This section includes details of all the new game options available with The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure. Male Toddlers – 2 Tops. Just a side note: Insect repellant from Outdoor adventure Herbalism will deter a lot of spider and bug encounters in Jungle Adventure. Curses are just one of the powers available with assembled Mystical Relics. (There is one located outside near the temple entrance.) When Sims visit Selvadorada they will have to rent one of the 4 available rental lots. • Mark Up Prices – This option allows Sims to decide how much of a price markup the items will have. The game pack allows you to have your own eponymous jungle adventure. • Tend Table – This option must be selected in order for your Sim to begin selling anything. ❗ An assembled relic already has a predetermined curse/blessing “type”, but each type has 3 different “strength levels” depending on the “rarity” of the crystal. Sims who find dirt clumps or unauthenticated artifacts can use the Archaeology Table to authenticate them as long as they have a Level 3 in the new Archaeology Skill. Summary; Release Data; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Q&A; Reviews; Media. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Take your Sims on a mysterious adventure into the wild and discover a new culture with The Sims™ 4 Jungle Adventure. Explore the jungle. Golden Harvest Knives would be used to carefully collect rare emotion berries. Remembered forever as the greatest of the Omisca fighters. Nifty Knitting is now available. How about a little nap? Here is a handy chart of the dangerous pests and the recommended adventure gear to prevent attacks. Take your Sims on a mysterious adventure into the wild and discover a new culture!Explore a unique wilderness landscape, revealing a temple, jungle obstacles, cursed relics and treasures. Sims understand more, so they gain skill faster from reading, and Tense moods go away faster. (Bracing Breezes Lot Trait), • Hillview Hideaway (Rental Lot, 20×15, 1 Bed 1 Bath, §228/day) – This is the smallest and cheapest rental lot in Selvadorada. Since Selvadorada is a “Destination World” Sims are not able to reside there permanently, but they can extend their vacation indefinitely. Wearing this mask resulted in many neck injuries due to the sheer weight of this mask. It is said he once fought off an assault of three dire chinchillas at once. • Send Pets to Explore (Cats & Dogs) – Cats & Dogs can explore the bush to retrieve feather collectibles. Just click on the vendor and the secret menu option will appear as a social interaction. Eat a bunch and you’ll get the guts for the most dangerous social maneuvers. The jungle is teeming with wondrous sights and hidden dangers. The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure adds the brand new “Rumbasim” dance. A beautiful mask. You probably shouldn’t just walk into poisonous gas. Details on relics are found in the Curses & Blessings section of the guide. • Auto Lights The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure adds 6 brand new Latin Guitar Songs. Not the Jungle per say but different gates maybe locked then the last visit as long as your sim has traveled back to a home world in between and not just back to their vacation home. • Le groupe CCG (Courtney, Clotilde, Glipglou) pars à l'aventure dans la jungle, est-ce que Glipglou va réaliser qu'elle n'est pas au camping? Education Career - Professor or Administrator? These berries instill a sense of confidence in a Sim. We are dedicated to providing you with the latest news, game guides, tips, tutorials, and original content for EA and The Sims. First you’ll just have the “feeling icky” moodlet (Dazed +1) and develop a strange rash all over your body. It wasn't about the gilded and jeweled treasure. Click here to learn more about Vacation Days. Happy little berries make for a happy little Sim. When viewing their collection, Sims will receive the 4-hour “Fascinating Collection” Inspired Moodlet. The “Remedy of the Ancients” recipe only appears when Sims have been dealt a “Curse of the Ancients”. To learn more about Relics, see here. Finally, the last selection is the item sacrifice option. I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type. I highly suggest you get a few of the Waterfall in a Bottle to help your Sim from growing too uncomfortable due to hygiene issues, along with Fire Foam. En cause principalement de la disparition du monde ouvert et le manque de contenu ajouté par des DLC payants. Place the artifact in a Sim’s inventory to add to your collection. I use it for fishing up 10K simoleon artifacts when my sims need a bit of money and I need a change of scenery. It allows you to explore the mysterious land of Selvadorada, spend some time in an exotic environment, and discover the secrets of an ancient civilization. This death is inflicted upon Sims Cursed with the “Marked for Death by Combustion” moodlet. Once you have examined each defense you will want to choose