With this design, the top-flow cooler can carry two SilentWings® fans with a diameter of 135mm and manages a TDP of up to 220 watts at a maximum of 26.7dB(A). Dessen Drehzahl ist auf rund 1.400 U/min begrenzt. For all our cooling reviews we test using the LGA-2011 socket and in this section we’ll be demonstrating how Dark Rock TF is installed on this particular configuration. Pour ce dossier, nous avons utilisé une carte mère Asus Maximum VII Hero et un processeur Intel Core i7-4790K. Test • bequiet! Dark Rock TF : Test et Avis. Kompromisslos leise Kühlung der Superlative Anspruchsvolle, übertaktete Systeme in kompakten Gehäusen effektiv und leise zu kühlen, ist keine einfache Aufgabe. I bought the Be Quiet Dark Rock TF for the looks for the Lian Li Q10 build - was supriced that it placed so low. CORSAIR Acquires Visuals by Impulse - Creator of Stream Designs, Warnings Raised of Inflated RTX 3060 Pricing at Launch, NZXT Recalls H1 Computer Cases Due to Fire Hazard, Secure AM4 CPU with GELIDs AMD CPU Protection Bracket, Colorful iGame RTX 3070 Advanced OC-V Review. A couple weeks ago we got a chance to take a look at the Shadow Rock LP cooler, designed to fit in a low profile chassis, and today we're going to look at the recently released Dark Rock TF. Par Philippe Vautier 29 juin 2015, 8 h 49 min 2.1k Vues. Dark Rock TF CPU Cooler review. Dark Rock TF est le ventirad top flow de la marque, voyons au travers de ce test comme ce dernier se comporte sur Core i7 4770k. Before proceeding with installation, lay out all accessories and cross reference the package content with the illustrated user’s guide. Dark Rock Pro 4 review: Insane CPU cooling performance Shhh. Cooler Master MasterCase MCM-M500M-KG5N-Cooler Master MasterCase MCM-M500M-KG5N-S00 Computer Case - Micro ATX, Mini ITX, EATX, ATX Motherboard Supported - Mid-tower - Ste more inf Cookies on bequiet.com. The Dark Rock TF is be quiet’s latest top-flow CPU cooler which seeks to offer the perfect blend of silence and performance. DARK ROCK TF . Have the Raijintek Pallas on my living room rig cooling a G3258 and I thought it was great.Quote. Dark Rock TF est le ventirad top flow de la marque, voyons au travers de ce test comme ce dernier se comporte sur Core i7 4770k. Be quiet! rock_tf_test_002 Related เรื่องก่อนหน้านี้ ← Previous; Next → Share This Post: ค้นหา. « Closer Look at the Be Quiet! Copyright © Vortez LTD. 2008-2018 All Rights Reserved. Den Dark Rock TF stattet be quiet mit sechs 6-mm-Heatpipes und einem 135-mm-Lüfter aus. Ventilation en mode PWM Cliquer pour agrandir. One of the hardest things to do in a compact PC is quietly cool a high-performance CPU even in extreme overclocking conditions. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for be quiet! They carry heat to the optimum location on the cooling fins. Accompanying this sleek heatsink are two SilentWings 135mm cooling fans which use 6-pole motors to achieve superb airflow and low-noise. Reply. Dark Rock TF sera testé, dans un premier temps, avec la ventilation à 100% qu’elles qu’en soient les conditions (IDLE ou en pleine charge). ZEN3 RAM CHOICE: 3200Mhz CL14 Vs 3600MHZ Cl16 or 4000Mhz Cl19! Virtually inaudible Silent Wings 135mm PWM fan ; Achieves only 21.4dB(A) at maximum fan speed; Six high-performance copper heat pipes; Airflow-optimized, wave-contoured … Vote. Dark Rock TF Review. be quiet! Test du ventirad Dark Rock TF de Be Quiet! Dark Rock TF from us. be Quiet! Le … The cooler is their strongest performer on the block, the flagship product intended to cool down the most gnarly processors. Posted by. Armed with totally black looks and a very silent fan, the new Dark Rock 4 might be able to impress you. Il prend place dans la série chargée de représenter le haut de gamme chez bequiet et cela se voit à la finition. The new Dark Rock TF consists of two nickel-plated heat sinks that are interconnected by six performant heat pipes in 6mm format. Le be quiet! Rather than boring and bland, this new sleek, dark nickel-plated offering also looks aggressive. [USA-CA][H] ROG Zephyrus m15 gaming laptop, yuel beast case and be quiet dark rock tf [W] local cash or paypal. Dark Rock TF CPU Cooler review. A pleine vitesse, le Dark Rock TF maintient notre CPU à 30°C en IDLE, ce qui est un bon résultat. Be Quiet ! The special black coating with ceramic particles makes a perfect transfer of heat