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B: Yes. to use 'be going to' for future plans, intentions and predictions. 3rd person singular → is + going to + verb in the basic form. Task No. A: What are your plans after you leave university? /Ascent 678 >> English Future Tense - to be going to - Test 01. future be going to. stream Future perfect continuous. @�j��#=Q��=�[C��,�Z㣶�p\��k����e֢���ُ��� /�[�曤�����A��x��-����'���Ak/Q����tЛ�:�K�ko��GL�j� �� ���v>Bx��(Q¿5�DC�)������$\���� Φ�ή@�o���Kv 17��W�Y3����p�=ƙ�nW���� �`Z��)�S����"z��ˀ�S5��a9�=6!&� Predictions Use will to talk about something that you think will happen.. (to go) Answer: I’m so tired. GOING TO is more definite. /Type /ExtGState My parents are going to Miami by plane tomorrow. a. I’m going to see my grandparents b. I’m going to go to the beach. It expresses an intention, when we have already made a decision, or when we know something is going to happen. Our neighbours (spend) their next holidays in the Caribbean. Future: be going to exercises: elementary and intermediate level. I AM GOING TO : I HAVE DECIDED TO DO STH. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 e. I’m going to sleep a lot! Future tenses Exercise Answers. << <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.2 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Dec 30, 2017 - To be going to online worksheet for Grade 6. Correct and discuss any mistakes. /ItalicAngle 0 Menu. He/She is going to clean the windows. /XHeight 463 B: I’m going to visit my mother in Scotland next month. I am going to clean the windows. >> To speak about the future, you can use the following phrases: 1) Will 2) Going + [infinitive verb] _____ 1) Use “will” when you are volunteering to do something in the future, or when you are deciding at the time of speaking to do something in the future. /Flags 32 2.We are going to have dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday. <>>> A: I’m really cold. 6.Wait! d. My father (buy) a new car. /OPM 1 << In the free exercises, you can test your knowledge. 6.- If you revise for the exam , I’m sure you _____ (get) a good result. endobj /CapHeight 678 #��oS������Z#�jv'6��2�B�#;���������N^���l���y��~|�[���*�fU� The doctor said I’ m going to have a girl. Future perfect - exercises. Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #6874: Future (going to/will/present continuous) > Other English exercises on the same topic: Future [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Future simple - Express the future - Future perfect / Future progressive - When : … It notes your errors but it … a future intention: you have decided to do something in the future (I am going to clean my room. /StemV 145 4 0 obj Forms . I hope you enjoy it ! Match them up! By PhilipR Board Game for practising the use of future tenses (present simple, going to, present continuous for the future). Download full-size image from Pinterest . Do the exercise below on will or going to and click on the button to check your answers. 3rd person plural → are + going to + verb in the basic form. /Subtype /Type1C Read and match them to the pictures. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lessons on the future simple and future plan ) Related material. endobj /MissingWidth 250 /Type /FontDescriptor 4 0 obj Today, I am going to drive my new motorcycle, then I am going to phone my best friend and finally I am going to read my favourite novel. He will be a good doctor. endobj 7.The English lesson starts at 8:45. ����/��:�9�Gf��z�g���Dn�'|ss{�=Q�f�w����Ȅ@��y��摉�Ub�c�f�H�l;5E�v{"� �b�|���>7��`����#�^[L+�="��V�-BDJz�V:B�~�#"[��/x %G3_����V6��Z8EkX��djf�W�����E�7���$*[p~$N� IyJ��9J�R�R���J��%뽧L@���z�hiZ�at����68�9�Z�g��@��[�Z�˜(��0$� ��#b"`OF���zD*�=pDFU�=��$�ے��E��,(ҬkY�^�tO2B�c� 10 0 obj B: I’m going to work in a hospital in Africa. x��ko�6�{��ݷ��,�o($i���0���p�1��9gsE���I�I��^�-Z�$r^���>��ݼ���5_|q�l���|w��y}z~�����? b. Worksheets - handouts. English Future Tense - To Be Going to. Students have to be able to choose the correct future form will or going to. 4425. 