Lees artikel. Next, get rid of your old shampoo and begin your hunt for sulfate-free conditioners and styling gels. I use the curly girl method. I have not read the book, but it is on my to read list Hi Amber, thanks so much for your comment and I really appreciate your kind tone as well. I have now added Batiste dry shampoo (thank you Christina) and love it! I don’t do all the scrunching and upside down things. I also use a diffuser daily, if I let my hair air dry it is a flat lifeless mess. I will try out the conditioning recommendation next wash, though. I used to use biolage shampoo and conditioner and Ouidad curl shaping mousse. I’m going to take your recommendation and buy the online CG method book, but I already know from what I’m seeing online that it’s a rigid cult and I’ll be quickly ostracized for breaking many rules. Absolutely no-one at all: I have wavy, curly hair. I recently purchased the curly book which I’m yet to finish reading. My skin and scalp are super sensitive and I get buildup really really easy, so when I don’t use shampoo it can get ugly fast! It also lifts any sweat, oil, and dandruff that cling to your scalp, and allows you to wash them away more easily. I search and have tried many other products, but none do my hair very well. Hi! Its only taken me 40years to learn how to manage the curls but its easier to embrace them, then fight them…..and I’m also loving all the new products on the market, which I could have really used as a teenager. Curly Girl on tämän hetken kuumin kauneustrendi hiuksille. Meanwhile, Youtubers posted videos of themselves plopping at an angle so deep that it looked like I was watching WWE, and chatted cheerily about hair maintenance that seemed to have taken over their lives to the point of literally consuming roughly the amount of time one might devote to one’s absolute passion-hobby, or a second, part-time job. I’m intrigued in the Curly Girl method and would love to try it, but I’m not sure that my routine is all that different aside from using shampoo, and I don’t know if it would make a huge amount of difference to my hair, which curls and waves itself sporadically, whichever way it decides on the day! I thought everything was going well. “Don’t touch your hair” – guess what? And I ask you to please be respectful. Even when I straighten my hair, the frizz is there. I don’t feel like my curls are as curly as they were when I was CG but I am happy with them. It used to take me a long time to style my hair but I have a quick version now that works for me xx. I, like you, found it didn’t work for me. It’s actually very simple, just made complex by overly complicated ingredients in hair products. Rock on! As a teenager, my friends would often refer to my quality wool….ha ha!! I use MONAT products & have used them for 4 years now. It happened to me with Redken too. I fund that the curly girl method has good foundation, but everyone should do what suits their hair best!! Recently I asked for advice on a product to use for scrunch drying hair (I used to sometimes scruch my hair when I was younger but the product I used has been discontinued; wanted to maybe start doing it again sometimes for when I was short on time) and CGM devotees came out saying I should do this certain technique when washing my hair, routines using various combs/brushes, multiple products etc. I’m exploring all the methods and recommendations I can find so I can build the routine that works for me. No matter what your hair type is, we can help you to find the right hairstyles, Update your advertising tracking preferencesThe Right Hairstyles © Copyright 2021, PGlmcmFtZSB3aWR0aD0iMTAwJSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxMDAlIiBzdHlsZT0id2lkdGg6MTAwJTtoZWlnaHQ6MTAwJTsiIHNyYz0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vZW1iZWQveFh6bDR3QnBIWlU/cmVsPTAiIGZyYW1lYm9yZGVyPSIwIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4+PC9pZnJhbWU+, VO5 Moisture Milks Strawberries & Cream Conditioner, SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl and Style Milk, Curly Hair Styles That Are Perfect for Second-Day Wear, 60 Styles and Cuts for Naturally Curly Hair, Top 9 Essential Haircare Lines for Curly to Kinky Hair, 10 Best Anti Humidity Products (That Keep Your Hair Straight). thanks Simone, and I love hearing your routine – thank you for sharing! Coconut, rosemary, and tea tree oil are also on my NO WAY list. 2.) (I’ve also appreciated the comments from your readers!h. For those with more coily hair, a wash and go without styling or heat is suggested. Avoiding those has been a game-changer for me. I’d also like to hear from other long-term Kevin Murphy customers that are equally devastated by them