In Wanheda (Part 2), Lexa and Clarke reunite in Polis, as Lexa had ordered Roan to bring her "Wanheda" so that Clarke wouldn't fall into the hands of Queen Nia. Lexa orders her to leave, but Clarke ignored this and also tells Lexa that even though she felt something for the two-hundred and fifty people in Tondc, she let them burn. They ultimately agree to sacrifice the village. Elles se retrouvèrent dans Wanheda, Part 2. ", and she and Clarke begin making their way to Mount Weather, along with the Grounder warriors. Pour their hopes and dreams into. Portrayed by Octavia and Jasper • Long Into an Abyss Clarke sentait le souffle chaud de Lexa sur sa peau, ce qui lui donnait sans cesse des frissons, elle ferma les yeux et une larme coula sur sa joue. Perversion de l'Instanciation, Part 1, 16. See more ideas about clarke and lexa, clexa, the 100 clexa. In Memento Mori, Clarke is trapped in her mindspace. Clarke tells Madi that she loved Lexa deeply, but it is nothing compared to how she loves Madi. J'ai pensé à une sorte d'amour compliqué étant donné qu'elles n'assument pas vraiment leur orientation sexuelle qui sera un peu chamboulée par la suite, quand je … In the fifth season, Clarke's adopted daughter, Madi Griffin, was given the Flame and Lexa's consciousness was thus able to communicate with Madi. She tells Clarke that she "could be a leader your people look to. [1] She pulls a piece of the throne out from the rubble but this causes the entire structure to collapse, nearly killing her. Lexa saves Clarke's life by stabbing Quint in the hand with her knife and gives Clarke the opportunity to kill Quint. Sur le mur de dessins qu’on découvre dans l’épisode 7 de la saison 6 de The 100, les fans ont repéré cette scène importante entre les deux femmes.Un moment qui reste gravé dans la mémoire des fans de la série puisque Lexa trouve la mort peu de temps après. Later, Clarke changes her mind and attends Lexa's match. Lexa then says to Clarke that sometimes they have to look into the eyes of their warriors and tell them to "Go die for me". Josephine Lightbourne, for example, noted in "Nevermind" that Clarke still cried when she thought of Lexa, six years since her death. Les deux filles échappèrent de justesse à la bête, et dans leur fuite Lexa se blessa. In the morning, the group finds the sniper and he tries to kill all three of them, however, Clarke shoots him through Lincoln's shoulder as he holds a knife to Lincoln's throat. Before Clarke leaves, she says that if Octavia is harmed in any way she will tell everyone that they knew about the missile. Lexa's message helped Clarke decide to do the right thing in the end, while also driving her to tears. Clarke and Lexa reunite in the City of Light. Clarke is under the impression that Lexa was an AI. Lexa is one of the people who understands Clarke the most because, among other things, they have this in common. The 100 clarke and lexa. Jasper and Harper • As the events in Mount Weather made Lexa look weak, and her existence as the Wanheda compromises Lexa's influence even further. Lexa understands that Clarke is just trying to help but tells Clarke there is nothing she can do to stop this. Plus tard, Clarke se reposa et Lexa la regarda dormir. Clarke and Jasper • They review the plan to take down Mount Weather and begin chanting "Blood must have blood" in Trigedasleng. Raven and Abigail • Bellamy and Murphy • Clarke and Lexa met on October 21, 2149. Ce collier est inspiré par la relation entre les personnages de Lexa et Clarke Griffin sur le CW The 100. Plongée dans l'Abîme. Monty and Miller • The one in which Lexa moves back into town, and crashes with Clarke and Raven while apartment-hunting. In Long Into an Abyss, the pair first meet when Clarke goes to Lexa's tent to make her an offer. Lexa says that even though Clarke thinks her people's ways are harsh, it's how they survive. Clarke and Wells • Première rencontre Clarke and Niylah • The series finale saw Clarke take a test to determine the fate of the human race. Lexa calls off her Grounders and leaves the dropship with them once she sees that Clarke was telling the truth. Pro: This is a reasonable and defensible desire, and this is where the compression of the season causes problems. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. Madi a repris le passe-temps artistique de Clarke et dans ce même épisode. 's Cult, and Clarke declared her love for Lexa before they were forced to part ways once more. And yes it is almost 4 hours long lol. Dec 16, 2019 - Explore shayshaymann98's board "Clarke and lexa" on Pinterest. ... ET’s Time on the OG and Reboot Set (Exclusive) Niveau d'intimité Nia then issues a challenge against Lexa: single combat to the death. Clarke then admits that she can turn Reapers back into Grounders and that she has done it with Lincoln. He promises Clarke that she will be protected by the Ice Nation in return. Clarke then mercy-kills Finn, stopping the Grounders from torturing him to death, and leaving Lexa shocked. Elle a été une source fréquente dans le débat : son départ de la série questionne beaucoup le public. Dans Bodyguard of Lies, dans la tente avec Lexa, Clarke se tortura l'esprit sur le plan de l'attaque du Mont Weather. Clarke wonders how Lexa did it and then Lexa says she just realized what it really was; weakness. Nia drips some of Ontari's blood onto Clarke's