8,953. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related. She received her last award at the 2010 Kora All African Music Awards, the "Merit of the Jury" award for the second time. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Cesária Évora nemzetközi karrierje csak azután kezdődött, hogy 1988-ban Franciaországban megjelent első nagylemeze, a . www.cesaria-evora.com Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky . Profil: Internationally known Cape Verdean singer who combined styles including uptempo Coladeira and its lower-tempo derivative Morna (songs of sadness; both from Cape Verde). [7] In 2003, her album Voz d'Amor was awarded a Grammy in the World Music category. From 1995 to 2009, Évora recorded an album every two to three years and undertook long tours. Cesaria evora with one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard! Today’s Doodle celebrates world-renowned Cape Verdean singer Cesária Évora. A love of rum and cigarettes – part of her performance involved taking a break on stage for a smoke and drink while the band played an instrumental – alongside a no-nonsense approach to both audiences and media helped ensure her formidable reputation. Google Doodle pays tribute to singer", "Five things to know about Cesária Évora", Life and work of Cesária Évora, in Portuguese, Blog by the fans of Cesária Évora, the first page entirely in Portuguese, Vitae – Apoio à Cultura, Educação e Promoção Social, Grupo Ponto de Partida e o coro Meninos de Araçuaí, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Escuela Internacional de Cine y Television, Associação dos Artesãos de Santana do Araçuaí, Humberto Piva Campana and Fernando Piva Campana, Escola de Dança e Integração Social Para Criança e Adolescente, Associação de Sambadores e Sambadeiras do Estado da Bahia, Sociedade Junina Bumba Meu Boi da Liberdade, Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cesária_Évora&oldid=995453923, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Articles needing additional references from December 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Known as the "Barefoot Diva" for performing without shoes, Cecaria Evora is perhaps the most recognized Cape Verdean singer. I Will Survive. She was also a relative of the great Bana. In 1985, at the invitation of Cape Verdean singer Bana, she went to perform in Portugal. Explore releases from Cesaria Evora at Discogs. For her 1991 album Mar Azul (Blue Sea), Da Silva recorded Évora singing morna numbers backed by a small acoustic group. On her tour in Australia in 2008, she suffered a stroke. Cesária Évora In São Vicente island, Cape Verde, leaving a piece in an emblematic square in the historical area of the city of Mindelo, in collaboration with @kriolideias.cv.I took this opportunity to pay tribute to the great Cesária Évora, an extraordinary singer who captured the soul of her homeland, in connection with the world, and who lives on through her music. Album ... Eduardo Pecci : Saxophone, Perinho De Albuquerque : auteur . Cesária Évora ( 27 d'agostu de 1941 , Mindelo – 17 d'avientu de 2011 , Mindelo ), tamiém conocida como «a diva dos pés descalços», foi la cantadora cabuverdiana qu'algamó más sonadía internacional de tola história de la música popular. Sources. She was, she always emphasised, a good singer, and thus it was natural that people would enjoy hearing her. In Lisbon she was discovered by the producer José da Silva and invited to record in Paris.[5]. In 2009, she was made a knightess of the French Legion of Honour by the French Minister of Culture and Communications, Christine Albanel, the first Cape Verdean to become one. The singer Cesária Évora, who has died aged 70 after a long period of ill-health, rose from poverty on the Cape Verde archipelago to achieve worldwide fame in her later years. ... Giuseppe Di Stefano & Eduardo Moser. Bà là một trong số ca sĩ hát loại nhạc Morna nổi tiếng nhất trên thế giới. After becoming an orphan, Évora made a living from the age of 15 by singing in bars. ADVERTISEMENT. Miss Perfumado (1992) was backed by a BMG campaign that helped it sell more than 300,000 copies in France. Anh em họ của bà là một ca sĩ nổi tiếng khác Hermínia da Cruz Fortes . Her 2010 album Cesaria Evora is a collection of duets featuring famed singers like Adriano Celentano, Compay Segundo, Bonnie Raitt, and Goran Bregovic. [citation needed] Other Cape Verdean singers came to the house, including Djô d'Eloy, Bana, Eddy Moreno, Luis Morais and Manuel de Novas (also known as Manuel d'Novas), and it was there she received her musical education. Évora dated Eduardo de Jon Xalino when she lived at Rua de Moeda. Cesária Évora (IPA: [sɨˈzaɾiɐ ˈɛvuɾɐ]; * 27. Available with an Apple Music subscription. Ess caminho Cesária Évora (Mindelo, 27 de agosto de 1941 – Mindelo, 17 de dezembro de 2011) foi a cantora de maior reconhecimento internacional de toda a história da música popular cabo-verdiana.Apesar de ser sucedida em diversos outros géneros musicais, Cesária Évora foi maioritariamente relacionada com a morna, por isso também apelidada de "rainha da morna". This album was later released on CD in 1995 as Audiophile Legends. Hope you enjoy! Even after her health began to decline in 2005, she continued to work hard. Cesária Évora đã hẹn hò với Eduardo de Jon Xalino khi bà sống ở Rua de Moeda. Though success brought Évora considerable wealth, she remained a chain-smoking stoic who shrugged off fame's affectations and retained São Vicente as her home. The album reached number 6 in Poland and number 21 in France. 