The film is an international co-production between Iceland and the United States, and stars Mads Mikkelsen as a man stranded in the Arctic. The film stars the voices of Jeremy Renner, Heidi Klum, James Franco, John Cleese, Omar Sy, Michael Madsen, Laurie Holden, Anjelica Huston, and Alec Baldwin.. Juli, in Frankreich am 5. Dem Film wurde in Deutschland nur eine kurze Laufzeit im Kino zuteil, da – nach Start am 15. The helicopter takes off and disappears behind a mountain. [4] Mads Mikkelsen referred to the film as the most difficult shoot of his career. Its world premiere took place at the 2010 Canadian Film Festival in Sydney, at the Dendy Opera Quays cinema, on 4 August. He injures his leg getting it free and crawls out of the cavern and back to the surface. Le parcours est semé d'embûches : il faut escalader des montagnes, éviter les ours polaires et braver le froid et les tempêtes. "[12] David Ehrlich of Indiewire called it "one of the best movies ever made about a man stranded in the wilderness", adding that "Mads Mikkelsen doesn't need any dialogue to deliver the best performance of his career. ", "Cannes: Mads Mikkelsen talks about the survival drama 'Arctic,' the most difficult shoot of his career", "Cannes Lineup Includes New Films From Spike Lee, Jean-Luc Godard", "Arctic Movie Review & Film Summary (2019) | Roger Ebert", "Mads Mikkelsen's 'Arctic' Hero Will Make You Want to Buy a Watch, Be More Chill",, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles containing potentially dated statements from June 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 January 2021, at 14:54. Arctic est un film dramatique islandais coécrit et réalisé par Joe Penna, sorti en 2018. Appartenant au genre du film de survie, il s’agit du premier long métrage du réalisateur. Source et légende : version québécoise (VQ) sur[1]. Directed by Joe Penna. Overgård (Mads Mikkelsen) is stranded in the Arctic Circle waiting for rescue, living in his crashed plane. Arctir Air ist eine kanadische Abenteuer-Dramafernsehserie, die zwischen 2012 und 2014 auf dem Fernsehsender CBC Television ausgestrahlt wurde. Now streaming on: Powered by JustWatch. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. He lights his remaining flare but does not seem to attract the attention of the helicopter crew. "[11] Oliver Jones of The New York Observer gave the film 3.5/4 stars, calling it "precise, honest and unrelenting." He secures the woman to the sled and drags her behind him. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Arctic In Arctic … Arctic Dogs (also known as Arctic Justice or Polar Squad in the UK) is a 2019 computer-animated comedy film co-written and directed by Aaron Woodley and co-directed by Dimos Vrysellas. Tweet. When they take refuge one night in a cave, a polar bear is attracted to the scent of cooking fish. He added that the film "is one of those singular cinematic experiences ... for which movie theaters still exist. Arctic Circle - Der unsichtbare Tod (5/10) Eine schwangere Frau aus einer lokalen religiösen Gemeinschaft kommt nach Ivalo ins Gesundheitszentrum, und … 20 minutes apprécie le film « Un rôle fort pour Mads Mikkelsen dans un suspense réfrigérant. »[5], tout comme Première qui félicite l'acteur « Mikkelsen porte le film sur ses épaules plus monolithique que jamais et sans dialogue »[6]. A massive influx of glacial melting triggers a new ice age in the Northern Hemisphere, forcing a family to make their way across the ice-covered landscape before they are frozen out for good. Nearly at the end of his strength, he sees a helicopter in the distance. « Un rôle fort pour Mads Mikkelsen dans un suspense réfrigérant. August und in Skandinavien am 12. Han overlever fra dag til dag helt alene. Die Band wurde 2002 in High Green, einem Stadtteil von Sheffield, gegründet. Arctic ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2018 von Joe Penna mit Mads Mikkelsen und Maria Thelma Smáradóttir. Arctic ein Film von Joe Penna mit Mads Mikkelsen, Maria Thelma Smáradóttir. Overgård soigne la jeune femme ; cependant comme son