The city itself did not have too much to offer, but we had come especially to visit the Hassan II Mosque. Maqrizi mentions that the construction of the mosque cost 30,000 dirham every day, making it the most expensive mosque in medieval Cairo. The Hassan II Mosque is one of only two mosques in the Casablanca which is open to non-Muslims. This necessitated an additional leak-proof dyke to be built behind the earlier one; total dyke quantity involved was 20,000 cubic metres (710,000 cu ft). Pinseau designed the building in such a way that it is able to endure earthquakes. Its layout is known as the basilican plan, which is different from the common practice of a T shaped plan adopted in many North African countries. The dome, arches and walls give a grand ambiance to the mosque. The entire work was done at a cost of 50 million euros. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. The Hassan II Mosque is the second largest mosque in the world and is located in Casablanca, the economic and business capital of Morocco. This was achieved by the Science Department of the Bouygues Group, the contractors for the project, who developed an extra-strength concrete four times stronger than ordinary concrete. Geometrically shaped polychromatic zellji with carved plaster are noted with floral and geometric designs with epigraphy. Cranes were also designed to suit the height of the minaret for concreting. There are stitches of roudani tracetine on a 100,000 MP surface. Planned on the site of the former municipal swimming pool, its construction began on July 12, 1986 and its inauguration took place on August 30, 1993, after seven years of work. [6] It is square in shape thrusting skyward. [citation needed] Its minaret is the world's second tallest minaret at 210 metres (689 ft). [citation needed] Its minaret is the world's second tallest minaret at 210 metres (689 ft). With its minaret that rises to 200 m in height and has a 30km laser directed towards Mecca, it is considered to be the highest religious building in the world. Fondation de la mosquée Hassan-II de Casablanca, Portail de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme,ée_Hassan-II&oldid=177064009, Page avec coordonnées similaires sur Wikidata, Article avec une section vide ou incomplète, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Architecture et urbanisme/Articles liés, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Ce petit musée vient raconter l'histoire de la construction de la mosquée Hassan II en mettant à la lumière du jour ce patrimoine et savoir-faire artisanal ancestral, aménagé au rez de chaussée sur deux grands couloirs, elle comporte une collection de plaques de zellij, des morceaux de bois sculpté et bois peint, des murs en stuc taillé retraçant les étapes de ce savoir-faire, des spécimens de calligraphie arabe, une boutique de livres et souvenirs de la mosquée. La mosquée est dotée "d'un rayon laser" indiquant la direction de La Mecque d'une portée de 30 kilomètres. Apart from the mosque, other structures in the area are a madrasa (Islamic school), hammams (bathhouses), a museum on Moroccan history, conference halls, and a very large library said to be the "most comprehensive in the Islamic world. Planifiée sur le site de l'ancienne piscine municipale, sa construction a débuté le 12 juillet 1986 et son inauguration a eu lieu le 30 août 1993, après sept ans de travaux. Mosquée Hassan II : les travaux ont commencé Le groupe français Bouygues a entamé les travaux de consolidation de la grande mosquée Hassan II de Casablanca, après l'apparition, en juillet 2000, de fissures sur ses fondations, selon le quotidien l'Economiste. "[9] The 41 fountains[11] in the courtyard are all well decorated. Sultan Hassan mosque is considered the finest piece of early Mamluk architecture in Cairo. [23] Green tiles decorate the minaret for one third of the height from the top, and then changes colour to deep green or turquoise blue; it is said that in the Hassan II minaret, the designer had used his sea-foam green and God’s blue to celebrate the life of a king. La réalisation de l'ensemble de l'œuvre a mobilisé environ 10 000 ouvriers et artisans effectuant plus de 80 millions d'heures de travail[5]. nécessaire]. Hassan 2 Mosque is actually unique in its architecture and size. When most people think of Casablanca, they think of Rick’s Cafe, made famous by the classic 1942 Humphrey Bogart film. » Extrait du discours de Feu sa Majesté le Roi Hassan II adressé à la nation le 8 juillet 1988. Similar Images . There are 2 ways to get from Hassan II Mosque to Mount Rushmore by plane or car. by | Dec 22, 2020 | Non classé | 0 comments | Dec 22, 2020 | Non classé | 0 comments Similar Images . The Hassan II Mosque was built under the reign and directives of King Hassan II. Érigée en partie sur la mer, elle est un complexe religieux et culturel, aménagée sur neuf hectares et comporte une salle de prières, une salle d'ablutions, des bains, une école coranique (madrasa), une bibliothèque , un musée[1] et une Académie des arts traditionnels[2]. This is expected to enhance the building's life by 100 years. Select Page. During