1 0 obj IS GOING TO HAPPEN: The situation now make us believe that. a) is going to a) going b) goes to b) going to c) going to c) will 5. 11 0 obj Future: be going to This worksheet has a grammar guide, a multiple choice, a matching and a transformation exercise. (or is going to snow) 4.On Friday at 8 o’clock I am meeting my friend. I’ll give you a lift. We are going to clean the windows. endobj /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] form. %PDF-1.4 /FontDescriptor 10 0 R ); a future … Learn how to conjugate the future tense with going to in English grammar and get tips on its usage in this online English grammar lesson. 7.- The weather forecast is good for the next few days. 3. Mr Potts (sell) his house. = a decision is made to do an action in the future. future tense exercise. 3.It will snow in Brighton tomorrow evening. Wait! 3 0 obj Exercises: Simple future and 'be going to' III Futuro simple y 'be going to' III Elige la opción correcta. << My sister María (live) in Madrid. Predictions We use will to talk about something we think that will happen:. use. Will - future simple. Be going to - exercises. Future tense in English exercises. <> /FontName /BQCOEH+Times-Bold I think he’ ll win the election. 4. I think I will go … be (am / are / is) + going to + infinitive (I am going to get back to work.). /LastChar 120 Review the correct usage of each form prior to completion of... 74,404 Downloads . 5. Grammar Exercise - going to or will. << Choose the Future Simple (Will) or 'Be Going To' Exercise 1. (or am going to meet); Paul is flying to London on Monday morning. Future Continuous Positive ; Future Continuous Negative; Future Continuous Questions ; Future Perfect Simple Form. << ?\�~wq}s{����=;k������'J�V���M/[�ַ����|������W����������%kk;ٜ�}��Q_�H�2)cu���zv�5���O^o�������>�������y�9���m���EӜ~��o{]�lZ����5�K������铟>kn�m���î\���uM�:�D�lk� x�uV{XS�?�@�1*Y*AM��nU�e^����^TEԂS� !$@�I!�˗��nI �᪠�޺z)ն�ں�b�G�խ[��;�㏝@�l{�=�sy������~8� �q|�!�T(�ڙ/�<>M�����U�R~H�� �4�24"����%����_����|��P,�VD��pb�36l�כ_=����t�O_"_�Ţ�ȧ�b�$_&�)����E���|� /r_��ȸ�xa��H��0[��/{�P�(*(�2�Y�l��\�4)2fCԳ/`�~,;�=��a��7�dl'v��^���va��=X,����}X4�c+�P��-��0��b�xނ?Y ]0�X̨Zt58489x��e�$b��l#�[X�pf�lȖ��Y�-������E���?�+� I think it … rain soon. Future continuous. (meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party. He will be a good doctor. /Resources << /ExtGState << /R9 3 0 R >> /Font << /R10 4 0 R /R12 5 0 R /R14 /Type /Page >> Englisch-hilfen.de/ will-future or going to-future – Exercise 2. Board Game: Let's Talk about the Future. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding This activity is really great for young learners that have just learnt about Future - be going to ! Exercises on Future I Simple with going to. endobj Grammatik [GOING-TO-FUTURE] 3 EXERCISE 4 Das going-to-future für Pläne. English Future Tense - to be going to - Test 02. The train arrives at 12:30. (/E/L/S/W/a/c/colon/e/f/g/h/hyphen/i/k/l/m/n/o/one/p/period/plus/r/s/space/t/u/w/x) a. Be Going to or Will Exercise Be Going To Will Uses Uses 1 - plans and intentions 3 - immediate decisions I’m going to visit my aunt next Friday I’ll have the salad and the fish 2 - when you can see what's going to happen 4 - predictions When the boss sees this, she is going to go crazy People will work more from home in the future 0 0 0 0 500 0 444 0 444 333 500 556 278 0 556 278 833 556 500 556 0 444 389 Type in the verbs in the future simple (going to). We are going to have dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday. Complete the sentences with to be going to and the verbs in brackets: Example: We are going to cook (cook) dinner this evening. Exercises. Main content: Will vs going to Other contents: Future tenses Add to my workbooks (1197) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add … /Rotate 360 %���� /Subtype /Type1 Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 1 https://www.e-grammar.org/will-going-to-present-continuous/ ESL worksheets on e-grammar.org 6 0 R /R16 7 0 R /R18 8 0 R >> >> 2 I'm sure I will be am going… 8.- I can’t come on the march tomorrow. Ӥ%9@@�?