the biggest success of 1990 for Capital Cities, owner of ABC, garnering nearly 30 million viewers over its two-night premiere. [192] The Mary Sue critic Kate Gardner appreciated It for its camp value, but was disappointed with how the miniseries rejected the "character study" aspects of the novel to fit the three-hour running time. He gloats, he giggles, he taunts, he devours the scenery like the monster himself devours middle-schoolers – and he generally sears his way right into the brain of the viewer. The five remaining Losers return to the sewers to confront It, and Bill discovers Audra has been taken prisoner. [5] Farrell Peter The Oregonian honored It as "the best horror show ever made for network television, and among the better miniseries of any genre offered this year,"[101] praising its multi-layered story and performances. [183][184][185] In fact, it is "widely considered the archetype of the [evil clown] genre," wrote Jessica Glenza. [6] The theater scene took many retakes and much waiting, so Curry went on the stage and entertained the child extras with singalongs, all unaware he was playing a monster character in the miniseries. [40] Filming locations in Vancouver included Stanley Park, Beaver Lake and Saint Thomas Aquinas High School Convent in North Vancouver. [6] Although critically acclaimed,[28] it did not change King's negative view on horror television as he still believed that the format was "too institutionally fainthearted and unimaginative to handle real horror" in 1983. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. [9] The makeup used for the werewolf character was kept simple, consisting only of a spandex hood mask, gloves, and hair tied around the neck all put together through KY Jelly; this was done to suit the limited application time and "the nature of the shots. [203][204] The film, directed by Chris Griffiths and produced by John Campopiano and Gary Smart, will feature interviews with members of the miniseries' cast and crew, including Tim Curry, Tommy Lee Wallace, Bart Mixon, Seth Green, Richard Thomas, and Emily Perkins. [179], Many retrospective pieces have spotlighted Curry's version of Pennywise,[180][181][182][8][49] being called by several publications and scholars as one of the most terrifying clown characters in film and television. [9] Because Wallace did not want it to look like a usual "Howling type of creature," Mixon instructed Cabrera to make "a slicker, '90s version" of the wolf from the 1950s film Richie viewed. Arlette Gordon, Casting Director: Viva la vie. [131] Houston Chronicle writer Bruce Westbrook considered this a questionable business decision for Warner: The versions were being sold at a high rental price ($79.99); and many retailers were un-equipped to display "cumbersome two-tape" products or worried about customers not wanting to rent a long two-tape set for just one night. [94] Part 2 was the second highest rated program of the week with a 20.6/33 rating/share, and watched in 19.2 million households. [69] The scrapbook seen in the title sequence influenced how he composed the theme: "I do remember being struck by the fact that it was not like other scrapbooks, filled with happy memories. [68] Sims also molded a stop-motion replica of the spider, with an armature built by Mike Joyce, used for nine split-screen, rear projection, and tabletop shots supervised by Warren. She is an actress. "[6] The biggest broadcast rule the makers of It had to loophole around was not to show kids in jeopardy, which was a major issue as kids facing deadly situations was a prominent theme of the story. [133][134][138][135] Exceptions are the Spain release, which includes Spanish and German soundtracks in addition to the English audio;[139] and the Polish edition, which features an audio track of its native language. Rozsa was also one of the few reviewers to dislike the child performers, describing their line delivery as "unconvincing. One reason, according to Lawrence D. Cohen, was that it was "the heyday of networks adapting lengthy novels for TV. [4] O'Toole has admitted to disliking the removal of the Losers' orgy scene: "This was their greatest attachment to one another – she thought they were all going to die, and this was a gift she was giving to each one of them, and I thought it was the most beautiful, generous love-filled gift, and it tied them all together in such an amazing way. In order to increase likely viewership, the producers exaggerated the novel's more positive themes of loyalty and friendship and cast performers most well known outside the horror genre. [11] Some scenes were done with replacement animation, an animation technique similar to stop motion animation. [90][91], ABC originally did not want King seeing the footage of It until after it was broadcast; however, the author threatened the network that he would not do any promotional interviews if he did not see it