the most intense period of construction, 1400 men worked during the day and another 1100 during the night. Rêvée par Hassan II, financée par l’Etat marocain, imaginée par Michel Pinseau, édifiée par le groupe français Bouygues et dirigée par Aldo Carbonaro (chef du projet) et Abdelatif Haboubi (chef du chantier), la mosquée Hassan II est surtout un bijou architectural. [8], The prayer hall is built to a rectangular plan of 200 metres (660 ft) length and 100 metres (330 ft)[20] width with three naves, which are perpendicular to the qibla wall. [16] It is ornamented with pale blue marble and Zellige tilework. Other elements come from the Tour Hassan Mosque, the Dome of the Rock (also known as Qubbat al Sakhra 688–692 AD), the Great Mosque of Madina (705–710 AD), Kairouan Mosque in Tunisia (663 AD), the Great Mosque of Damascus (705–715 AD), the Great Mosque of Cordoba (785–786 AD), Quarawiyyin Mosque (956 and 1135 AD) in Morocco, the Great Mosque of Tlemcen (1136), and Djamaa el Kebir (1096). Its minaret is the world's second tallest minaret at 210 metres (689 ft). Little information is available about the construction of the mosque of Sultan Hasan. [9] A temporary pier 800 metres (2,600 ft) in length had to be erected to protect the foundations of the pillars from the sea during the construction period. Such panels, built with multicolored arches, engraved with ornamented floral designs, appear like a geometrical framework when viewed from the outside. La mosquée, qui aurait dû servir de mausolée à Hassan II, pèse environ un million de tonnes et a été construite sur neuf hectares, dont les deux tiers ont été gagnés sur la mer. [19], The building blends Islamic architecture and Moroccan elements, and reflects Moorish influences, while featuring an urban design. La mosquée Hassan II possède un minaret de 200 m de haut, ce qui est en fait l'édifice religieux le plus haut du monde. Pour l'édification du bâtiment contenant la salle de prière, le minaret et la madrasa, douze grues à tour de 220 t/m et huit grues mobiles ont été installées. Hassan is the president of the mosque, which runs under the banner of the New Zealand Muslim League. Pour l'édification du bâtiment contenant la salle de prière, le minaret et la madrasa, douze grues à tour de 220 t/m et huit grues mobiles ont été installées. In the third phase, the structural slabs and pillars on the exterior part of mosque exposed to the sea were demolished; 6,000 cubic metres (210,000 cu ft) of concrete was removed. Feu Hassan II avait annoncé au peuple, dans un discours prononcé le 20 juillet 1988, la construction d’une immense mosquée à Casablanca, la deuxième plus grande du monde après la Mecque. The ticket includes entrance to the next-door Al Rifa'i Mosque, or the Royal Mosque of Cairo, and it makes for an interesting experience to see both side by side, comparing their similarities despite their age differences. [9] The smallest contribution was 5 DH. [6], The mosque rises above the Atlantic Ocean. The central hall is centrally heated, and provides spectacular underwater views of the Atlantic Ocean. The qibla wall is perpendicular to the naves which is said to be an unconventional layout, given that it is customary for the rows of worshipers facing Mecca to be as wide as possible rather than extend farther back (Halod and Khan 1997, 61). [22] The concrete used for the minaret was a special high-grade type, which could perform well under severe conditions of a combined action of strong wind and seismicity. Les structures de l'ensemble de la mosquée sont en béton armé habillé de décors issus de l'artisanat marocain. Les revêtements de marbre et granit d'origine marocaine représentent 50 hectares de superficie avec une épaisseur moyenne de 14 cm. The floor is made from glass, so the ocean below can be viewed and worshippers can pray over the sea. [2][3] Completed in 1993, it was designed by Michel Pinseau under the guidance of King Hassan II and built by Moroccan artisans from all over the kingdom. The historical context of the mosque began with the death of King Mohammed V in 1961. A maximum of 105,000 worshippers can gather together for prayer: 25,000 inside the mosque hall and another 80,000 on the mosque's outside ground. Salt water had penetrated beyond the steel bar also into the structures. Visiting the Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan. The story around the Hassan II Mosque is quite impressive. The doors are electrically operated. C'est une salle décorée de zellige et de tadelakt, elle abrite quarante-et-un fontaines illustrant une fleur de lotus : trois fontaines sont grandes et imposantes, tandis que les trente-huit restantes sont petites avec une centaine de robinets sur la périphérie[11]. [12] The first-class sound system is discreetly hidden. The garden around the mosque is well tended and is a popular location for family picnics. La réalisat… All of the granite, plaster, marble, wood and other materials used in the construction, were extracted from around Morocco, with t… The Hassan II Mosque (Arabic: مسجد الحسن الثاني, French: Grande Mosquée Hassan II) is a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. Au