Krait Phantom. Just over one quarter of those explorers touched down at Beagle Point last month, which is practically the furthest you can get from our own blazing sunball without leaving the known galaxy. Features of Elite. EDSM - Elite Dangerous Star Map © 2015-2021 |.
Then, sell all your data and earn your well-earned credits. D. Yesterday at 11:24 AM #39 16 participants / 90,048.12 ly, From Trifid Sector DL-Y d157 to NGC 3199 Sector EB-X c1-6, Oct 31, 2020 ->
Elite Dangerous Lore Tour 2020 by Drew Wagar. 58 participants / 22,744.79 ly, Nov 27, 2020 ->
May 3, 2021 Oct 30, 2020
23 participants / 43,991.73 ly, Jan 2, 2021 ->
Jul 31, 2020
t._e = [];
5,000 registra… What qualifies a good explorer? Jan 24, 2021
A light but very well equipped ship for your many plans: Exploration in space or on the surface, Cartography, … 2. Dec 20, 2020
Feb 16, 2021
Aug 11, 2020
I gathered all my leads and insider information about the dreaded Thargoid and entered it all into Astri. Players in Elite: Dangerous are staging right now for another ambitious expedition. 38 participants / 24,839.49 ly, window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) {
This expedition aims to map the western side of the Perseus Arm, a mostly uncharted region space.
110 participants / 53,257.33 ly, From HIP 15310 to Kyli Flyuae AA-A h4 (Vahsel Point), Jan 9, 2021 ->
If you need to organize a new expedition, feel free to contact us over Discord or Twitter. In 3270, Frame Shift Drive-technology did not yet exist and Hyperspace travel took hours, and Auto Field-Maintenance Unitswere expensive experimental devices. Jan 1, 2021
Previous expeditions to the territory (like the Mercury 7 Expedition) have yielded a treasure trove of discoveries.Although this may just be scratching the surface of possible new discoveries and further understanding of this region.
Post in here! }(document, "script", "twitter-wjs"));
The pace wasn't slowed in 3303 which hosted a greater number of expeditions. Following Distant Worlds, over 20 expeditions were organized in 3302. This weeks Q&A is on the subject of Ships and Vehicles. };
Much of this lore is hidden, buried, inaccessible – even forgotten, lost in the void. Dogg. Dec 30, 2020
Mar 7, 2021
28 participants / 57,195.32 ly, From Prooe Hypue KA-J b28-8 to Alpha Centauri, Feb 1, 2021 ->
The Expedition will begin January 9th, 3307 - and it is open to everyone across all platforms. From T Tauri (Hind Mine / Hind Nebula (T Tauri)) to Qeajo CZ-N c20-15 (David and Goliath), Jul 10, 2021 ->
Sometimes, however, they really ban together to show the good the gaming community is capable of. EDSM Elite Dangerous Star Map.
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Frontier place a new mystery into the game, but was it solved all too quickly? Maybe a rare commodity? js = d.createElement(s);
Expeditions ; Galactic Mapping . This expedition aims to map the western side of the Perseus Arm, a mostly uncharted region space.
Visit the Information Index for more info. All of various shapes and sizes to explore different part of our galaxy, all for different reasons.
Elite Dangerous Name Plates. Starting from the birthplace of humanity, we will embark on a long journey to the furthest starsystem we can reach in the Milkyway, where no other expedition has gone before! [Top 5] Elite Dangerous Best Exploration Ships (2020 Edition) 1.
121 participants / 64,226.07 ly, Nov 8, 2020 ->
Mahlzeit und Willkommen zu einem neuen Livestream.Heute umfasst mein Stream das aktuelle Lets Play (Staffel 1) von Elite Dangerous. js.src = "";
54 participants / 59,759.16 ly, Sep 19, 2020 ->
The Elite Dangerous expedition which saw 13,000 players set out to cross the galaxy in a long trip has finally ended after six months. Google doesn't tell me anything about this system and actually the very first search result is a spreadsheet for Elite Dangerous.