discontinuing the Luxury Wash/Rinse line. The nicest part is that’s affordable and a little goes a very long way. Underneath its beautiful curls and the top layer feels like straw and is wavy. Had significant hair loss due to undiagnosed anemia, started back on birth control to keep it from happening again, and all the new hair is curly. Trim them off to really start fresh, and do it yourself to save money. British Curlies is dedicated to women and men with curly or wavy hair. Remember that even though every hair type has its own unique set of challenges, they are all beautiful in their own way. I miss my ringlets, but i do not miss the long curly hair routine at all, but espcially not the CG routine! It honestly feels like you get fanatic people on the curly girl side and curly haired people who encourage straightening. … is highly impossible.. I’m just starting my ” self discovery” on the things i should and not should do with my hair. Of course I started with the Deva Curl line, but the fragrances are killing me. I’ve gone to CG stylists and come back super unhappy and so sometimes just trim my own curls! Yes, at times I noticed a huge difference in my curls but I think that’s because it encouraged me to learn about my curls type and accepts my curls. I enjoyed reading this comment – you’re very witty and insightful! People comment all the time on my curls. This has been my go to, and all other shampoo/conditioner and leave-in styling products wasted $$. About every 14-18 days I use a less friendly CG shampoo (no sulfate, parabens but has silicones) as part of my routine and honestly those are my best hair days. Assuming you deep condition like a good curly girl you want to dry your hair as fast as possible. After my pregnancy my hair as a very slight wave to it only in the back. 21/11/2019. my thicker but very fine hair is having the same effect of “wet dog” that you describe. I already only shampoo once a week max, and use leave-in hair conditioner to style my hair. The ‘poo and ‘dish were those cute, squat little blue bottles of OGX original recipe, you know the ones, which made up for the lack of silicones involved by a significant proportion of haircare’s sweetheart, Argan oil; and the deep ‘dish (…henh) was Garnier Fructis Hair Food in the Repairing: Papaya variety, which not only had none of the aforementioned naughties, but also was so intelligently designed that not only could it be used as a deep conditioner but apparently also a leave-in, in a reduced dosage . Christina x. I don’t follow the CG method & I haven’t read the book. Curly Girl -metodilla taiot esiin luonnolliset kiharasi! And as much as my damaged hair cried out for moisture, feeding its high porosity thirst as recommended left it also weighed down. Sometimes I just need a good clarifying shampoo to make me feel fresh and clean. I don’t use any oil or hair serums since I love in The Caribbean and feel it just cooks my scalp and hair. I say, to each his own!! But then I’m not going to give up my Paul Mitchell The Conditioner leave-in because it doesn’t meet the criteria. Aside from the constant frizz and flyaways, there are split ends, tangles, greasiness, and breakage that keep coming back no matter what you do. I had been on a wavy curlygirl Facebook page for a while now. Switching to a tee-shirt was heavily encouraged, but all of mine were too small, so I just continued to use my existing turban-type hair-wrap that’s made out of chamois. Thank you for your honesty and a place for people to comment. I then diffuse upside down with low air and medium heat. I try to make it through my four day work week without having to rewet/wash it all over again. So far, I haven’t. Third my mom told me to use what is good for your , if my hair doesn’t look good what is the point of following any method, I started the CG method 4 months ago and it looks like s***e I used to love my serum I’m seriously thinking about going back as I’m fed up with not having good hair days at all and always putting it up in a frizzy up do:( x. Oh my god, i’m so happy to hear that your hair loves silicones too! I’m going to try the wide tooth comb idea again. Have you tried Kevin Murphy’s Angel Wash? It was really curly when she was little. Deep conditioners make my hair very oily and I don’t have time for oily hair. I like shampoo & I require a brush to style my curls. Mostly heat protectants, serums and some texture products too. The CGM method has its benefits, but it is also really strict and it takes FOREVER. Shhh! Do your research and ask the right questions before deciding. I keep up with the community, on certain sites and certain boards, and stay abreast of any new info that sounds to me like it might