rez-de-chaussée, la médiathèque dispose aussi d'un espace d'expositions, ou sont régulièrement exposés des artistes locaux et étrangers et des collectifs d'artistes œuvrant à la promotion de l'art africain, l'art local ou la calligraphie arabe. From the nearest train station at Casa-Port it is about a 20-minute walk to the mosque. Two large breakwaters were also built, to protect the mosque from the erosive action of the ocean waves, which can be up to 10 metres (33 ft) in height. KING HASSAN II MOSQUE 2. King Hassan II had requested for the best of the country's artisans to come forward and submit plans for a mausoleum to honour the departed king; it should "reflect the fervor and veneration with which this illustrious man was regarded. All of these works involved use of 1300 tons of special steel (with 40 tons of Mo) of 8–20 millimetres (0.31–0.79 in) bars with yield strength of 850 N per mm2. In the words of the authors of the book Morocco Country Study Guide, the Hassan II Mosque "undeniably marks the continuity of a modernized ancestral art and bears the sign of innovations that are due not only to technical reasons but also to a fertile exploration of new aesthetic possibilities." [5] The 9-hectare (22-acre) complex nestles between the harbor and the El Hank lighthouse. In addition to public donations and those from business establishments and Arab countries (such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia), western countries provided construction loans, which Morocco repaid.[4]. Notable architectural features include the conspicuous columns, the horseshoe arches, and the innumerable muqarnas embellishing the ceilings. Le wodzū doit être pratiqué obligatoirement par un musulman avant la prière. Carved or painted marble or shaped wood are used for these elegant designs, which highlight Islamic art forms. [21], Minaret's reflection on the Atlantic water. In the fourth phase, new exterior protection works were built using high-strength concrete with 2205 (conforming to UNS S 32205 EN 1.442 standards) stainless steel rods as reinforcements for effective erosion control. Commissioned by Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, the third Caliph of the Almohad Caliphate in 1195, the tower was intended to be the largest minaret in the world along with the mosque, also intended to be the world's largest. The central hall is undulating with a succession of numerous domes from which glass chandeliers, imported from Murano, are hung. Elle est construite sous le règne et les directives du roi Hassan II. The mosque is built on a promontory looking out to the Atlantic Ocean. Elle est surmontée d'une toiture mobile de 3 400 m2 et de 1 100 t, cette dernière est une structure métallique tridimensionnelle recouverte de bois de cèdre sculpté et peint, elle s'ouvre en 5 minutes grâce à un système de roulement à roues automotrices, elle permet (selon le vœu de feu roi Hassan II), de relier cet édifice à l'air, considéré comme l'un des quatre éléments bénéfiques à la vie (terre, eau, feu et air). The central nave of the hall is 40 metres (130 ft) and larger than the side naves which are 27 metres (89 ft) high. The faces of the facade have carved ornamentation with different materials. The location of the Sultan Hassan mosque was so important because of its close location to the citadel of Salah El Din on the site of the Palace of Yalbugha al-Yahawws. While Hassan wished to build a mosque which would be second in size only to the mosque at Mecca, the government lacked funds for such a grand project. This mosque is about 30.000 square kilometers. The minaret is 60 stories high topped by a laser, the light from which is directed towards Mecca [21] The works were carried out in four phases. [11] Six thousand traditional Moroccan artisans worked for five years to create the abundant and beautiful mosaics, stone and marble floors and columns, sculpted plaster moldings, and carved and painted wood ceilings. Hassan Touer or Tour Hassan (Arabic: صومعة حسان ) is the minaret o an incomplete mosque in Rabat, Morocco. It's a magnificent building situated in the Casablanca region, with some spectacular views of the sea. [13] It weighs 1100 tons and can be opened in five minutes; it measures 60 metres (200 ft) high, with an area of 3,400 square metres (37,000 sq ft). Hassan II Mosque is the largest mosque in Morocco and the second largest in Africa, Hassan II Mosque was designed by French architect Michel Pinseau, Cost of construction exceeded 500 million Euros, The roof of Hassan II Mosque is retractable so that it can be opened for worshippers to see the stars at night, La mosquée Hassan-II dispose d'une salle d'ablutions dont sa superficie est de 4 800 m2, les lustres qui s'y trouvent sont en cuivre, fabriqués à Fès. Its construction began 757 AH/1356 CE with work ending three years later "without even a single day of idleness". C'est un bâtiment hémisphérique à colonnades qui comprend les salles de classe, des salles de réunions et un appartement royal autour d'une cour intérieure[12]. The building is built partially on land and partially over the ocean. Pour