which to “Activate.” Initially a question mark will appear on each of the options. Anywhere it fits really. (Natural Light Lot Trait), • Jungle Bungalow (Rental Lot, 30×30, 2 Bed 2 Bath, §554/day) – This rental lot is tucked inside the skirts of the Jungle. Artifacts have two quality types: Poor and Excellent. Since the location of the temple may be completely random, there's no point in me giving you a full walkthrough of the jungle. The best they could do was to use a Mask of Khaas to simulate a new set of facial features. It seems that some creepy pests have taken up residence here. Jungle Explorer – This Sim wants to explore the jungle! The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure – Explore a unique wilderness landscape, revealing a temple, jungle obstacles, cursed relics and treasures. | Les Sims Er... delicious fruits? Other Guides to Discover University: Gate (H) will take you to the Omiscan Gardens. • Uncover Artifact (Level 2 Archaeology Skill Required) – This option allows Sims to uncover artifacts that are found as clumps of dirt or clay. Notify me about new: Guides. Gate (D) travels to the Omiscan Baths. What should I do? A quick handful of these berries will focus a Sim like a laser beam! ❗ Sims with a Level 9 in the Archaeology Skill will begin to receive unauthenticated artifacts through the mail. … All new harvestavles are found in Selvadorada, so this is the only place to collect them. Add this game to my: Favorites. Curses and blessings are then further determined by refined crystals. The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure adds the all new Selvadoradian Culture Skill. Solid gold and covered in rare gems. What you find behind each area appears to be random, though it may lead to another area altogether. For more on this new feature, check out the Relics section of the guide. Alexis founded … • Refine Crystal (Level 7 Archaeology Skill Required) – This option allows Sims to refine crystals at the table. Hello, I just bought the game pack about three days ago and when I first went into the jungle it gave me the first option to chose and I guess I picked the wrong one because it immediately kicked me out of the jungle and I have yet to be able to enter it again, it just keeps kicking me out, even after waiting a day in game and real time. Sims who select this Aspiration will complete a series of actions related to the exploration. Sims who have the Dance Machine trait can also use the “Disco Nap” interaction for a more satisfying nap. You can still examine this defense like normal and will see question marks turn into thumbs down or thumbs up icons. All the Sims 4 cheating codes Jungle Adventure : To open the cheats console in the Sims 4 Jungle Adventure do CTRL + Shift + C if you are on PC or Command + Shift + C if you are on Mac and enter the « testingcheats true » command (without quotes) to activate the game’s cheat system. Struggling to solidify that spark of a great idea? The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure introduces a new Woohoo location for Sims. Select the refined crystal and complete the process. • Woohoo/Try for Baby – Adult Sims who are in in a serious relationship can both Woohoo and Try for a baby in the bush. ❗ Once a Sim has gathered refined crystals, click on the combined Mystical Relic piece and choose “Insert Crystal”. You can only hope if you do trigger the temple defenses all you get is a mouthful of bone dust. Home. Could be a variety of things causing this. Avocados are delicious vegetables! Sims can cook these meals at home once they reach the appropriate skill level and eat any of the recipes available at the food stall. Don't drop it! This brings an NPC salesperson to the stall to sell the food items. Idk they mostly sold dolls, food and energy drinks in my game so far lol). There are different relic tops and bases which can be fused together to create the foundation for a curse or blessing. The middle choice is the skill option and will give a hint at which skill helps increase your odds for a better outcome. The areas behind the gates do not change, just the fact that some areas will be locked on a particular visit while some will simply be covered in vines. The gates always lead to the same place once opened again as far as I can tell. ), Ancient Spinning Sculpture  (Its like a slot machine, but if you lose, it kills you! Once you sell some of the inventory, you can restock with additional items. All prehistoric 3 toed creatures collectively agreed to evolve away from 3 toes. And with it comes a new destination, culture, and so much more. Wish List. (From Completing the Archaeology Scholar Aspiration), Female Adult/Teen/Elder – 6 Hairstyles & Hats, 8 Tops, 4 Bottoms, 2 Outfits, 2 Accessories, 1 Pair of Shoes, 1 Tattoo Sims with a level 4 in the Selvadoradian Culture Skill can select the interaction on a radio playing the new Latin or Latin Pop music stations. The local foods will be a strong culinary adventure. The Brazilwood tree has a