5. Portugal's neglect of its colony and the resulting struggle for independence, which came in 1975, provided an unpromising backdrop for Évora's early career. Cesaria Evora with one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard!Hope you enjoy! Eschewing false humility and proud of her heritage, Évora knew her own standing among the world's greatest vocalists. Her 1988 debut album, La Diva aux Pieds Nus (The Barefoot Diva), and a 1990 follow-up featured an electronic pop sound unsuited to Évora. Évora sang in Kriolu, a Creole language mixing Portuguese with the west African dialects of her enslaved ancestors. 2002 - Lágrimas Negras with Compay Segundo 2003 - Drop the Debt 2004 - Elle chante, with Bernard Lavilliers in the album Carnets de bord 2005 - Elle chante, with Bernard Lavilliers in the album Escale au Grand Rex 2007 - Quitte à t'aimer, with Hocus Pocus in the album Place 54 2008 - Petites îles with Nég' Marrons in the album Les Liens sacrés Angola Cesaria Evora Album: Miss Perfumado (1992) Angola Writer: Ramiro Mendes Note: Gm is optional, you can play C7 instead Watch Armando Tito's guitar solo on this song (live in Paris 1995) ANGOLA Intro C C7 C C7 Fm Gm Fm Angola angola C C7 C C7 Fm Gm Oi qu'povo sabe Fm C Ess vida sabe qu'nhôs ta vivê C7 C Parodia dia e note manché Gm Fm Sem maca ma cu sabura Fm C Ess vida … Her family was musical: her uncle B Leza was a noted morna composer. This page was last edited on 4 October 2019, at 04:19. Known internationally as the "barefoot diva," Cesaria Evora was the world's foremost singer of the morna, the indigenous music of Africa's Cape Verde Islands.The morna evolved as a hybrid of Portuguese fados, British sea shanties, and African rhythms, reflecting the island's history as a Portuguese colony and spot for British coal mining. Grammy nominations, critical adulation and the praise of famous singers quickly surrounded the chain-smoking, barefoot grandmother, yet Évora remained remarkably blasé about her newfound celebrity. Subscriber’s Daily Update. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Cesaria Evora at the Discogs Marketplace. . Cesária Évora GCIH (Portuguese pronunciation: [sɨˈzaɾiɐ ˈɛvuɾɐ]; 27 August 1941 – 17 December 2011), more commonly known as Cize, was a Cape Verdean singer-songwriter. Évora began singing morna…. $5.95 … Cesária Évora ( 27. srpna 1941 , Mindelo , Kapverdy – 17. prosince 2011 , Mindelo) byla kapverdská zpěvačka , přezdívaná Bosonohá Diva , protože na jevišti vystupovala vždy bosá . Cesária Évora ook bekend as Cize, (Mindelo, 27 Augustus 1941 - São Vicente, 17 Desember 2011) was 'n volksangeres van Kaap Verde.Sy was bekend as die 'kaalvoet-diva' omdat sy die gewoonte gehad het om kaalvoet op die verhoog te gaan. [4] In 1997, she won the KORA All African Music Awards in three categories, including "Best Artist of West Africa", "Best Album" and "Merit of the Jury". On the morning of 11 May 2010 she was taken off artificial pulmonary ventilation, and on 16 May she was discharged from the intensive-care unit and transported to a clinic for further treatment. Hennes repertoar bestod av folkmusik så som morna och coladera (två kapverdianska genrer), portugisisk fado och brasiliansk modinha Rated: 4.9867649 Duration: 226 seconds Video type: YouTube Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 14:42:11 PST Cet établissement a été inauguré en 2014 et fait partie des 12 collèges numériques de la Seine-Saint-Denis. item 6 Cesaria Evora, Evora, Cesaria, Very Good Audio CD - Cesaria Evora, Evora, Cesaria, Very Good Audio CD. Bà cũng là họ hàng với Bana. Complete your Cesaria Evora collection. 12 Danzas Españolas No. Her anti-diva behaviour was no affectation: when asked if she was impressed by performing at concert halls in the world's greatest cities, Évora shrugged and replied that if Cape Verde had access to the same resources, it too would have such venues. [4] Her 1992 album Miss Perfumado sold over 300,000 copies worldwide. He invited Évora to record for his tiny Lusafrica label. Cesária Évora GCIH (Portuguese pronunciation: [sɨˈzaɾiɐ ˈɛvuɾɐ]; 27 August 1941 – 17 December 2011), more commonly known as Cize,[1] was a Cape Verdean singer-songwriter. Subscriber’s Daily Update. 3,551. On 3 September 2013 her name was boosted publicly by the Belgian musician, On 22 December 2014 the Banco de Cabo Verde introduced a new series of banknotes that honor Cape Verdean figures in the fields of literature, music, and politics. Her face was featured in the new, Citing Évora's influence, American singer and song-writer, On 18 June 2014 a small new street in the, In 2014 or 2015, a street in the west of the Capeverdean capital of, Two species of fauna are named after her: a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae named, This page was last edited on 21 December 2020, at 03:15. Cesaria Évora: At Home on the Road These days, Cesaria Évora spends a lot of time delivering her unique vocal stylings to the four corners of the globe. Cesaria Évora: At Home on the Road These days, Cesaria Évora spends a lot of time delivering her unique vocal stylings to the four corners of the … Cesária Évora (fødd 27. august 1941 i Mindelo, daud 17. desember 2011) var ein songar frå Kapp Verde.Ho er kjend for å ha framført musikk i sjangeren morna.Ho framførte også songar i dei muntrare stilane coladeira og funaná frå Kapp Verde, og seinare i karrieren utvida ho også repertoaret med innslag av arabisk, kubansk og brasiliansk musikk. Le collège Cesaria Evora est un des 10 établissements publics de la ville de Montreuil. In 1985, the Lisbon-based Cape Verdean singer Bana invited Évora to Portugal to perform. She recorded the track "Ausência", composed by Yugoslav musician Goran Bregovic, which was released as the second track of the soundtrack of the film Underground (1995) by Emir Kusturica.
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