EDSM Elite Dangerous Star Map. 29 participants / 26,317.44 ly, From Musca Dark Region HM-V c2-29 (The Coalsack & Chameleon Nebulae) to Nuekea RP-M d8-161 (DSSA King's Pass), Jul 14, 2020 ->
Consequently, little exploration had been attempted outside The Bubble and the Conflux, Hawkin's Gap, and the Formidine Rift were entirely uncharted; the journey to the Formidine Rift alone would take a full six months, not including the return trip. 2,000 registrants - February 22, 3304 2.
Last edited: Yesterday at 11:25 AM. Exploration.
Weapons a… I of course joined and am joining the journey. • Exclusion Zone = The area around a star or planet that you cannot enter. 65 participants / 3,509.95 ly, Jul 24, 2020 ->
Diamondback Explorer. Nov 9, 2020
The Distant Worlds 2 Expedition has officially kicked off! Below is a list of all Expeditions, past, present and future. Mar 31, 2021
To apply select 'Livery' from the Starport Services Menu or under 'Main Menu' -> 'Game Extras'. Griefers have sabotaged a critical location, meaning that a … Not much is known.
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I figured it was time someone started a research vessel. 1. 45 participants / 1,849.32 ly, From Jackson's Lighthouse to Sagittarius A*, Dec 10, 2020 ->
A Krait Phantom drifting through the balck on the way to … It was organized by a great number of people; CMDR Erimus Kamzel, Dr. Kaii, Glasswalker, NeoTron, grnbrg, Kancro Vantas, Corbin Moran and the FGE, Wishblend, Wolverine, Katejina, Akira Makasari, Jhyrryl, Kola2, The_Damn_Fox, Rodent54, Nexolek, Dommarraa, and Eoran. Let everyone in the galaxy know your name with via this decorative Name Plate to adorn your ship. Items are purely cosmetic. It can perform... 2. t = window.twttr || {};
Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition. • ELW = Earth-Like World.
.twitter-follow-button {
Buy customisations for your commander, ships, SRVs and fighters. 214 participants / 65,257.39 ly, Feb 5, 2021 ->
Although supported by Frontier, Distant Worlds 2 was not an official Elite: Dangerous event. Just yesterday I started a new venture.
Nov 22, 2020
Jul 30, 2021
Elite: Dangerous is a game with 400 billion star systems. 13th 2019) for the outbound trip to Beagle Point, 65,000ly from Sol. As a freelancer, you can weight into my work more than you can think,
The expedition took place on all platforms over a 5-month period (Jan. 13th 2019 - Jun.
I take a look at how to set up and exploration ship and head on out into the galaxy on the PlayStation 4. 19 participants / 143,019.68 ly, Jul 12, 2020 ->
Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3307. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is sending players on planetary missions, but they won’t be embarking in VR. Discord
vertical-align: middle;
38 participants / 31,367.99 ly, Jan 12, 2021 ->
33 participants / 1,849.32 ly, Oct 4, 2020 ->
Community Expeditions are usually open for the public to join by some means, either through the official forums, language specific forums, or Discord. A core group of players has spent years mapping and naming those stars. Elite Dangerous Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. NGC 2632 is supposed to be the same as Praesepe, but in ED's galaxy map it is in a remote part of space with very few other stars nearby. Aug 1, 2020
118 participants / 17,583.19 ly, From Tewanta to Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 (DSSA Buurian Anchorage / The Dryau Awesomes), Jun 28, 2020 ->
I'm still uncertain about the difference between Praesepe and NGC 2632 ANM 1752. Dec 17, 2020
The concept of community Expeditions outside of inhabited space began in 3301, but they only became prevalent in 3302 when they exploded in popularity after the success of the first major expedition, Distant Worlds. EDSM Elite Dangerous Star Map. 15 participants / 368,560.37 ly, From Colonia (Jaques Station / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) to Scheau Pri FW-N e6-43 (The Hendrix Nebula), Sep 20, 2020 ->
They are the "Greys" or "Lizard Men" of Elite Dangerous. t.ready = function(f) {
162 participants / 22,706.33 ly, Nov 28, 2020 ->