beautiful red wood that is a popular choice for the bows of string instruments. He demanded to be immortalized after claiming to be the inventor of the banana. CURE: Sims who are Marked for Death by Poison should quickly find Bone Dust and exchange it for an antidote from Marketplace Vendors, donate to Madre Cosecha to Dispel the Curse (§250), activate the “Blessing of the Bones” Blessing from a relic, or purchase the antidote from the computer (§1,000). For more information, see Death by Poison. This is a great place to rent if your Sims want to explore. Check it out and consider subscribing if you like my style. ❗ Crystals are Common, Uncommon, or Rare depending on the type. Does someone know if the jungle is randomized on each visit? You can't live in Selvadorada, it is a destination (vacation) world which you access by using your sims phone to go 'on vacation'. “Did you know that the wood from this type of tree is commonly used to make bows for string instruments like the violin? There is a large jungle to explore, so let's get started! You’ll find a treasure chest near the foot of the tall tree. As they continue their studies, they will learn how to authenticate artifacts and locate more Dig Piles. The Sims and The Sims 4 Logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts, Inc. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. Experience the culture and customs of Selvadorada, from devouring local eats to learning spicy new dance moves! The Curators Cabinet is an interactive object for Sims who want to show off their collection of gems, relics, artifacts, or anything else they want to proudly display. ❗ RELIC: This curse can be created by Sims who activate it via the Golden or Wooden “Zazatototl Death Relic”. Selvadorada was once home to the Omiscan people and you are welcome to venture to the ruins of this once great civilization. (If you do not have the required item you will not be allowed to choose the third option.). We don’t know why you’d want to attempt to slip between the bolts of electricity but if you do you’ll receive the “seriously fried” moodlet (dazed +40). The owner cared more about the looks than the function. Reviews. Now that you have a better sense of direction in the jungle let’s take a closer look at the hidden areas of the jungle. Head to Belomisia Trailhead, located on the western side of the travel screen in Selvadorada, to begin searching places overgrown with brambles. Cheats. If you’re lucky you’ll figure out the correct choice and see a thumbs up icon appear. This is inspired by a new series in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Having a tent to sleep in is a huge help (outdoor retreat), but you'll also need food. 10 Million Views! Les Sims 4 est un jeu vidéo de simulation de vie de la série d'accord Les Sims, développé par Maxis et édité par Electronic Arts. We now have a Youtube Channel with over 50 guides in video format to go along with the huge site I've already created. In this pack, Sims will travel to a faraway land called Selvadorada. Just pop one in your mouth and try not to smile. À sa sortie, le jeu se classa en tête des ventes PC mais fut en revanche moyennement bien accueilli par la critique et très mal reçu par les joueurs. In your The Sims 4 folder inside of probably your Documents folder. No, these are not the cute bioluminescent beetles you may think they are. The temples reset between visits and are randomized though. You can use a machete or your hands to clear the overgrown vines. At first glance, the Omiscan Gardens looks like overgrown ruins but they are home to a grove of the endangered Brazilwood tree. Additionally, you’ll want someone in your group to bring a couple Omiscan Machetes to help clear vines that may block the jungle path. ❗ Being that they are made of weaker material, wooden relics tend to break easily and can only be used a few times before they disappear for good. • Archaeology Skill Level 1 – This Sim can Excavate Dig Piles in Selvadorada and Uncover Artifacts on the Archaeology Table. They can also reset by just leaving the jungle and returning to your vacation lot but sometimes they seem to get 'stuck' so a quick trip home seem to fix this. You won't get any loading screens, but will sometimes need to use one of the gateway arches to travel between two areas as they're not traversable by foot. If you don’t wish to take a gamble with your life we recommend leveling up the following six skills. • Archaeology Skill Level 6 – This Sim can now find even more artifacts from Dig Piles by Establishing an Excavation Site. There aren’t requirements for this type of lot and you’re able to change any of the destination lots into a rental lot at any time through “Manage Worlds”. The equivalent of putting your art on the fridge was to paint on a vase. We can’t predict which ones you’ll face so let’s go over each one just to be safe. Gate (E) leads to a secret Lagoon. Display it with pride. You click the items individually to purchase them. A softer