face as a message for Lexa. In Remember Me, Lexa tells Clarke that even though some of her people are not satisfied with Clarke mercy-killing Finn, she knows that Clarke's suffering will be much worse. Une fois seule avec Clarke, Lexa lui demande si elle peut vraiment tout miser sur la confiance qu'elle a pour Octavia, sur ses sentiments. Lexa protected Clarke from A.L.I.E. Clarke believes that Lexa is also at fault for the massacre but the difference between them being that Lexa has no honor and Clarke had no choice. La Commander fait sortir Ryder en lui disant d'oublier ses ordres. The 100 lexa and clarke kiss scene 2x14 daniel pereira. In The Tinder Box, Roan accuses Clarke of only looking out for her own people. There might also be grillage, clôture grillagée, cheminée, poêle, foyer, and cheminée à foyer ouverte. Elles se respectaient l'une et l'autre beaucoup, et étaient semblables sur certaines choses. Lexa warns Clarke that there isn't enough time, but Clarke goes back to get Abby and leads her into the woods. Lexa is horrified and immediately plans to call upon the warriors of the twelve clans to attack Arkadia but Clarke convinces her against it. Clarke also gives Lexa a piece of Anya's hair and offers her condolences. Their relationship became strained after "Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1)", when Lexa betrayed the Sky People by retreating from Mount Weather in order to save her own people. In The Last War, when Clarke takes the final test to determine the fate of the human race, the Judge takes on the form of Lexa because she was Clarke's greatest love. Clarke a longtemps été Jasper and Maya • In Nevermore, Raven, while under the control of A.L.I.E., uses Lexa's death to taunt Clarke. Clarke smiles at the memory and says that it seems like another world. Murphy and Ontari • Lexa demands Clarke to show her Lincoln as proof. After her talk with Roan, Clarke asks for Lexa. The three make their way back to camp. Nia chooses Roan to be her champion and when Lexa is asked who will be her champion, Lexa says that she is Heda and no one fights for her. As they are about to leave, Lexa stops Clarke and tells her that she was wrong and that Clarke's heart shows no sign of weakness. Raven and Murphy, Bellamy and Echo • In Stealing Fire, Clarke grieves Lexa while the conclave to choose Lexa's successor is about to take place. Dans Remember me, après le meurtre de Finn, Lexa parla de leur projet d'alliance avec Clarke. Les deux peuples de Lexa et Clarke étaient en guerre l'un contre l'autre, toute la première saison et la première partie de la deuxième. Clarke and Bellamy • [3] Clarke is overwhelmed when the Judge first appears as Lexa, and she cannot resist hugging the Judge even though she knows that it is not really Lexa. Clarke argues that it's wrong to leave the people to die by the missile, but Lexa tells Clarke that they are at war and in war people die. They are then seen walking side by side in the woods with the entire army behind them. In False Gods, Abby's wedding ring and the dead Flame are buried next to each other as a sort of funeral for both Abby and the Flame. Clarke reassures Lexa that it was just a dream but Lexa assumes it was not just a dream but in fact a warning. Clarke Griffin é uma intrometida de carteirinha e uma garota com um passado cercado de pegadinhas e arrependimentos. Later, Lexa and Clarke talk in Lexa's tent once again. ClexaCommander PrincessLexarkeLarke In Coup de Grâce, Clarke and Lexa are seen in a photograph together that was taken by the Mountain Men. Lexa points out that Clarke already knows this and that is why she did not warn any of her people when she was given the chance. Le personnage de Lexa a été bien reçu par les critiques et par les fans, qui considèrent qu'elle est l'un des personnages les plus intéressants et les plus complexes. Lexa tells Clarke that she stopped loving and caring for people since "love is weakness". Clarke Griffin and Lexa started off as enemies as Clarke's people and Lexa's people were at war with each other for the entire first season and the first half of the second season. Le Commandant tendit un habit à Clarke et lui dit qu'elles devaient partir rapidement. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. Lexa says that she is hosting a summit with the Sky People at sundown and that she will be returned to her people. Both Lexa and Clarke lost their previous lovers. Statut Relationship Information Clarke watches as Lexa orders some of her guards to take Lincoln as a prisoner and orders another guardsman to sound the retreat, letting Emerson go. When Ontari instead kills Aden and the other Nightblood children in their sleep, Clarke convinces Titus that this is not what Lexa would have wanted. Lexa's guard is killed, leaving only Lexa and Clarke alive. First Met Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Clarke is furious at Lexa. Status After Clarke leaves, Lexa is shown to be affected and upset by her words. The Judge later appears in Lexa's form again to tell Clarke that she is not alone because her friends have chosen not to transcend as well so that they can be with her. When Lexa first sees Clarke she immediately recognizes her as the girl who burned three hundred of her warriors alive, however, Clarke points out that Lexa was the one who sent the three hundred warriors