état ne s'améliore pas, il décide de partir avec elle en la tirant dans un traîneau vers une station saisonnière située au Nord. His daily routine consists of checking fishing lines, mapping his surroundings and running a distress beacon powered by a hand-crank dynamo. Il vit dans la carcasse de son avion et parvient à se nourrir en pêchant du poisson. Arctic misses what makes for the best movies of its ilk: it does not inspire much imagination concerning what our hero might do first if he does get back home. Arctic Dogs (also known as Arctic Justice or Polar Squad in the UK) is a 2019 computer-animated comedy film co-written and directed by Aaron Woodley and co-directed by Dimos Vrysellas. Arctic est un film dramatique islandais coécrit et réalisé par Joe Penna, sorti en 2018. From the same team that brought you the successful Oslo Film Festival, Arctic Film Festival aims to recreate the familiar cozy atmosphere and rigorous programming in Longyearbyen, 650 miles from the North Pole. Arctic est sélectionné dans la catégorie des « Séances de minuit » et présenté le 10 mai 2018 lors du festival de Cannes[4]. The film is an international co-production between Iceland and the United States, and stars Mads Mikkelsen as a man stranded in the Arctic. À la suite d’un accident d'avion, un homme nommé Overgård est bloqué dans l’Arctique. The film premiered at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival, and was released in theaters on 1 February 2019. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 5 décembre 2020 à 11:05. The film premiered at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival, and was released in theaters on 1 February 2019. A helicopter responds to his beacon and attempts to land, but crashes. Arctic Dogs(also known asArctic JusticeorPolar Squadin the UK) is a 2019computer-animatedcomedy filmco-written and directed byAaron Woodleyand co-directed by Dimos Vrysellas. Am 30. Arctic er en dramafilm, instrueret af Joe Penna og skrevet af Penna og Ryan Morrison.I hovedrollens ses Mads Mikkelsen som en mand strandet i Arktis.Filmen havde premierer på Filmfestivalen i Cannes 2018.Filmen handler om manden Overgård som er styrtet ned med et fly i det iskolde Arktis. November 2020 alle deutschen Kinos coronabedingt wieder schließen mussten. Mads Mikkelsen is stranded in the Arctic and that's about all you need to know plot-wise about the film, a thrilling and immersive survival thriller. As a result, he must change their route, which adds at least three days to their travel along a path that is exposed to the wind. Desperate, the man sets his parka on fire and waves it, but to no avail. Arctic stream Deutsch HD Quality Arctic ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2018 von Joe Penna mit Mads Mikkelsen und Maria Thelma Smáradóttir. Oktober 2020 – ab 2. Arctic Dogs (also known as Arctic Justice or Polar Squad in the UK) is a 2019 computer-animated comedy film co-written and directed by Aaron Woodley and co-directed by Dimos Vrysellas. Arctic Blast is a 2010 Australian-Canadian disaster film directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith and starring Michael Shanks, Alan Andrews, Alexandra Davies, and Saskia Hampele. », « Mikkelsen porte le film sur ses épaules plus monolithique que jamais et sans dialogue », Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée,, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à l'audiovisuel, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Direction artistique : Atli Geir Grétarsson, Production : Noah C. Haeussner, Christopher Lemole et Tim Zajaros, Sociétés de production : Armory Films, Pegasus Pictures et Union Entertainment Group, Sociétés de distribution : Bleecker Street. Is it any good? The website's critical consensus reads, "Arctic proves that a good survival thriller doesn't need much in the way of dialogue to get by -- especially when Mads Mikkelsen is the one doing the surviving. Scandi Noir in jedem Fall auch, weil es sich hier nicht um einen Action-Film handelt, sondern weil mit wenigen Mitteln Spannung erzeugt wird. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) In Belgien startete ‚Greenland‘ am 29. [6][7] Bleecker Street acquired U.S. and selected international rights out of the Cannes Film Festival. The film was shot over the course of 19 days in Iceland. [5], On 12 April 2018, the film was selected to compete for the Camera d'Or at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. Shortly after, he falls in a crevasse and is knocked unconscious. On the map, he locates a seasonal refuge that appears to be a few days' trek away. selon les conventions filmographiques. Das Spielen der Instrumente brachten sie sich dabei selbst bei. She does not speak English and only proves her alertness by squeezing his hand. 45 min He awakens to find himself at the bottom of a cavern with one of his legs trapped under a boulder. Overgård dresses her wound and takes her to his plane. One day, his supply of fish is raided by a polar bear. 41 min The event takes filmmakers on environmental excursions in the Arctic region and programs roundtable discussions moderated by HF Head of Production Benn Wiebe. The film stars the voices ofJeremy Renner,Heidi Klum,James Franco,John Cleese,Omar Sy,Michael Madsen,Laurie Holden,Anjelica Huston, andAlec Baldwin. Arctic Tale is a 2007 American documentary film from the National Geographic Society about the life cycle of a walrus and her calf, and a polar bear and her cubs, in a similar vein to the 2005 hit production March of the Penguins, also from National Geographic.It was directed by Adam Ravetch and Sarah Robertson and is narrated by Queen Latifah. Die Serie handelt von einer kleinen kanadischen Fluglinie. Appartenant au genre du film de survie, il s’agit du premier long métrage du réalisateur Synopsis. "[13], "Joe Penna was a YouTube sensation – now he has directed a serious film. Mit Maximilian Brückner und Clemens Schick. Le film reçoit une note moyenne de 3.3 sur AlloCiné. The series stars Iina Kuustonen, Maximilian Brückner, Pihla Viitala, Clemens Schick and Susanna Haavisto. Alors qu'il se croit sauvé par l'arrivée d'un hélicoptère, celui-ci s'écrase. Jahrhunderts. The Arctic Graboid is a Graboid species that appears in the film Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell. August. [8], As of June 2020[update], the film holds a 90% approval rating on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, based on 143 reviews with an average rating of 7.15/10. Le tournage, qui a seulement duré dix-neuf jours en Islande[2], a été qualifié par Mads Mikkelsen comme le plus difficile de sa carrière[3]. He closes his eyes as the helicopter lands behind them. Directed by Eric Paul Erickson, Jon Kondelik. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für arctic im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). The film was released on November 1, 2019 … He climbs it alone and sees a relatively smooth path in front of him, but cannot hoist the woman up using ropes. Returning to the woman's sled, he finds that she has recovered and decides to take her with him again. Arctic steht für: . Arctic Circle (Finnish: Ivalo) is a Finnish-German crime drama, which premiered on Finnish streaming service Elisa Viihde at Christmas 2018 and later on Yle. Sie dient zur Beförderung von Personal und Ausrüstung zu Forschungsstätten am Polarkreis der Erde. The film stars the voices of Jeremy Renner, Heidi Klum, James Franco, John Cleese, Omar Sy, Michael Madsen, Laurie Holden, Anjelica Huston, and Alec Baldwin. "Arctic Circle" hat diese Einfachheit, diese Schlichtheit, das ist ganz klein und trotzdem sehr stark erzählt. Movie Reviews Great Movies Collections TV/Streaming Features Chaz's Journal Interviews Reviews Arctic Nick Allen February 01, 2019. [10], Nick Allen of gave the film 2.5 stars out of 4, saying that the drama "largely subsists on the on-screen muscle of Mads Mikkelsen. Arctic Blast – Wenn die Welt gefriert - der Film - Inhalt, Bilder, Kritik, Trailer, Kinostart-Termine und Bewertung | Die Arctic One ist ein Erdtransportschiff des 22. He drives the bear off with a distress flare. With