possible. Airflow-optimized, wave-contoured cooling fins with small dots on their surfaces increase the air circulation. Endnu en luftkøler fra tyske be quiet! Silence! My whole rig is in an Ncase M1. Erschienen: Juli 2015; Details zum Test; ohne Endnote. Le radiateur fait 162.6mm de longueur, 140mm de largeur et 108.8mm de hauteur, tout cela sans ventilateur. Jetzt Testfazits lesen bei Testberichte.de! The Dark Rock Pro 4 offers slightly better noise performance than the NH-D15 at the same level, so if going for a quiet build is your main priority, then spend a few more bucks and go for the Dark Rock Pro 4. Buy Arvutijahutid from Listan´s be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 is quieter but worse … C'est un nouveau venu que nous allons testé aujourd'hui, il s'agit du be quiet! Diese bieten beim Dark Rock TF dank langlebigem Fluid-Dynamic-Lager und laufruhigem 6-Pol-Motor eine Lebenserwartung von rund 300.000 Stunden. Dark Rock TF’s appeal will likely stem from its ability to be situated in cases with restrictions for the physical dimensions. meistert diese perfekt. Pick which one you think looks best in your next build. SELLING. Dark Rock Pro 4 … Dark Rock Pro TR4 has been designed to work with Threadripper CPUs, something that wasn’t supported with the Dark Rock Pro 4. Installing the Dark Rock TF CPU Cooler. A couple weeks ago we got a chance to take a look at the Shadow Rock LP cooler, designed to fit in a low profile chassis, and today we're going to look at the recently released Dark Rock TF. Dark Rock TF und Shadow Rock LP richten sich beide an Besitzer kompakter Systeme. Related … News. I would expect to add a couple degrees for a small case with less airflow. Featuring dual heat sinks with anti-vibration rubber inserts, six 6mm heat pipes with aluminum caps, two virtually inaudible Silent Wings 135mm … SELLING. must have missed the memo with the The special black coating with ceramic particles makes a perfect transfer of heat possible. Selling my laptop because I have no real use for it since I hardly ever go out and already have a pc at home. Pick which one you can get cheapest; Both are great choices for air cooled, high-end setups. Top-flow cooler designs tend to come across as a little stale these days, but be quiet! Dark Rock 4 CPU Cooler. This 95W TDP CPU falls well inside the limits of the Dark Rock TF and at stock clocks it … Offering ultra-low noise levels and a surprising level of performance, it might just be what you are looking for. Der CPU-Kühler Dark Rock TF von be quiet! Dabei setzt der Hersteller auf eine ungewöhnliche Sandwich-Bauweise mit zwei Kühlkörpern. : - Kraftvolle 220W TDP Kühlleistung - Zwei nickelbeschichtete Kühlkörper mit Anti-Vibrations-Gummielementen - Sechs … Dark Rock TF: CQFD. Puis est apparu le NH-C14 de Noctua. Locked Out of most ThrottleStop and Intel XTU settings i7-8750h, Bought from Goodoffer24 after TPU advertised. Here's my Be Quiet! The Dark Rock Pro 4 offers slightly better noise performance than the NH-D15 at the same level, so if going for a quiet build is your main priority, then spend a few more bucks and go for the Dark Rock Pro 4. The be quiet! DOUBLE-TOWER LAYOUT. bequiet.com uses cookies (including from 3rd parties) to collect information about the use of the website by users. already has a lower-profile version in the Dark Rock TF, with the Dark Rock Slim the German company adds a slim, single-tower design to the family. Case Computer; CPU Processors. Probably, but I like running cool and quiet. 10-08-2016, 15:08:21 . Anyway, the Dark Rock TF keeps my Ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.75 GHz at a cool 30 C while browsing (drops to 25 C at idle) and maxes out at 61 C running Folding at Home. If you are saying that poor fitting is the reason they don't perform well, then the test results are not representative of the coolers performance.Quote. I got burnt after a drive failure. Page 1: IntroductionPage 2: Features & Specifications Page 3: Packaging, Bundle & FansPage 4: Closer LookPage 5: Installation ProcessPage 6: Clearance PCI Express/MemoryPage 7: Test Setup & MethodologyPage 8: Benchmarks: Stock PerformancePage 9: Benchmarks: Overclocked PerformancePage 10: Benchmarks: Passive PerformancePage 11: Benchmarks: Chipset PerformancePage 12: Benchmarks: Thermal Paste ComparisonPage 13: Conclusion. The first item on our list is mounting the fans. The Dark Rock Pro series of coolers have been around for quite some time, and is the answer to the Noctua NH-D15/15, being a dual-tower CPU air … Sur ce test, notre sample se comporte très bien ! Dabei könnten sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein. The SRP for Dark Rock TF is as follows: $79.90 USD / £62 GBP / €86 EU. 10-08-2016, 15:08:21 . Be quiet! Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Écrit par Thierry C. | 29 Juin 2015. Top-flow cooler designs tend to come across as a little stale these days, but be quiet! DARK ROCK TF No Compromise Silence and Performance. be quiet! Le Top flow, cette aberration dans le monde du cooling qui consiste à évacuer vers le bas l'air chaud dégagé par le CPU, se montrait rarement performant, mais restait un allié certain lorsque la place manquait. BK008 Pure Rock Slim - CPU Cooler - 120W TDP- Intel 1150 / … We test and review the Be Quiet! And while be quiet! The cooler is their strongest performer on the block, the flagship product intended to cool down the most gnarly processors. Dark Rock Pro 4, BK022, 250W TDP, CPU Cooler. Dark Rock TF (BK020) im Test der Fachmagazine. Dark Rock TF utilises a dual-heatsink design which in essence should provide us with good results. be quiet!’s top-flow cooler Dark Rock TF offers a solution to this challenge. DARK ROCK 4 No Compromise Silence and Performance. Model # is … Auteur : Jérôme Gianoli Dans Refroidissement 26/05/2015 2 commentaires. BeQuiet Dark Rock TF im Test - Hardbloxx. Negativ: Lüfter hörbar bei hohen … Rather than boring and bland, this new sleek, dark nickel-plated offering also looks aggressive. must have missed the memo with the Dark Rock TF. Ob er etwas taugt, erfahrt ihr hier bei uns im Test auf Hardbloxx.de! The Dark Rock TF – TF meaning Top Flow – is the latest cooler by be quiet! Top-flow cooler designs tend to come across as a little stale these days, but be quiet! Top-Blow-Kühler im Test - ComputerBase. Attanquons par les dimensions de la bête, puisque le Dark Rock TF est imposant. One of the hardest things to do in a compact PC is quietly cool a high-performance CPU even in extreme overclocking conditions. gibt zudem eine TDP von ganzen 220 Watt an, mit einem Lüfter sind es immer noch 150 Watt. Dark Rock 4 offers an extreme cooling performance of 200W TDP and virtually inaudible operation. It strikes the perfect balance between cooling and serenity with absolutely no compromise in silence and performance. Le be quiet! So ausgerüstet soll sich der neue CPU-Kühler ausgezeichnet für übertaktete Systeme und anspruchsvolle Multi-GPU-Plattformen eignen. Anti-vibration rubber inserts on the cooling fins of … https://www.vortez.net/articles_pages/be_quiet_dark_rock_tf_review,7.html We test and review the Be Quiet! Læs med, når vi tester den store Dark Rock TF. Have the Raijintek Pallas on my living room rig cooling a G3258 and I thought it was great.Quote. หมวดหมู่ข่าวสารและรีวิวต่างๆ. It easily tackled the heat generated from overclocking in my Phanteks Enthoo Primo test case, which is a very large case with plenty of airflow. We test and review the be quiet! Anti-vibration rubber inserts on the cooling fins of … Introduction Today is a fantastic day, as we\'ve got the latest and hopefully one of the greatest be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 is equipped with seven advanced technology 6mm copper heat pipes that maximize the heat conductance. Comme on peut le voir le Dark Rock TF est plutôt compact pour un ventirad « Top Flow » équipé de 2 ventilateurs, en effet malgré sa largeur de 14 cm et sa profondeur de 16.2 cm il ne fait que 10.8 cm de hauteur, ce qui pourra de manière certaine intéressé les possesseurs de … Passons maintenant la ventilation en mode PWM. Unlike an AIO, this doesn't sound like a vacuum even when running at 100%. STEP 1 The first step in the processing of installing Dark Rock TF is to attach four standoff screws to the four corners of the socket plate. The_Governour. be quiet! Featuring dual heat sinks with anti-vibration rubber inserts, six 6mm heat pipes with aluminum caps, two virtually inaudible Silent Wings 135mm … The Dark Rock Pro series of coolers have been around for quite some time, and is the answer to the Noctua NH-D15/15, being a dual-tower CPU air cooler. ASROCK. … Im Test: »Sehr gut« urteilen »gamezoom.net« & Co Hat der Dark Rock TF (BK020) von Be Quiet! Der