first. [66], Brent Baker was inside the spider, previously going through three months of training in using it, where there was a video monitor showing him how the spider was moving: "It got a little stuffy, but they had a place where they could stick in a little hose if I wanted water or some fresh air. [53] The Buntzen Lake Hydro Plant, in particular, was used as the miniseries' sewer plant. "[104] Reviewers also described the special effects as "exceptionally effective,"[103] "jaw-dropping,"[112] and "rival[ing] anything you've seen on the big screen. The effects and the designs of the titular antagonist's forms, including Pennywise and the creature's true form of a humanoid spider, were produced on a 12-week deadline by Gene Warren's Fantasy II, who had a previous portfolio in theatrical work before working on It. "[6] Getting the clown faces right also depended on some of the actor's own efforts, to the point where he had to do a day of training of not only getting into the character but also practicing the faces. [229] On June 7, 2006, the plan for the project changed into a four-hour miniseries remake of the 1990 adaptation that would air on The Sci-Fi Channel. "[4] Other factors increased the risk of a network doing a film or miniseries version of a King story in the late 1980s to 1990; theatrical King screen transfers were performing poorly at the box office,[36] and big TV events like miniseries or films were becoming far less important to viewers due to a rise in VCR ownership by 20 percent from 1985 to 1990. [142], The Blu-ray releases of It comes with not just Blu-ray and DVD discs but also a t-shirt. Bill's British wife, Audra, travels to Derry but is captured by It, hypnotized by the monster's "Deadlights". TV's inherent timidity its fear of going too far and driving away viewers is in direct contrast to the purpose of horror, which is to go so far that it scares the people who watch it. [69], The first release of the score was in February 1996, but only as a 16-minute suite on the album Richard Bellis: Film Music Volume 1. [71], Bellis took a long time figuring out the first interval of the title theme, since he considered the use of a tritone overused in horror. King was able to conjure it up in his head, but it was difficult to bring to the screen. [12] In 2015, however, he stated that he "was, and am, very, very proud of It. However, he found the second part disappointing, disliking the lack of "friendship and togetherness" of the main characters that was present during the first part as well as the clichéd ending. The effects artists made touches after King revealed his disappointment during production. [86] It's spider form was particularly derided,[1][110][108][118] called by Chapman a "cheap Alien imitation,"[86] described by Mann "as if it crawled out of a low-budget Japanese monster movie,"[115] and by the Richmond Times-Dispatch "more laughable than frightening. In July, the group is joined by Mike Hanlon (Marlon Taylor), an African American kid being pursued by Bowers' gang. [74] A six-minute suite of the score, along with a six-minute outtake recording of an orchestra session, can be heard on Bellis' website. [11] These included interesting camera tricks, such as the Chinese restaurant scene being shot with a handheld camera; and shots where It goes through pipes filmed as if they were from It's point of view, a decision inspired by Wallace's past experiences working with Carpenter. "[6] When it came to the Ms. Kersh scene, Wallace place several incidental details, such as Mrs. Kersh's teeth being rotten like Pennywise's, to give the audience a clue something was up; the scene also ends with Beverly Marsh in the middle of the street, with intentionally no extras around to add to the creep factor. [89] In addition to his odd methods of transportation, such as popping out of sinks, storm drains, and shower heads;[86] Pennywise shows more of the look and behaviors of a regular circus clown than an extraterrestrial being. Fernsehen + Film (già Film, 1963-1969), Hannover, 1970-1971, poi come Film und Fernsehen, Berlin, 1981-1995 e 1997-1999 Filmblatt , Berlin, 1997 - Film Demnaechst Casting Film 2021: opportunità e aggiornamenti; Casting Mediaset: provini fiction, serie tv e programmi Canale 5, Rete 4, Italia 1; Casting per corti, film e serie dell’orrore. ", "Get With IT, Part 1: Catching Up with Pennywise's First Victim Actress Chelan Simmons", "11 Creepy Facts About Stephen King's 'It, "Why Stephen King's IT scares off film-makers", "Horror in Vancouver: Stephen King's evil clown stalks Stanley Park in 1990", "Get With IT, Part IV: The Widow of Stanley Uris Speaks", "Get With IT, Part 3: The Return of the Ghost of Mr. Hanscom", "Rare Photo Shows Curry Unused Pennywise Concept Makeup", "Tim Curry Describes Finding the Right Look for Pennywise", "Artist Shares Photos of Pennywise Stop-Motion Puppet From 1990 "It" Adaptation", "Get With IT, Part 2: Emmy Winning Composer Richard Bellis Talks Stephen King's IT", "Stephen King's "It" TV Movie Just Got an Updated Theme...Kinda [Halloween Treat]", "Stephen King's "It" (1990) — Tommy Lee Wallace | Review", "It review: Tim Curry as Pennywise in Stephen King adaptation", "Stephen King's "It" Really Doesn't Hold Up That Well", "It Blu-ray Release Date August 27, 2019 (Best Buy Exclusive SteelBook)", "All hail Tim Curry's Pennywise, the definitive evil "It" clown", "The Evolution of Pennywise (Clown From IT Movies)", "ABC posts first ratings win of the season", "TV WEEKEND; Stephen King's Mad Clown Returns", "Twelfth Annual Youth in Film Awards 1989–90", "People's Choice Awards Nominees & Winners: 1991", "It DVD Release Date October 1, 2002 (Stephen King's It)", "It DVD Release Date October 1, 2002 (Stephen King's It) (Japan)", "It DVD Release Date October 1, 2002 (Stephen King's It / ESO) (Mexico)", "It DVD Release Date September 8, 2017 (Stephen King's It / 牠) (Taiwan)", "Stephen King's It DVD Release Date October 4, 2002 (Denmark)", "Stephen King's It DVD Release Date October 22, 2002 (Australia)", "Stephen King's It DVD Release Date February 26, 2003 (Stephen Kings Det) (Sweden)", "Stephen King's It DVD Release Date March 11, 2003 (Eso) (Spain)", "Stephen King's It DVD Release Date August 7, 2006 (United Kingdom)", "It DVD Release Date October 17, 2018 (Stephen King's It / To / Czarna seria) (Poland)", "It HD Prime Release Date April 1, 2012 (Stephen King's It)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date September 20, 2016 (Canada)", "It Blu-ray Release Date September 22, 2016 (Es / Stephen King's It) (Germany)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 3, 2016 (Stephen King's It) (United Kingdom)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 12, 2016 (イット / Stephen King's It) (Japan)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 18, 2016 (Stephen King's It)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date October 17, 2016 (Denmark)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date October 17, 2016 (Norway)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date October 17, 2016 (Sweden)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 19, 2016 (Stephen King's It / Eso) (Spain)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date October 31, 2016 (Finland)", "It Blu-ray Release Date January 4, 2017 (Stephen King's It) (Australia)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 12, 2017 (Stephen King's It) (Italy)", "It Blu-ray Release Date November 17, 2017 (Stephen King's It / Eso) (Mexico)", "It Blu-ray Release Date September 22, 2016 (SteelBook) (Germany)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 12, 2016 (SteelBook) (France)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 20, 2016 (SteelBook) (Italy)", "It Blu-ray Release Date December 7, 2016 (SteelBook) (Czech Republic)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date January 22, 2018 (SteelBook) (Finland)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date January 22, 2018 (SteelBook) (Norway)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date January 22, 2018 (SteelBook) (Sweden)", "Stephen King's It Blu-ray Release Date January 25, 2018 (SteelBook) (Denmark)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 24, 2016 (Zavvi Exclusive SteelBook) (United Kingdom)", "It Blu-ray Release Date September 23, 2019 (SteelBook) (United Kingdom)", "It Blu-ray Release Date January 19, 2018 (DigiBook) (Germany)", "It Blu-ray Release Date January 4, 2017 (JB Hi-Fi Exclusive SteelBook) (Australia)", "It Blu-ray Release Date September 4, 2019 (JB Hi-Fi Exclusive SteelBook) (Australia)", "It Blu-ray Release Date October 2, 2018 (Best Buy Exclusive SteelBook)", "IT Stephen King's (1990) – CMA#12 – Lenticular Full Slip [400]", "It Blu-ray Release Date July 30, 2019 (Stephen King's It / Reissue with Lenticular Slip + It 2 Movie Cash)", "Triple Terror Collection DVD Release Date October 2, 2012 (Stephen King's The Shining, Stephen King's It, Salem's Lot)", "King of Horror Collection Blu-ray Release Date August 29, 2017 (Salem's Lot / The Shining / Stephen King's Cat's Eye / Stephen King's It)", "King of Horror DVD Release Date July 28, 2019 (Expanded Edition)", "Fears of a clown: why the original It will always be the best", "10 Most Terrifying Clowns in Horror Movies", "Why We Should Enjoy 'IT' 2017 Without Comparing to 'IT' 1990", "Review: Stephen King's It – Top 10 Films", " "[Random Cool] Pennywise Featured In Herbaria Ad", "Easter eggs you missed in It: Chapter Two", "There's a Really Cool Tim Curry Easter Egg in New "IT" Trailer! [69] In 2017, Waxwork Records issued the entire score for the first time on vinyl. [227], In 1998, a 52-episode Indian television adaptation of the miniseries, Woh, was broadcast.[228].
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