Each copy provides 12.5% CA DMG Up and 6.8% CA Cap Up and can be boosted by Zephyrus; this equates to 30% DMG/16.3% Cap with single Zephyrus and 47.5% DMG/25.8% Cap with double Zephyrus. This weapon will generally only be used in specific scenarios aiming to maximize enmity, as normally you will be running Standard M2, which cannot support a Cosmic Weapon. Its CA provides 10% charge bar as well as 30% CA DMG Up and 10% CA DMG Cap up to the party. For most regular setups, there is usually room for only one EX/Unknown Weapon. Eternal Love Episode 56. Main Hand weapon - usually Love Eternal (GW dagger is an easy to access substitute), Windhose, Reunion or an Ultima weapon of sorts. Remaining grid slots - Flex slot options - in the remaining grid slots if there are any you can run the following weapons: Hollowsky - only used as a cap breaking tool and only if it affects the entire team. Love Eternal (Grand Weapon, Rosetta’s) and Reunion (Grand Weapon, Lecia’s) both have three Normal modifiers (one is massive ATK, 22% @ Slvl 15) that are boosted by Zephyrus: LE provides more offense (Medium ATK and DA, 14.5% ATK and 5% DA) while Reunion gives less damage but with added HP (Small Majesty, 12% ATK and HP). This guide's purpose is to showcase some of the most common set ups people aim for when building up a grid in wind. Wind M2 provides a mix of Stamina and Enmity, alleviating the issue of M1 Winds low damage at high HP; a minimum of one more Omega/Magna weapon should be added to complete the base grid, either another Tiamat Bolt Omega or the Spear of Renunciation. Episode 01 46m. First such option is the. Is Zephyr Saved? September 10, 2020 May 10, 2020 by Pooky. Useful as a one-of (the temporary buff does not stack with other copies of the bow) for 1T setups and short fights.– Spring’s Whisperings is a decent grid option if you are looking to add some HP to your team. A heroic sacrifice leads to a moral battle of what to do with the body. It also has a weapon skill (regardless if in grid or MH) that increases the Chain Burst damage cap by 30% (this bonus caps at 50%). Love Eternal - double attack mod, slightly higher attack mod total compared to Reunion. She is also nicknamed as “Cake” for her love of cake (and food in general). Episode 07 45m. The following four weapons are Grand Weapons and require their 4* Uncaps to reach their full potential; make sure to weigh the opportunity costs of your resources if you plan on investing in them. Your dark grid doesn't have an EX mod. If you need something else to fill the grid, using a sixth Omega/Magna Weapon is a good option, especially if you don’t have strong EX/Unknown Weapons yet.– In the olden days we used to use up to seven Bolts, but these days I wouldn’t recommend investing in more than five.– Ancient Nalakuvara has two Magna ATK skills (but one expires after 8 turns) and in total provides more Magna ATK than any other option. Reunion (Grand Lecia’s unlock weapon) offers damage buffs on its CA instead of DA/TA, providing 20% Wind ATK and up to 15% Strength on its Charge Attack. Remaining grid slots - Tiamat Guns (Usually 5). Season 1. Vortex of the Void (Grand Weapon, Grimnir’s) compliments the raw power of the two Grand daggers very well, providing Large Stamina (15% @ 100% HP) and Medium HP (17%) with an extra Medium Debuff Resistance tacked on.One Love Eternal and one Vortex of the Void combine to give 36.5% ATK, 15% Stamina and 17% HP (with 5% DA and Medium Debuff Resistance); this combination provides less damage than two Massive ATK/Medium Stamina Grand Weapons (Eden, Ixaba, etc) which provide 44% ATK and 19% Stamina, but the added utility is very useful. 1-2 Vortex of the Void - this weapon is one of the the main damage sources for the grand epic grid and for primal wind grids as a whole. For situations where you need extra cap up (usually OTK) two Windhose can be utilized for the Charge Burst Cap up. 3. The Charge Attacks of Grimnir M2 Weapons (available as Spear, Harp and Katana) provide 2.5 turns of 20% party DA/TA and a mirror image for the MC. https://twitter.com/Hecate_mk2/status/1211780285152391168. Monitibibp ismerve martin szeretnénk feldobni életünket. Eternal Love Episode 57. Shiraishi: “The more events I see her in, the more she feels like a main character. Note that this weapon is the weakest Normal Weapon option in terms of grid strength, so you potentially lose some power by slotting it in. Ideally this setup has some source of Elemental Attack buffs (most commonly found through an  Ultima MH) maximize its potential.For in depth analysis on M2 Wind (out of date, but the math behind 3 harps still stands): Pooky’s Ponderings – Omega/Magna Wind Grid GuideOmega/Magna Weapons: 6-8 (Weapon Skills boosted by Tiamat Omega)EX/Unknown Weapons: 0-2Normal Weapons: 1-2Seraphic Weapon: 1 or 0. