[408] His public speeches were presented in a formal, stiff manner, and often consisted of clichéd set phrases. The negotiations were tense. [163] He was replaced by Commander Willie Willemse, who developed a co-operative relationship with Mandela and was keen to improve prison standards. [335], Mandela's 90th birthday was marked across the country on 18 July 2008, with the main celebrations held at Qunu,[336] and a concert in his honour in Hyde Park, London. Next » Filters . De sa naissance en 1918 à son accession au pouvoir en Afrique du Sud, en passant par ses premiers engagements, retour sur les grandes étapes de [279], Critics like Edwin Cameron accused Mandela's government of doing little to stem the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the country; by 1999, 10% of South Africa's population were HIV positive. [168] Instead, he devoted his spare time to gardening and reading until the authorities permitted him to resume his LLB degree studies in 1980. Nelson Mandela was one of 13 children his father had with four different wives, a lawyer, anti-apartheid activist, South African politician, and philanthropist. [305] The ANC took over the cabinet positions formerly held by the Nationalists, with Mbeki becoming sole Deputy President. [456] Across the world, Mandela earned international acclaim for his activism in overcoming apartheid and fostering racial reconciliation,[413] coming to be viewed as "a moral authority" with a great "concern for truth". [382] Suttner argued that there were "two modes of leadership" that Mandela adopted. These projects were followed by the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and the 46664 campaign against HIV/AIDS. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, was approved by the Constitutional Court (CC) on 4 December 1996 and took effect on 4 February 1997. Mandela continued to negotiate with President F.W. Il met alors en œuvre une politique de réconciliation difficile ava… He has done many speeches regarding AIDS and attempted to raise money and awareness. [236] The election went ahead with little violence, although an AWB cell killed 20 with car bombs. There was 33% unemployment, and just under half of the population lived below the poverty line. [29] Mandela spent much of his spare time at Healdtown as a long-distance runner and boxer, and in his second year he became a prefect. [211] In August, Mandela—recognising the ANC's severe military disadvantage—offered a ceasefire, the Pretoria Minute, for which he was widely criticised by MK activists. He declined a second presidential term and was succeeded by his deputy, Thabo Mbeki. [273] The government introduced parity in grants for communities, including disability grants, child maintenance grants, and old-age pensions, which had previously been set at different levels for South Africa's different racial groups. [175], In April 1982, Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Tokai, Cape Town, along with senior ANC leaders Walter Sisulu, Andrew Mlangeni, Ahmed Kathrada, and Raymond Mhlaba; they believed that they were being isolated to remove their influence on younger activists at Robben Island. [378], Although he presented himself in an autocratic manner in several speeches, Mandela was a devout believer in democracy and abided by majority decisions even when deeply disagreeing with them. [172] He was awarded an honorary doctorate in Lesotho, the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding in India in 1979, and the Freedom of the City of Glasgow, Scotland in 1981. [260], Mandela personally met with senior figures of the apartheid regime, including Hendrik Verwoerd's widow, Betsie Schoombie, and lawyer Percy Yutar, also laying a wreath by the statue of Afrikaner hero Daniel Theron. Leading a broad coalition government which promulgated a new constitution, Mandela emphasised reconciliation between the country's racial groups and created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. [160], From 1967 onwards, prison conditions improved; black prisoners were given trousers rather than shorts, games were permitted, and the standard of their food was raised. [247] He often entertained celebrities, such as Michael Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and the Spice Girls, and befriended ultra-rich businessmen, like Harry Oppenheimer of Anglo-American. [181] Although considering Mandela a dangerous "arch-Marxist",[182] in February 1985 Botha offered him a release from prison if he "unconditionally rejected violence as a political weapon". [398] This decision was in part influenced by the fall of the socialist states in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc during the early 1990s. [484] The second was Anthony Sampson's Mandela, published in 1999. [314] Although the 1996 constitution allowed the president to serve two consecutive five-year terms, Mandela had never planned to stand for a second term in office. [399], Mandela was widely considered a charismatic leader,[400] described by biographer Mary Benson as "a born mass leader who could not help magnetizing people". [221], Following the Bisho massacre, in which 28 ANC supporters and one soldier were shot dead by the Ciskei Defence Force during a protest march, Mandela realised that mass action was leading to further violence and resumed negotiations in September. [104] The defence's refutation began