There are a lot of differences between the Bible and the Quran (Koran). Islam and the Bible - A Comparison of the Christian Scriptures with the Teachings of Muhammad, citing their own sources - the Koran and the Bible. The Qu’ran and Bible have given us many clues and details about the existence of a merciful and caring God. Reason 1. Bible vs Quran The difference between Bible and Quran sheds some light also to the difference between Christianity and Islam as these two books are the foundations of the two religions. Bible Coran Dieu crée le monde en 6 jours Dieu crée le monde en 6 jours puis il se repose. Pourtant, malgré les similitudes, les personnes et les événements n’ont ni le même contenu, ni le même sens. W. Rauschnebusch (2010) concludes that “since the creation of the world, the invisible character of God, his everlasting power and godhead, has been discerned through his visible works”. In chronological order Torah->Bible->Quran Prescript- PBUH means Peace Be Upon Him 1. The Quran was revealed upon Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). This type of comparison is something that I myself have done in the past. Adam et Ève son dans le jardin d’Éden. Comparison Between the Bible and the Quran. puis il « s’est assis en majesté sur le Trône ». Bible is a collection of smaller books written over a long time period in comparison to that of the Koran. The Bible teaches that God loves the world and sent Jesus to save people from their sins. However, it is actually inaccurate and misleading to compare the Bible to the Qur'an. The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, contains references to more than fifty people and events also found in the Bible.While the stories told in each book are generally comparable, there are also some notable differences. I have discovered if you have a basic knowledge of the Bible, it does not take a great amount of time to locate parallel texts. The Internet contains a number of sites containing the Koran and the Bible with the ability to search text. Jesus came to “seek and save that which was lost” . Le Coran, comme la Bible, raconte l’histoire du péché d’Adam et de sa femme dans le paradis, ainsi que celle de Moïse et de la traversée de la mer Rouge.Le Coran, comme la Bible, parle de Jésus, de Marie et de Jean-Baptiste. They are the holy scriptures of each religion that carry the beliefs on which each religion is built on. The book consists of commentaries authored by many men. s5 – Comparaison avec le Coran . In addition, woman's discharge of blood is considered a sin of which a woman has to repent! As Christians, we do not trust the Quran to be accurate. The Context of the Bible and Qur'an. The Bible consists of about sixty books. In fact, the Quran contradicts the Bible in many areas. Jesus said, “I am with you always …” (Matthew 28:20). Torah was revealed upon Prophet Moses (PBUH) . The Bible describes woman's period as if it is a highly contagious disease which can be passed to other people by touch. In the Bible, we have many prophets of God speaking on behalf of Him to the people. They are radically different in their origin, span of writing, number of authors, and content. This site consists of a number of verses from the Koran corresponding with parallel verses from the Bible. 2. There are two reasons for this. The Bible is the unfolding story of God’s relationship to man and his plan to redeem man from sin. The Bible (Injeel) was revealed upon Jesus Christ(PBUH). la Bible, " La Genèse ", II, 25 à III, 7 et le Coran, sourate II, 35 à 37. The Koran and The Bible compared The Koran: Muslims believe that the Koran (Qur‟an) was gradually revealed from Allah to Muhammad verbally through the angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) over a period of approximately twenty-three years, beginning in 610 AD, when he was forty, and concluding in 632 AD, the year of his death. The Qur'an revolves and evolves around Muhammad's life.
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