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. 4 Unius - similar to how the Grimnir harps are the core weapons for the M2 wind set ups, Unius is the core for the Grand Epic primal grid due to the fact that its second skill is considered an EX mod, which can stack up to 80%, which is a number easily achievable with 4 Unius and 1 Le Fay. I would really love to revisit Arulumaya’s yukata episode. The Fist is the default grid choice as it has more attack than the Spear.– Windhose (Proving Grounds) can be used as a second EX/Unknown modifier, or in the place of a Xeno. This grid should use at least one Normal Modifier Weapon, but no more than three (excluding the Seraphic Weapon). I’ll add it to my site eventually. The Spear of Renunciation has both ATK and HP modifiers and can provide a Cap Up option at 4* and another modifier at 5* (Stamina is most commonly chosen [Elemental Attack may be another choice]). It's primary uses are OTKs with Huanglong main/support summon or Qilin support bursts but it's perfectly usable with a Grimnir main/support summon, just its damage will severely plummet if when you take damage. There is generally 2-3 options for a magna wind grid, which depend on how willing you are to farm Grimnir, what the kind of set up you're using is and if you have ULB opus or not. The Spear of Renunciation has both ATK and HP modifiers and can provide a Cap Up option at 4* and another modifier at 5* (Stamina is most commonly chosen [Elemental Attack may be another choice]). Report Save. It has Small Normal Fandango (12% ATK and 2% TA) and Big Normal Sentence. Ultima Weapon Charge Attacks provide both 30% Elemental Attack and Double Attack to your team, making them good mainhand options for whatever weapon type and element you chose to make. She is so widely made because of her signature skill GROUND ZERO that will induce plain damage at the cost of reducing her HP to 1%. The Fist is the default grid choice as it has more attack than the Spear.– Windhose (Proving Grounds) can be used as a second EX/Unknown modifier, or in the place of a Xeno. EX weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid with a slight adjustment: Windhose is only usable in situations where this grid is used for OTK and is only used in pairs, otherwise always use a single EX mod. 1. GBF fans with no insight from RoB don't mind the change that much. Magna modifier - max 1 - personal preference generally, best slots are Tia Fist and Tia Gun. Episode 03 45m. Also I like how your site loads way faster after the revamp and thanks for being a good source. spark calculator. This grid should use at least one EX/Unknown Weapon; two can be used depending on what other weapons/mainhand you are using. Useful as a one-of (the temporary buff does not stack with other copies of the bow) for 1T setups and short fights.– Spring’s Whisperings is a decent grid option if you are looking to add some HP to your team. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before your spend all your mats on a 5-star CCW! High quality Gbf gifts and merchandise. The Seraphic Weapon is essentially an auto-include while fighting with Elemental Advantage. Spring’s Whisperings (obtainable from Rise of the Beasts) another option for a farmable harp mainhand. Also applies DA/TA down debuffs to the enemy. / All allies gain, Wind magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed), ATK is greatly boosted based on how high HP is, http://gbf.wiki/index.php?title=User:Lyndis/GridGuides/Wind&oldid=346340, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Remaining grid slots - the remaining grid slots are what I'd call "flex" options as these weapons will be used to fill out the remaining 2-4 grid slots. It offers less EX/Unknown modifier (18% vs 23%) but increases the Chain Burst damage cap by 30% (this bonus caps at 50%). If you don't have at least 1 of these it's highly discouraged to pursue a primal wind grid. Episode 05 45m. OTK should only need four harps, no? Main Hand weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid but with a much higher emphasis and priority on Love Eternal or Reunion as those 2 are actually valuable grid slots for primal due to their double attack mods. A Cosmic Rifle can be considered in a gun-heavy grid (5+ Tiamat Bolt Omega) as guns have high ATK stats and therefore gain quite the benefit from the Cosmic Weapons special weapon skill. Either lose the baha or the ultima. Ono Yuuki is a power gamer, so he would love to be the 11th Eternal. It also has a static mainhand effect that provides your team with guaranteed Triple Attacks the turn after your team does a chain burst activation of 4 or more chains. Vortex of the Void (Grimnir’s unlock weapon) is a defensive mainhand similar to Murgleis, providing a 30% Cut (4* only) on the turn you use its CA; which can be combined with other cuts for Full Cut. This grid should use a minimum of five Omega/Magna Weapons; ideally four or five Bolts and the Spear of Renunciation. Episode 02 45m. In terms of damage, a combination of three LE/Reunion and three Vortex roughly matches the grid strength of 5 Massive ATK/Medium Stamina Grand Weapons. Hi Pooky, first of all i’d to say thank you for helping me through the guides you made, this really helps me when im stuck on certain grid . The cap breaking is also a very valuable trait of the Dark Opus. This guide has always been a fantastic resource for me. Second set up is a grid, made to achieve 100% crit with a single Tiamat. EVERYBODY'S GBF TOOLBOX. These options are the most prevalent due to the nature of the grid as a whole as they provide either extra multiattack or the valuable wind attack buff, which not many of the higher end wind characters can provide and is often needed to consistently reach cap. This weapon should not be used without Elemental Advantage as it only provides 10-12% Normal ATK/HP from its Majesty skill which can be easily surpassed with other weapons. It offers less EX/Unknown modifier (18% vs 23%) but increases the Chain Burst damage cap by 30% (this bonus caps at 50%). Element Changed Revenant/GW Weapons can offer a variety of effects on their Charge Attacks, most notably: dagger (for DA/TA), sword (for cut), fist (counters) and harp (just a harp for elements that don’t have a good harp option). Ougi - 35% DATA. 5. Is this true? It’s ougi effect increases your party members’ Charge Bar Gain by 20% for 2.5 turns and applies a 1-turn cut to your MC’s skill cooldowns. Main Hand weapon - 90% of the time Reunion. Pooky’s GBF Weapon Grid Resource. The unique Blessing skill increases your final damage by a set percent (20% when SSR, 23% at 4*); this modifier can increase your damage past the regular DMG Cap. - The grid doesn't have full plus mark (it's quite a big boost with a cosmos weapon too) and I didn't equip summons with big stat. EX Mod - same as for the standard M2 grid, preferred - HS/Xeno, discouraged - Windhose. The ultima provides enough normal mod, you don't need the gisla. Big II crit is ~12%, which is ~28.8% per weapon with single aura. Hi Pooky, do you have any guide for unius grid (epic) for wind ?? Dual’s wind grid comparison: https://gbf.wiki/User:Dual/WindGridGraphComparisons The listed primal set ups are far from the only ones and there are numerous other viable to semi-viable options I haven't listed, such as a primal highlander grid for example, but I've chosen not to list them here on purpose due to those grids being extremely niche and as such most people won't have the need to know about them. The weapons used for this are generally up to personal preference and the options to choose from are, Honorable mentions - these weapons are good in some situations and can replace one of the flex options if needed. Love Eternal - prefered for squeezing out as much raw damage out of the grid as possible. The Strife Key (20% DA/TA for characters sharing a weapon proficiency with the Atma/Ultima) is normally the default choice, but for compositions focused on 1T Charge Attack setups, Strength (13% Normal Stamina) may be a better option.– If your team’s races fit into one of the Bahamut Weapon’s restrictions, a Bahamut Weapon is a good choice, providing up to 32% Normal ATK and 18% Normal HP modifiers at the Coda stage.– Consider Qinglong Spear Malus in situations where you find yourself being able to utilize the extra 7% DMG Cap.
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