la construction du minaret, une grue d'une hauteur record de 210 m a été mise en place. The ten-lane boulevard with shopping avenues has its at the southern facade of the mosque and extends to the gates of the Palace Oued el Makhazine in the middle of the city. Construction et description de la mosquée Hassan II ! La mosquée a été financée par l'État, une souscription nationale et divers financements d'accompagnement étrangers dont 80 millions de francs français. Completed in 1993, it was designed by Michel Pinseau under the guidance of King Hassan II and built by Moroccan artisans from all over the kingdom. In the second phase, the voids seen in the prayer hall were filled with concrete. Description de l’édifice La Grande Mosquée Hassan II de Casablanca, est la troisième plus grande mosquée après celles de la Mecque et d’Istiqlal à Jakarta : son minaret culminant à 210 m de hauteur … Hassan Tower (or Tour Hassan) and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V are two of Morocco’s most mystical places: one is an incomplete project of majestic proportions and the other stands as a masterpiece of modern Moroccan architecture, holding inside the grand tombs of past kings. During our 4-week vanlife adventure in Morocco, Casablanca was one of our stops on the coast. The concrete quantity poured involved 100,000 cubic metres (3,500,000 cu ft) of non-reinforced bulk concrete and 10,000 cubic metres (350,000 cu ft) of high-strength concrete. Visiting this mosque is mandatory if you go to Casablanca! These samples of materials used in the construction of the Mosque have been stored to form a collection of handcrafted treasures designed by renowned Moroccan master craftsmen. Hassan 2 mosque Casablanca, Morocco - February 3, 2018 : Image of Hassan 2 mosque and people hanging around in its esplanade hassan 2 mosque stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Mosque Dome Hassan2 Morocco Moschee Kuppel Marokko Casablanca Hassan 2 Mosque Dome Hassan2 Morocco hassan 2 mosque stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images [21] This enabled the building of a taller structure with due underpinning of the foundation, while adhering to the construction schedule. The decorations in the hall are elaborate and exquisite made possible by involving 6000 master artisans of Morocco working on it. The woodcarvings, the zellij work and the stucco mouldings are of elaborate and highly impressive design; the wood used for carving is cedar from the middle Atlas mountains, the marble is from Agadir and granite is brought from Tafraoute. All of the granite, plaster, marble, wood and other materials used in the construction, were extracted from around Morocco, with the exception of some Italian white granite columns and 56 glass chandeliers. There are features from an old Roman fort converted into the tomb of King Mohammed V of Rabat. [18], The roof is retractable, illuminating the hall with daytime sunlight and allowing worshippers to pray under the stars on clear nights. Le plâtre sculpté et peint, a été entièrement travaillé sur place par 1 500 maâlems sur plus de 67 000 m2. Hassan Tower or Tour Hassan (Arabic: صومعة حسان ) is the minaret of an incomplete mosque in Rabat, Morocco. The minaret is said to enhance the visual alignment of the boulevard. Here are all info you need to know about Sultan Hassan mosque: Coordinates. Hassan II Mosque: Fine construction and detailed work - See 8,968 traveler reviews, 10,397 candid photos, and great deals for Casablanca, Morocco, at Tripadvisor. La médiathèque ouvre ses portes en 2010[13] aménagée sur quatre étages, elle offre un grand choix d'ouvrages et de médias électroniques et est dotée d'un équipement moderne, un espace de travail idéal pour les jeunes et les adultes , les enfants ont aussi droit à un étage dédié avec un espace d'évènement ou se succèdent chaque semaine conteurs, animateurs d'ateliers artistiques et éducateurs. The Construction of Hassan II Mosque . It is the largest functioning mosque in Africa and is the 7th largest in the world. In the first phase a leak-proof coffer dam was constructed to isolate and dry the work area. The formal inauguration was subsequently chosen to be the 11th Rabi' al-Awwal of the year 1414 of the Hijra, corresponding to 30 August 1993, which also marked the eve of the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s birth. [3], The mosque is located at Bd Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah in Casablanca. Image d'un boulevard qui mène à la mosquée. Old Mosque (Mosque of the Kasbah of the Udayas), List of universities, colleges and schools, Académie internationale Mohammed VI de l'aviation civile, Lycée français international Louis-Massignon,, Religious buildings and structures in Casablanca, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 105,000 (25,000 indoors, additional 80,000 on Mosque's grounds), This page was last edited on 9 January 2021, at 17:05. Le projet est situé à/en Casablanca, Casablanca-Settat, Maroc. A "triptyich marble partition with open work and central window flanked by two smaller sized windows" are built on the wall of the façade. The