gemstone which really shows off its beautiful color when polished. Any Sims that are in a romantic relationship can use the Open Air Natural Toilet object to “Woohoo” or “Try for a Baby”. Twitter. ","lang_error_file_size_all":"The files you've chosen are too large! To learn which berry you need to consume, see Harvestables. Leveling up in the Culture Skill will reward Sims with new interactions as well. Read on for a vacation-worthy guide, plus pro tips to get the most out of your exotic trip. caught more gear than fish so far. Archaeology Scholar – This Sim wants to understand Archaeology. Clearing pathways with your hands will also increase the Gardening Skill. This makes for fun animations. Neighborhood Action Plans They will be able to share pictures of their vacation here. Questions. I'm not yet sure how easily/often they are acquired but will edit this later. To learn more about clearing the path to this hidden lot, click here. There's so much to explore - here's a sneak peek of some of the fun your Sims will have! A full guide to the Sims 4 Jungle Adventure's Archaeology skill and all its abilities - from dig sites to excavations and surveys, you can find ancient Omiscan treasures and verify the authenticity of artifacts. Welcome explorers to the mysterious jungles of Selvadorada! My YouTube channel has grown a lot the last 6 months. They will also act out a few skeleton tricks at random, and unlock new social interactions as well. Deep in the Selvadoradian Jungle you’ll find the Omiscan Temple. totecallama relic + watcher relic base + refined rose = curses of the ancients, causes sneezing curse - cure, remedy of ancients using bone dust via cooking on bbq or donation to statue in town sqaure near the bar. Then there are the poison and fire defenses that can potentially kill you. Area (1) has three gateways. I find dragging a grill into my inventory and using it to cook proper meals is a much better option in the jungle. Always get Antidotes if you see them available. The Tree of Emotions found in the jungle carries all 7 of these new berries.   Click here to learn more about Vacation Days. More. They do, but sometimes they might not be selling it during that time. The slideshow below contains 174 of these objects, with the “Styled Rooms” listed below. The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Game Pack adds 2 new traits for Sims. Available options are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 200% and 300%. Removing the curse will grant Sims with the “Blessing of the Bones” moodlet. Download it directly from Xbox Store. The Rumbasim. Some Mystical Relics work wonders! For more information, see Death by Electrocution. Where do you buy tents? Jungle Adventure adds the “Ancient Omiscan Artifacts” and “Omiscan Treasures” Collections to the game, and also adds several new items to the already existing Fish, Fossils, Crystals, and Gardening Collections. There are six types of temple defenses you may encounter and each will utilize a different skill set. Juice Fizzing NEW There were too many problems caused by the confusion between pointing and crude gestures. In The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure, you can take your Sims on a mysterious escapade, discover an unknown culture, and travel to a unique wilderness landscape. • Alam Museum of Archaeology (Museum, 64×64, §74,204) – The Museum lot is a great place for aspiring Archaeologists. Fired in hot kilns to give this vase longer use.   Your Sim can be immolated, and you don't want to die in a fire because you failed at a trap. All original Guides on this site © Carl's Guides If Sims don’t self-extinguish, they run a chance of dying. Sims can send crystals to the jeweler and have them refined for §25, or refine them at the Archaeology Table with a level 7 in the Archaeology Skill. Very true, thanks for reminding us, Carl will be adding in details like that once he's completed the first pass on all the new content. The focus of the game pack is the new location added, Selvadorada. The DLC requires the base game to run. Your sim has to be poisoned for this option to be available. Traveling into the jungle is not for the faint of heart or the unprepared. • Turn On/Off on Lights These collectibles do not count toward any type of in game “Collection”, but the blessings and curses found within them make them desirable to find. They seem a tad more rare and can save a Sim's life. One taste will remind Sims of their childhood and cause playful tendencies. Eco Footprint: How it Works Ancient Talking Statue (Don't upset Omlic. At least one of the blocked doors leads to the plane the locals mention while you're leveling up cultural skill. You can listen to the new channels on Stereos and Wall Speakers. Once you’re geared up and ready you’ll find an entrance among some Omiscan ruins near the Belomisia Trailhead. A higher skill level will increase your chances at figuring which mechanism deactivates the defenses. WhatsApp. This statue of Cetlcitli is cool to