in January 1957, overseen by defence lawyer Vernon Berrangé, and continued until the case was adjourned in September. Negotiations between black and white South Africans prevailed. [199][200] Shortly thereafter, for the first time in 20 years, photographs of Mandela were allowed to be published in South Africa. [412] Privately, he lived an austere life, refusing to drink alcohol or smoke, and even as president made his own bed. [95] With the involvement of the South African Indian Congress, the Coloured People's Congress, the South African Congress of Trade Unions and the Congress of Democrats, the ANC planned a Congress of the People, calling on all South Africans to send in proposals for a post-apartheid era. [209] He met President R. Venkataraman in India, President Suharto in Indonesia, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in Malaysia, and Prime Minister Bob Hawke in Australia. 13. [158] His mother visited in 1968, dying shortly after, and his firstborn son Thembi died in a car accident the following year; Mandela was forbidden from attending either funeral. [135] Moved to Pretoria, where Winnie could visit him, he began correspondence studies for a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of London International Programmes. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (IPA xoˈliɬaɬa manˈdeːla; uitspraak in het Xhosa) (Mvezo, 18 juli 1918 – Johannesburg, 5 december 2013) was een Zuid-Afrikaans anti-apartheidsstrijder en politicus.. Vanaf 1944 was Mandela betrokken bij de strijd van het Afrikaans Nationaal Congres (ANC) tegen het apartheidsregime in Zuid-Afrika. [152] Initiating the "University of Robben Island", whereby prisoners lectured on their own areas of expertise, he debated socio-political topics with his comrades. Fifteen people in South Africa are facing fraud charges relating to the funeral of the former president, Nelson Mandela, in 2013. [106], In April 1959, Africanists dissatisfied with the ANC's united front approach founded the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC); Mandela disagreed with the PAC's racially exclusionary views, describing them as "immature" and "naïve". [206], Mandela proceeded on an African tour, meeting supporters and politicians in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Libya and Algeria, and continuing to Sweden, where he was reunited with Tambo, and London, where he appeared at the Nelson Mandela: An International Tribute for a Free South Africa concert at Wembley Stadium. This was widely seen as a major step in the reconciliation of white and black South Africans; as de Klerk later put it, "Mandela won the hearts of millions of white rugby fans. [479] [144] On 12 June 1964, justice De Wet found Mandela and two of his co-accused guilty on all four charges; although the prosecution had called for the death sentence to be applied, the judge instead condemned them to life imprisonment. [101] During the divorce proceedings, he began courting a social worker, Winnie Madikizela, whom he married in Bizana in June 1958. He was 95. Nelson Mandela Foundation's Archive. "[369], The historian Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni described Mandela as a "liberal African nationalist–decolonial humanist",[370] while political analyst Raymond Suttner cautioned against labelling Mandela a liberal and stated that Mandela displayed a "hybrid socio-political make-up". [270] In 1996, the RDP was replaced with a new policy, Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR), which maintained South Africa's mixed economy but placed an emphasis on economic growth through a framework of market economics and the encouragement of foreign investment; many in the ANC derided it as a neo-liberal policy that did not address social inequality, no matter how Mandela defended it. [278] Under Mandela's administration, tourism was increasingly promoted, becoming a major sector of the South African economy. [67] Mandela later related that he and his colleagues had "guided the ANC to a more radical and revolutionary path. 16. The ANC won the election with 62.65 % of the vote. [411], Mandela was a private person who often concealed his emotions and confided in very few people. The presidency of Nelson Mandela began on 10 May 1994, when Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid activist, lawyer, and former political prisoner, was inaugurated as President of South Africa, and ended on 14 June 1999. Mandela argued that there was a "third force" within the state intelligence services fuelling the "slaughter of the people" and openly blamed de Klerk—whom he increasingly distrusted—for the Sebokeng massacre. In South Africa, Mandela pursued money-raising drives for the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mvezo in Umtata, then part of South Africa's Cape Province. Mandela headed a Government of National Unitydominated by the ANC—which had no experience of governing by itself—but containing representatives from the Natio… Il a été l'un des dirigeants historiques de la lutte contre le système politique institutionnel de ségrégation raciale avant de devenir président de la République d'Afrique du Sud de 1994 à 1999, à la suite des premières élections … [410] Although he was not considered a great orator, his speeches conveyed "his personal commitment, charm and humour".
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