Dark Rock TF ist BeQuiets neuster TopFlow-Kühler. C'est un ventirad au format Top Flow, c'est à dire que le flux est dirigé vers la carte mère. They carry heat to the optimum location on the cooling fins. Une aberration lui aussi puisque son gabarit l'empêche de s'introduire … The Dark Rock TF is perfect for your daily driver or an overclocked gaming rig. I bought the Be Quiet Dark Rock TF for the looks for the Lian Li Q10 build - was supriced that it placed so low. Intel: 775/ 1150/ 1151/ 1155/ 1156/ 1366/ lga2011(-3) square ILM/ 2066 CPU coolers on the eTeknix test bench. er landet på redaktionen. If you are saying that poor fitting is the reason they don't perform well, then the test results are not representative of the coolers performance.Quote. Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black Edition CPU Air Coolor, Silencio FP120 Fan, 4 CDC 2.0 Heatpipes, Anodized Gun-Metal Black, Brushed Nickel Fins for AMD Ryzen/Intel LGA1200/1151. No Compromise Silence and Performance. IT News; Overclock News; Press Release; Review. is a company that's all about keeping the level of noise generated by a PC at a minimum. Preis/Leistung: 80%, „Gold Award“ „Positiv: Starke Kühlleistung; Abmessungen; Lautstärke in fast allen Drehzahlbereichen; Verarbeitung; Optik. auch Schwächen? Le voilà, le Dark Rock TF. be quiet!’s top-flow cooler Dark Rock TF offers a solution to this challenge. Dark Rock TF | Test System and Benchmarks » Installation of the BeQuiet Dark Rock TF. Du lourd chez les top flow . Erschienen: Mai 2015 ; Details zum Test; ohne Endnote „Redaktions-Empfehlung“ Erschienen: Mai 2015; Details zum Test; 91%. Dark Rock 4. dark Rock TF offers the best performance-to-noise ratio for compact PC systems. Ensuite, nous repasserons le tout en mode PWM afin de voir comment se comporte l’ensemble lorsqu’il est géré par la carte mère. First up is the single-tower Dark Rock 4, which stands 159.4 mm tall with a total depth of 96.3 mm (73 mm heatsink) and a width of 136 mm. These cookies help us provide you with the best online experience, to continually improve our website and present you with offers that are tailored for you. Offering ultra-low noise levels and a surprising level of performance, it might just be what you are looking for. Zu seinen Top-Leistungsmerkmalengehören u.a. Close. We have quick delivery, etc. Dark Rock TF has six high-performance 6mm heat pipes with aluminum caps. The special black coating with ceramic particles makes a perfect transfer of heat possible. Dark Rock Tf, BK020, 220W TDP, CPU Cooler at Amazon.com. Perfect for overclocked systems and demanding workstations. RGB effects: Trident Z Royal Vs Spectrix D60g which one is the cooler? AMD CPU Processors; Intel CPU Processors; Gaming Gear; Graphics Cards. Pick which one you think looks best in your next build. Prior to performing your install, I recommend doing a little prep work beforehand. Dark Rock TF. En charge, lorsque notre CPU est exploité à 100%, la température monte à 49°C. Dark Rock TF, le montage. Dark Rock TF Testing: Testing of the Dark Rock TF will be accomplished by installing the cooler into the test system case, rather than a test bench. Pure Rock 2 Black, BK007, 150W TDP, CPU Cooler, Elegant Black Surface, HDT Technology . The_Governour. Is this cooler overkill? Powerful cooling for your components. Trades: 3. just now [USA-CA][H] ROG Zephyrus m15 gaming laptop, yuel beast case and be quiet dark rock tf [W] local cash or paypal. 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AMD Graphics cards; NVIDIA Graphics cards; Memory Module; Monitors; Motherboards; Power Supply Units; … Dark Rock TF has six high-performance 6mm heat pipes with aluminum caps. Der Dark Rock TF ist das erste Top-Flow-Modell aus be quiet!s High-End-Serie. Disconnecting the case fans starved the Dark Rock TF of cool air and ruined the test. It's a beautiful cpu cooler with very decent performance too. must have missed the memo with the Dark Rock TF. The Dark Rock Pro 3 secondary tach reading reported 2080 RPM at 100%, while the Dark Rock Pro 4 secondary tachometer shows a reading just …
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Théâtre Téléchargement Gratuit, Prime Ancienneté Monaco, Classement Puissance Militaire Mondiale, Gros Dormeur Mots Fléchés 8 Lettres, Gestuelle Des Mains Amoureux, Point Vision Bourgoin-jallieu, Prologue Le Mariage De Figaro,