the touch. Read on for a vacation-worthy guide, plus pro tips to get the most out of your exotic trip. It looks as if there is a link missing from the chain and this monkey perished while searching for it. Make sure to be bring supplies to combat these dangers. I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay. And they're delicious to boot! Your Sim can get into an awful mood from poor hygiene (or being set on fire), so waterfall in a bottle is the perfect solution. Dans le nouveau pack de jeu Les Sims 4 - Dans La Jungle , nos Sims enfilent leur chaussures dexplorateurs et partent à laventure ! The fastest (and more expensive) path through the temple would be to offer a relic for passage. These new traits are earned by completing the new aspirations in the game. (Romantic Aura and Peace & Quiet Lot Traits). This will remove the “seriously fried” moodlet and its effects. For more information, see the Recipes section of the guide. They will be able to ask about local sights and find out more about the local heritage. The Jungle is all around us in Selvadorada, but we want a specific place to begin our journey into the unknown. You can see if it goes away on its own but there is always a chance you won’t be able fight off the poison and it will get worse. When fused with an Uncommon Refined Crystal, this relic activates the curse. Found in the Secret Menu of the Selvadoradian Food Stall. Look for packages in the mail from Sir Vincent and the Simsonian Institute asking for help authenticating artifacts. This is a great emotional state for Sims who want to increase their skills. If you own The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion, you will receive two Club Requirements with Jungle Adventure. You’ll still need to clear vines from the path but the Omiscan Royal Baths are the one area that is always open. If you put in the bb. Also you do get a free spider repellent and machete as part of the rental package. ❗ There is a cool down period for relics, and a limit of one curse/blessing at a time. Just have your sims stand in a relatively clear space and use the interaction 'place in world'. Your Sims can try traditional foods, dance to new music, practice native customs and shop for authentic décor. Fear not, because around this fruit you're a bite away from a mouthful of inspiration. • Archaeology Skill Level 5 – This Sim can now Analyze genuine Artifacts, treasures, and fossils and Extract Elements from metals and crystals on the Archaeology Table. The local merchants sell a variety of goods to aid your travels from camping gear to the Pop Up Archaeology Work Bench. The effects of this will last for up to 48 hours depending on which blessing is bestowed upon them. This skill can be increased by interacting with locals and vendors in Selvadorada or by eating local cuisine. Help with the Jungle Adventure Game Pack and its many minor features, focused on an archaeologist.. ❗ There’s technically 11 new recipes in the game, with the 11th recipe tied specifically to Curses. This is a great place to rent if your Sims are looking to be near the action and Selvadoradian locals. Discover a new way … This is probably the least recommended method. Here’s My Opinion On the Pack, The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Features Deep-Dive, Tutorial: Using The Sims 4’s New Stair Customization Tool, The Sims 4 Discover University Super Student, Engineering Career - Mechanical or Computer, Student Organizations (University Groups), Gameplay Features Guide (Robotics, Secret Society) Video. Refined crystals are exclusive to The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure, but all crystals in the game can be refined.   :P The locals have such a wild dance, lol. The Omisca didn't have refrigerators. Once they are tending the table, additional options will be available depending on what type of lot they are on. Die Sims 4 Dschungel-Abenteuer Cheats Effekt; traits.equip_trait poison: Sim stirbt sofort durch Ableben durch Gift und wird zum Geist, der andere in der Nähe Sims mit seinem giftigen Atem in Ohnmacht versetzt. This can be done on an Archaeology Table. The ghosts of Sims who die by poison are also unique in appearance. I dare you. Once the refinement process is complete, the result is a smaller oval shaped version of the crystal. Experience the culture and customs of Selvadorada, from devouring local eats to learning spicy new dance moves! For those that can not afford (or have more respect for ancient artifacts), there are ways to use your skills to disarm the temple gates. February 2018 in The Sims 4 Packs Discussion Everyone is exploring the jungle, and my Sims are just hanging out in the bar. All three rarities will influence which curse or blessing a Mystical Relic can cast. If you still insist, the following relics will each open a specific type of gate. They will also receive a series of moodlets leading up to the “Marked for Death by Poison” moodlet.
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