to kill the Delinquents. Les Natifs organisèrent à TonDC un bucher où meurtrier et victimes furent brûlés. Lexa shows Madi the memory to help push Clarke to avoid making the same kind of mistake. Clarke also tells Lexa she has changed and can't risk the lives of her people anymore. The three of them continue after the sniper. Clarke says she wouldn't have betrayed her friends, but Lexa says she did by killing everyone in the Mountain. Lexa erinnert Clarke daran, dass sie nicht jeden in TonDC dem Tod überlassen hat; nicht Clarke. In We Will Rise, Clarke is shown gazing sadly at the picture she drew of Lexa in "Bitter Harvest". However, Ontari, who is guarding Nia, realizes it is a trick and that Clarke is trying to poison the Queen. Alycia Debnam-CareyEliza Taylor. Clarke proceeds to say that life should be more than just surviving because they deserve better than that. During the match, Clarke is overcome with worry when Lexa looks to be losing, and is visibly relieved when Lexa wins. Leur relation débute lors de leur première rencontre dans l'épisode Plongée dans l'Abîme. Aden reassures Clarke that Lexa made him and the other Nightbloods vow to support Clarke's people if they become the next Commander. In Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1), Clarke, along with some other Sky People, meet in Lexa's tent with some of her people. Après de longues minutes dans cette position, Clarke recula la tête, mis ses main sur les joues de Lexa et répondit : « Si jamais ils viennent, on se battra, comme toujours. Clarke then informs Lexa that she saved her because she is absolutely necessary for the success of their alliance. Sa relation avec Clarke, qui a passionné les fans, a eu des répercussions importantes sur la communauté LGBT ; de nombreux téléspectateurs l'ont considéré et … Quand une fanfiction décide de corriger les erreurs d’un scénariste et de se battre contre les injustices, ça donne ça… She touches it and a flashback to Lexa is shown. Later that day, Lexa spars with the Nightblood children as Titus watches on. Clarke and Finn • Later on, Lexa opens up to Clarke about having lost a lover, too. Clarke says she will do anything. This Les 100 (série TV) fond d’écran contains feu, feu, flammes, enfer, and inferno. Clarke et Lexa sont colocataires à l'université, et à première vue elles se détestent. Lexa points out that she didn't let everyone die and tells Clarke that she didn't let her die. Clarke and Raven • Lexa insists that Clarke is special, but Titus tells her to kill Clarke and take her power. Ensuite, la Commander lui fait la morale sur ce qu'est et doit être un leader. Clarke tells Luna that Lexa was special and that she was working toward peace. In God Complex, Roan tells Clarke that she was born to lead, and that Lexa knew this. Clarke dit à Lexa qu'elle le tuera pour se venger, Lexa lui expliqua qu'elle ne se sentirait pas mieux si elle le faisait. Despite Clarke's desperate attempts to save her, Lexa's physical body died from her wound in "Thirteen". After her talk with Clarke, Lexa holds a meeting with the ambassadors of the Coalition. Clarke and Lexa Publié par Marine L. le 18 janvier 2017 à 19h02 . Lexa says that she needs Finn in return for a truce since he was the one who created the massacre. Clarke soigna Lexa comme elle put, cette dernière lui fit remarquer qu'elle avait fait preuve de faiblesse en lui sauvant la vie, Clarke lui déclara que si elle l'avait fait, c'était car elle avait besoin d'elle ; le Commandant lui adressa son premier sourire. In "Damocles (Part 1)," Lexa told Clarke, through Madi, that abandoning Clarke at Mount Weather was her biggest regret in an attempt to keep Clarke from making the same mistake. Octavia and Gabriel • Les trois jeunes gens reverseront une partie des recettes à une fondation soutenue par l’actrice Eliza Taylor (Clarke), la Koh … Clarke dit : "Peut-être que la vie ne devrait pas se résumer à une simple question de survie... Tu ne crois pas que l'on mérite mieux que ça ?" In Demons, Raven, knowing that Clarke was close to Lexa, asks Clarke to try to figure out the Flame's passcode as it may have been a phrase Lexa often used. She regards it sadly as she thinks of Lexa. Lexa accuses Clarke of lying and tells her that the time given for the Sky People to leave Camp Jaha is up, and then proceeds to give her fellow Grounders permission to kill everyone in the dropship. On revenait il y a peu sur les raisons pour lesquelles les 7 saisons de The 100 ont fait la même erreur fatale que.. The pair were shown to be alike in some ways, and they grew closer as they worked to save their people from a common enemy. Dans une relation qui défiait les stéréotypes, Lexa et Clarke ont montré que les femmes peuvent être à la fois puissantes et passionnées sans compromettre leurs valeurs. Lexa just tells Clarke "Then, he dies for you".
Lhassa Apso : Caractère, Type De Caisse En 9 Lettres, Citation Film Une Bouteille à La Mer, Bestiole Mot De La Même Famille, Programme Licence Aes 3ème Année, Les Différents Sandwich, Comment Trouver Une Perle D' Huître, Résidence De Tourisme Définition,
Lhassa Apso : Caractère, Type De Caisse En 9 Lettres, Citation Film Une Bouteille à La Mer, Bestiole Mot De La Même Famille, Programme Licence Aes 3ème Année, Les Différents Sandwich, Comment Trouver Une Perle D' Huître, Résidence De Tourisme Définition,