legitimately be worth an experiment, but I still bleach my signature colour, I still use Cureplex to maintain my hair’s health in spite of those effects, and I still use shampoo – and more than low ‘poo’s “apply small, massage big” rules recommend, since it’s also a fact that a little more product is actually a lot better for your wet, vulnerable hair than vigorous friction is. Couple things: CG doesn’t mean “don’t wash your hair”, you’re to wash at the frequency you do. How to best apply silicone products to your hair and not feel guilty! Why? The curly girl cult is a bit much, if I even ask a question about why a method doesn’t work I get my comments deleted. I’ve been following it maybe semi-properly. Hair Blog - Hair Tutorials - Curly Hairstyles and more, March 28, 2018 By Hair Romance 127 Comments. After your post.. maybe I should just relax on it a bit. Treseme Undone conditioner for co-washing and leave in. Once you’re settled, take the time to find a great hairstylist in case of emergencies. good point, and I like to vary how I wear my hair. Kinky Curly. The tresseme curly mousse has been my go to for about 8 years now! I see the hair changes everyone has had and how people with hair straighter than mine now has beautiful and curly and bouncy hair. When I do straighten I use SILICONE shampoo and conditioner. Oh, and every time I see my stylist I have her blow out my hair. I had no idea how wavy my hair is naturally and I love it. Since it’s not helping me at all with the knots abyway. It frustrates me to see curly hair discriminated against and that many people see straight hair as “professional”. ? I pineapple my hair before bed, usually leaving the ends tucked into the bottom of the scrunchy because I find otherwise the ends get flattened still while I sleep. Did I mention I expect perfection? Curly Girl Method : de quels produits avez-vous besoin ? Then some spray or product to help define the curls, actually twisting some strands to help shape them. Especially oil, conditioner & shampoo. I was doing the CGM for months. I don’t believe CG properly addresses the MAJOR differences between thick, coarse curly hair and fine, thin curly hair. Of course I have written to Deva so many times complaining about the change of the product. I’ve wanted it all my life. Ha! Since you are getting such nice comments and support here can we get hair romance method? Curly Girl Boutique Subscription Boxes Curly Girl Boutique offers 4 different subscription boxes to curb your fashion fix! However, if anyone has any advice on how to still choose healthy hair products that would be awesome! Plus, it just doesn’t feel clean. I thought it was ridiculous. Hi! People always want to know what I do. I’ve had curly hair all my life, and have had issues finding a good hair dresser I can trust. Very few systems are suitable for everyone, when followed religiously. My dream come true! Thank you for helping me love my curls… after 50 years!!! Before you begin, it’s important to remember what not to use. If the company changes the formula to something that I am sensitive to, the process of finding something new is expensive and time consuming. I haven’t used heat in a year but that’s entirely because I don’t like to flat iron my hair. has the patience of Job. It’s not useful to have a good brand if you don’t know how to use it. I just want my pretty curls back! I am loving your site and tutorials! The frizz was gone immediately. I would also say be wary of curly deva cuts. That’s not true for everyone but there are ways to arrange even the most kinky curls beautifully without a blow dryer or flat iron. As a mom of three myself, I resorted to daily harmful straightening in order to feel “pretty”. So I took the plunge. (My curl pattern is almost identical to yours Christina, except I have some tighter curls around my hairline). After you’ve wet your hair, distribute the conditioner throughout your scalp (you can use a special shampoo brush) and massage it in completely using your fingertips, not your nails. I have joined the Aussie CG group on Facebook but I am yet to read any of the information. 