It’s so big that players have only ever seen.042% of it with their own eyes. Community expeditions are player-run exploration events where a group of explorers head out of the Bubble to explore together. I'm gonna do videos throughout my entire trip. 30 participants / 48,602.43 ly, From Colonia (Jaques Station / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) to Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 (DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call / Cerulean Tranquility), Jul 6, 2020 ->
Dec 12, 2020
May 15, 2021
History of the Distant Worlds Expeditions: Link With the Distant Worlds 2 expedition … Starting from the birthplace of humanity, we will embark on a long journey to the furthest starsystem we can reach in the Milkyway, where no other expedition has gone before! I will be completing the expedition in my aspx, 'EVEE FAIRY' and routing the carrier remotely. Jan 10, 2021
every single donation is time for me to do more awesome work for the community! Apr 17, 2021
92 participants / 34,535.61 ly, From Wong Sher to Col 173 Sector WN-B b29-1 (Guardian ruins - Regor eastern limit), Sep 22, 2020 ->
Feb 28, 2021
Did you knew that you can support me on Patreon? Numerous logistics departments were needed from Scouts to prospectors and Security Forces. Game Extras do not alter the performance of your ship in any way. To apply select 'Livery' from the Starport Services Menu or under 'Main Menu' -> 'Game Extras'.
Community expeditions are player-run exploration events where a group of explorers head out of the Bubble to explore together.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Elite Dangerous. 4,000 registrants - December 11, 3304 4. Oct 31, 2020
Last week it came to light that a group of rouge players had created a scam, which enabled them to enslave unsuspecting players. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it. The Elite Dangerous community has its ups and downs, much like any other online game. 114 participants / 97,013.00 ly, Jan 8, 2021 ->
An Earth-like world that is a moon to another planet. }
Using new Fleet Carriers, they’re headed all across the galaxy. The Expedition went through 23 Waypoints, fro… Dec 24, 2020
Become a Patron! Elite Dangerous has a history and lore that dates back to the year 1984, the launch of the original Elite game. Jan 17, 2021
Events Distant Screws II: Expedition for Evelyn. = id;
14 participants / 39,609.69 ly, From Virudnir (Lazarus (generation ship)) to Jang O, Jan 31, 2021 ->
We will explore, observe, and catalogue some of the galaxies greatest rarities, all while enjoying the most breathtaking sites in Elite.
The Club funded the construction of The Zurara, a state-of-the-art Megaship designed specifically f…
40 participants / 21,371.26 ly, Oct 31, 2020 ->
Like its name suggests, this small entry level ship specializes in exploration. Elite Dangerous Star Map, a website ( for community based cartography and sharing discoveries. May 8, 2021
Expedition announce. A minimum of 10 participants is required in order to import the expedition. As we will be travelling with two dedicated fleet carriers in tow, feel free to bring multiple ships. Dec 31, 2020
So join me, the author of the official Elite Dangerous Novels Reclamation and Premonition, on a farewell tour of the lore, alongside special guests, online … 45 participants / 83,819.41 ly, From Pomeche to Thuechoea ZE-A g0 (Brothers And Sisters Of The Void), Nov 22, 2020 ->
Any purchased items will be available to apply to your ship. As an explorer, your goal will be to move away from the human space in order to discover new systems and planets that may be of interest to humanity. 109 participants / 19,295.52 ly, From Syntec to Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour'), Feb 20, 2021 ->
Prix Fille Madagascar, Transcription Médicale à Domicile, Sommet Alpin Italien 2 Mots, Exercices Proposition Infinitive Latin, Salaire Infirmière Neuchâtel, Dichlorhydrate De Bétahistine,
Prix Fille Madagascar, Transcription Médicale à Domicile, Sommet Alpin Italien 2 Mots, Exercices Proposition Infinitive Latin, Salaire Infirmière Neuchâtel, Dichlorhydrate De Bétahistine,