Joel Berti, Jennifer Lee Wiggins, Lauren Esposito, Charles N. Townsend III. They are relatively similar to both American Graboids and African Graboids.They are often associated with the common ancestors of both species. Arctic is a 2018 Icelandic survival drama film directed by Joe Penna and written by Penna and Ryan Morrison. Arctic Circle - Der unsichtbare Tod (3/10) Nina Kautsalo konnte den Hofbesitzer Raunola auf der Polizeistation in Ivalo überwältigen. After passing the furthest point he has made it from the plane, he runs into a steep slope not indicated on the map. A man stranded in the Arctic after a plane crash must decide whether to remain in the relative safety of his makeshift camp or to embark on a deadly trek through the unknown. Dabei hatten Turner und Cook, die Nachbarn waren, erst 2001 jeweils von ihren Eltern Gitarren zu Weihnachten bekommen. Arctic Circle - Der unsichtbare Tod (1/10) Die finnische Streifenpolizistin Nina Kautsalo entdeckt auf der Suche nach Wilderern in Lappland eine bewusstlose Frau. Anschließend gründeten sie mit Turners Schulfreunden Glyn Jones, Matt Helders und Andy Nicholson die Musikgruppe Arctic Monkeys. Overgård returns to the wreckage of the downed helicopter and finds some food, a propane cook stove, medical equipment, a sled, a map of the area and a photo of the woman, the pilot and their child, which he brings back for her. Welcome to the Arctic Film Festival, the world’s northernmost celebration of independent filmmaking! The pilot (Tintrinai Thikhasuk) is killed and the passenger (Maria Thelma Smáradóttir),[3] is severely injured and unconscious. Arctic (Film), ein Filmdrama von Joe Penna aus dem Jahr 2018 Arctic (Mineralwasser), eine polnische Mineralwassermarke Arctic (Unternehmen), ein Schweizer Hersteller von Computerhardware Arctic (Zeitschrift), eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift des Arctic Institute of North America Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Arctic (New York), im Delaware County Assuming her to be near death, he abandons her to continue his journey alone but leaves her with the picture. Sa sortie généralisée en France s'est faite le 6 février 2019. Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution. Arctic Film Festival was first started in September 2019, and is held annually at the only screening venue in Longyearbyen, Kulturhuset. Arctic Circle – Der unsichtbare Tod (internationaler Titel Arctic Circle, finnischer Originaltitel Ivalo) ist eine finnisch-deutsche Fernsehserie von Hannu Salonen mit Iina Kuustonen als finnischer Polizistin Nina Kautsalo und Maximilian Brückner als deutschem Virologen Thomas Lorenz. When the woman's condition does not improve, he decides he must risk the journey to the refuge to seek rescue. Arctic is a 2018 Icelandic survival drama film directed by Joe Penna and written by Penna and Ryan Morrison. Description. Arctic Circle - Der unsichtbare Tod (6/10) In Murmansk willigt Raunola nach wiederholter Folter ein, Lazar Cevikovic bei einer geheimen Mission zu helfen. With Mads Mikkelsen, Maria Thelma Smáradóttir, Tintrinai Thikhasuk. Le pilote est tué mais sa passagère a survécu. Exhausted, he lies down next to the woman, takes her hand and prepares to meet his fate. The next day, the woman's condition worsens. Finnisch-deutsche Thriller-Serie um ein tödliches Virus, das in Lappland freigesetzt wird. Die Originalfassung wurde in zehn Folgen ab dem 21. Da Nicholson bereits mit dem E-Bass … Arctic Graboids are a unique species found in the Arctic regions in North America. Greenland is a 2020 American disaster film directed by Ric Roman Waugh and written by Chris Sparling.The film stars Gerard Butler (who also co-produced), Morena Baccarin, Roger Dale Floyd, Scott Glenn, David Denman, and Hope Davis.The film follows a family who must fight for survival as a planet-destroying comet races to Earth.. "[9] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 71 out of 100, based on 30 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".
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