pillars of 13 metres (43 ft) height are square in shape with engaged columns and cruciform joining a series of pillars. La mosquée possède un minaret d'une hauteur de 200 à 210 m[6],[7]. It is the largest functioning mosque in Africa and is the 7th largest in the world. History of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. Grande Mosquée Hassan II est une mosquée qui a été construit de 1986 à 1993. The building dimensions are 200 metres (660 ft) in length and 100 metres (330 ft) in width. The most substantial source available is al-Maqrizi writing six decades later. [9], Construction costs, estimated to be about 585 million euro, were an issue of debate in Morocco, a lower mid-income country. Hassan Fathy preserved the design of the distinctive country house in the village, by using natural materials such as mud in its construction. "[12], The prayer hall is on the ground floor. Structural deterioration in the concrete wall was observed ten years after the mosque's completion. Fondée en 2012, l’académie des arts traditionnels vise à préserver le savoir-faire marocain en termes d'art traditionnel, elle offre 10 spécialités (Bois peint, bois sculpté, taille de pierre, taille du stuc, zellij, Calligraphie arabe, bijouterie, ferronnerie, tissage, maroquinerie). Le parking est situé sous l'esplanade de la Mosquée, il a une capacité de 1 000 places et est accessible par deux voies indépendants depuis le rond-point en surface. [10] Its environmental advantage is that it is free of noise and pollution and receives a fresh breeze from the sea.[4]. Sultan Hassan, the Mamluk ruler, built this mosque between 1365 and 1363. la mosquée hassan 2 pdf. Les enceintes et les éclairages ont été conçus avec l'assistance de la société Philips. The prayer hall is also illuminated by light from the glass gates on the northern wall.[21]. Salt water migrating into the porous concrete caused the rusting of the rebar steel reinforcements resulting in expansion of the steel and causing cracking of concrete. La mosquée Hassan-II (arabe : مسجد الحسن الثاني (masjid al-Hassan ath-thani)) est une mosquée située à Casablanca (Maroc). The Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan is a massive mosque and madrassa located in the Old city of Cairo, it was built during the Mamluk Islamic era in Egypt. This decorative material (with chrome and green as dominant colours), is a substitute for the use of bricks, the material used in many other notable minarets, and has given the mosque an extraordinary elegance. [22] It has a laser beam fitted at the top, which is electronically operated in the evening. Ces tuiles ont apporté un gain de poids de 65 % par rapport aux tuiles traditionnelles de Fès avec des performances de fiabilité beaucoup plus élevées. The construction of the mosque began in 1986 and was completed in 1993. Le coût de la construction à la fin des travaux était de 3,8 milliards de dirhams[3]. Historical Brief of the Hassan II Mosque. Work on the mosque was commenced on 12 July 1986, and was intended to be completed for the 60th birthday of the former Moroccan king, Hassan II, in 1989. These were made from high-strength concrete with 2205 stainless steel reinforcements. [17] A particular feature in the mosque is that all structures are made of reinforced cement concrete and all decorations are of traditional Moroccan design. At the time of construction the mosque was considered remarkable for its fantastic size and innovative architectural components. Its minaret is the world’s tallest minaret at 689 feet. The Hassan II Mosque (Arabic: مسجد الحسن الثاني , French: Grande Mosquée Hassan II) is a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco.It is the largest functioning mosque in Africa and is the 7th largest in the world. This siting was accomplished by creating a platform linking a natural rock outcrop reclaimed from the sea,[7][8] where a swimming pool had previously been located. De part et d'autre de la nef centrale se trouvent deux colonnes en granit sur lesquelles est incrusté en écriture dorée l'arbre généalogique du roi Hassan II. - See 8,968 traveler reviews, 10,397 candid photos, and great deals for Casablanca, Morocco, at Tripadvisor. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 28 novembre 2020 à 17:31. nécessaire]. Hassan II Mosque: Impressive construction - See 8,969 traveler reviews, 10,397 candid photos, and great deals for Casablanca, Morocco, at Tripadvisor. Étant donné que la mosquée se trouve au bord de l'océan Atlantique, les fondations ont nécessité 26 000 m3 de béton et 60 000 m3 d'enrochement afin de lutter contre les effets de la houle. Similar Images . [21] This involved use of moly-grade stainless steel combined with high-grade concrete to make the structure resistant to chloride attack, a process that evolved during 3 years of research. Le hammam est constitué de trois salles : une salle quasiment froide voire légèrement tiède, une salle avec une température modérée et la dernière salle est très chaude, la température peut atteindre jusqu'à 47 °C, c'est aussi le point d'eau du bain[réf.
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