�z��9ׅK|����-:x�#�(utHKz����|�I�Z5p���Q��Z��K:��>+׍�Ą�RT@]^*�V�*uqI����Vܧ뤱jn��ij��h�rI�2t8. another apartment? These tests will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge about English Future Tense - To Be Going to in English. /Type /Font 3 0 obj will or going to-future, Free English Grammar Exercises Online. /Length 2816 %PDF-1.5 They are going to cleanthe windows. Is your cousin … move to sky. 2 0 obj Choose the Future Simple or Present Simple Exercise 1; Will or be going to? Use will-future or going to-future. How to form a structure with ‘to be going to’ and how to use it correctly. I think he’ ll win the election. The timer gives you 15 seconds to find the answer. This tense is constructed with: be + going to + infinitive. >> Show example. /Descent -202 I (move) to another town. stream /CharSet (or is going to snow); On Friday at 8 o’clock I am meeting my friend. a) is going to has a) Is / isn’t b) going to have b) Are / isn’t c) is going to have c) Are / aren’t 4. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Going to future expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared.. Form of going to Future ; We use be going to to talk about something that is very near to happen or that we see is going to happen (there is present evidence). /Contents 9 0 R /FirstChar 32 /FontBBox [ 0 -202 971 678 ] To begin the lesson, students are given a grammar explanation and shown examples of how the 'be going to' structure is used. future: be going to 1. /Parent 2 0 R It _____ (be) very sunny. I think I to bed. I _____ (look after) my cousins. I'm going to study law. It will snow in Brighton tomorrow evening. Form and use. Downloadable worksheets: Be going to Level: elementary Age: 12-17 Downloads: 3969 : Wrap-up by having students compare answers with classmates, and then choose one or two students to write their answers on the board: (1) am going to; (2) Is / going to / is, etc. Download full-size image from Pinterest . Future Continuous (or Future Progressive) Form. I will drive you to the station. The students then make sentences about their own future using 'be going to' for future … /Filter /FlateDecode Don’t drive like a crazy man. ; Use be going to to talk about something that you see is going to happen (there is present evidence).. Don’t drive like a crazy man. Future tenses Exercise Answers 1.The train arrives at 12:30. endobj d. I’m going to eat lots of ice cream. Before giving this worksheet to your students, review and discuss the future with 'going to' (Most often, it is used for actions that have already been planned in the past.) /BaseFont /BQCOEH+Times-Bold �H��?� !�w�Wc��$ �(Q+�ЧH9�y��:m+8C�V��; �]��. >> �j�)Zm"���77L�M���)/���^g���(�]�4]8��$Xʚ�u��=�� v����QЪ�����>�W��&�)c�J�e:0�LC��P���'p��k��. ��A��Y�b"! 6. I can see a lot of gray clouds in the 12. b�h���b0���������oU��F.p:�=3��讴{b�YF�� Y���jpn�V����n+70.꥾0\C� c. They (play) tennis this afternoon. 1 My parents will travel are going to Miami by plane tomorrow. You are going to clean the windows. Next summer, I (travel) to England. endobj Future Simple or Present Simple? I will drive you to the station. B: I’ll turn the heating on, then. Be going to - exercises Will - future simple Will or be going to Future continuous Future perfect - exercises Future perfect continuous. � ꛓ��:e���� k���@Jn%�7�^�.�5�wW�f6��n�O�����d1�Ze��*��J7�N)�&:�i�:Y/R���� ��. ‘Going to’ for plans 1. 333 556 0 722 500 ] The future tense with going to, also simple future, can express a logical prediction or a future plan. You are going to clean the windows. A: Are you going to John’s party tonight? /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 570 0 333 250 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 <> Example: I’m so tired. I want to be a lawyer. Are you going too? We’ re going to have an accident! to do not to do a) go to the beach c) swim and lie in the sun e) play beach volleyball g) build sandcastles b) stay inside d) study for school f) get up early h) work b) Now you. c. I’m going to do some homework.
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