95 ($2.37/Fl Oz) Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 11. I will keep growing my hair and I will return to curly when it’s long enough to tie back. Just wow. Plus I totaly agree, everyone has there own type of hair, so just use what you like. Curly Girl -tuotteissa ei saa olla sulfaatteja, kuivattavia alkoholeja eikä silikoneja. I do use deva curl cream, I haven’t found one I like more. The focus is on the hair, and yes they suggest certain methods for cleaning the scalp with sugar scrubs, etc, but they never touch on what to do for your curls if you have chronic scalp issues such as dermatitis. Using a thermal cap *did* make my mask treatments more effective. I’m 51 now. I agree with you that the method is best suited to a different hair type to mine. Plus, I can’t be bothered looking for ingredients while in the store I’m far too lazy for that. I was introduced to Curly Girl by a stylist back in 2009. La méthode No Poo pour cheveux bouclés est basée sur le livre « Curly girl » (CG) de Lorraine Massey. However I have shampoo’s with and without sulfates: every other week I wash my hair with a sulfate shampoo… and always followd by a hydrating masque or leave-in. Depending on how dry your scalp gets, this can be done as seldom as once a week. I believe you are right for several reasons first it is just hair and supposed to be fun not strict , second the belief of using natural ingredients is a little bit funny , natural ingredients means it is not factory processed! CG has also made me dislike my hair. My hair was less greasy at the roots because I wasn’t over producing oils, and I stopping having so much product build up. I have wavy hair and I’m trying to find the best methods for my hair. Same here. No? Massey recommends a side part to avoid that awkward triangle shape, but any that you prefer works perfectly fine. I’ve been using Kevin Murphy Luxury Wash and Luxury Rinse for over 10 year, and Easy Rider for styling – no hair dryer, don’t own one. I love coloring my hair and use heat stylers once in a while! I’ve been following the CG method on and off for 3 years. Hi, I'm Christina and welcome to Hair Romance. I co-wash, condition in the shower, finger combing the conditioner through, then I apply my product to my wet,not just damp hair, while still in the shower.I use a Deva towel to dry my hair, and twist my hair to form more conformed curls, separate them when they are done air drying. Let air dry the rest of the way. I have followed the CG method since august. Thanks so much for this. Everyone’s hair is different. It’s so lovely of you to comment. When I use gel, it makes my hair look very stringy and when I break the cast by scrunching, it doesn’t work. I’m willing to experiment a little but I’m not going to break the bank, so if I can’t seen to find a good solution then it’s back to silicones, no hard feelings. I have two main issues with CG method, which I tried for a couple of months with disastrous results (i.e. Curl creams don’t work for my hair since the amount of product I need to get the hold and reduce frizz turns my head into a grease bomb which results in skin breakouts. And, that doesn’t make me a bad person! A buffet approach is generally the only one that serves the individual best. She gave me other products to try that actually caused a scalp reaction. My hair takes 2-3 hours to straighten. HOPE this helps! My hair has medium volume, but each strand is very fine. A few years back she wanted it straight or to cut it all off and that is how I found the CG method. Who cares!? Quelle est la méthode Curly Girl? Marc Jacobs sulphate free shampoo approx once a week or as needed, You can find it here on Amazon. But in essence, Lorraine wants you to avoid: She doesn’t advocate the use of any heat, though diffusing on low heat can sometimes be okay. I don’t follow the CG method but it isn’t about ‘natural’ ingredients at all. While I’m cognizant of what I use for shampoo and conditioner, I can’t deal without my curl control mousse and also gel. I get loads of positive comments and people are always asking if its natural. I tried the curly girl method, and I stuck it out for three months, but my hair looked like a frizzy, stringy mop the entire time. I use a wet/dry brush to get all the hair that has fallen out during the course of the week, and my brush has boar bristles so it smooths out my hair and forms my curls beautifully. If you’re using a product not listed above, don’t panic. I LOVE my curls, don’t get me wrong.. but you know what I love more? Hi there, this is a really interesting post, thank you. That’s also the case with conditioners of a heavier type. Once you’ve entered all the ingredients, hit “Submit,” and the verdict will be on its way! I realized how many people in my life lied to me when I saw my pictures from a cruise on formal night. Then air drying. Have fun! Now after a lifetime of working with my hair and getting to a place where I loved it I’m not sure why I even tried CG, but then just recently I read an article on this topic and how with fine curls they need more washing, less conditioning, diffusing maybe even upside down for body and once dry the more you touch them and tousle them the better they look. I think I am going to go flat iron my hair (because now I know I won’t burn in hell if I do). Just one question, would you recommend a Brisbane based hairdresser for a great cut? They can only think HEAT! Suggestions? Cheers! I have found that by not shampooing (most of the time, let’s face it there are just times that you need the suds to get rid of all the build up) and not brushing my hair (just finger comb and sometimes a wide tooth comb in the shower) my hair has formed better curls, shines more, and is less frizzy. Since then she loves her hair but she does not put a lot of product on it. It’s a lovely light formula x. I have used Calia shampoo and conditioner it does not lather but works very well for my curly hair, it is all organic, you should give it a try. It was really tacky looking and embarrassing. Marque créée par Shelley Davis originaire de Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines. Thanks for sharing the idea! I began using that as my only styling product and it made a world of difference. I tell people in the fb group I’m in (when they ask because they love my hair) that I don’t flow cgm strictly, and tell them the products I use (I am partial to all things AG brand) and always, one person has to hop in and say “that’s not cg approved, it has x”. I think people should do research on their own, and ultimately decide which methods/products work best for them. So I posted my findings in the group. CG has heavily complicated my hair routine and has me overthinking every thing I do. I have just started GCM and I feel that, to have an educated opinion, I will follow it strictly for, at least one year and will seen then. Curly Girl Methode – schon einmal davon gehört? My hair is fine. 105 talking about this. The biggest frustration is finding someone who cuts my hair the way I want it. It would take all night. And my products. I almost immediately went back to straightening my hair. Any thoughts? I’m just starting to discover what works for my hair and get it to a good condition that I love. A few of the admins were quite passive-aggressive towards new members too, demanding that they “kindly” (anything but) read the multitude of files and complete learning units before posting ANYTHING. Thanks for this info, Rho. In fact, I shower shampoo/ condition the heck out of my hair, gel, and go to sleep. Coconut oil!!! Next, distribute the conditioner throughout the rest of your hair and untangle your hair slowly and gently using either your hands or a wide-tooth comb. Anyway, I got on board with the CG method when it first came out in 2002 and have been off and on the bandwagon ever since. And yes, I froze my head off trying to plop my hair in the middle of winter! Just dont’ drive yourself insane, like I did, with over-researching products and spending more than you have to. It is the dry, silicone-laden frazzled ends hair that’s been bleached, dyed back, then bleached again that is unpredictable – and I’m sorry to say, but it doesn’t look great either in my opinion. I’m 21 and have had wavy hair since it got too heavy for the ringlets I had as a young girl. All I wanted to do when I started hair romance was to help one person, and I’m so happy to hear that I’ve done that xxx. Since I’ve been following this method, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my curls. I tried to follow the CG method for about 4-5 years. I followed the CG method for almost two years. This stimulates the hair follicles and strengthens the roots. I also found a product from Shea Moisture called a curl enhancing smoothie which I started a few days prior to conditioner only. I’ve lived with my hair for decades and have my own ways of working with it and the way I like it. I did realise that brushing the crap out of my hair so I can put it in a bun and not tickle my husband’s nose when he is curled up behind me probably needs to stop… I know myself that I’m damaging my hair (that awful tearing noise…). As my hair got a bit longer from my drastic cut that I had to do when it was mostly fallen out, I realized that just running a comb through it was not going to work. Just awful. I hope I haven’t come across as defensive, because I’m not trying to be. One of the most popular curly hair care philosophies is known as the “curly girl” method. The people in the group are mostly supportive at least lol. by danapetras ÎNGRIJIREA PĂRULUI CREŢ, METODA CURLY GIRL Leave a comment. I say that as someone who’s spend hundreds of pounds on products that promised to improve my curls and now have a sore, itchy and scabby scalp. I’m back to curly again and I’m more or less following the CG method, or at least my version of it. I’ve been doing the curly girl method for like 6/8 months.
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