La tête dans les étoiles je vous aide à vivre une vie amoureuse épanouissante grâce à l'Astrologie ! Il me semble qu’il est important de sentir la “tonalité” des deux thèmes – comme par exemple, ici, son AS Capricorne et Saturne à l’AS dans mon thème. Also: Read more details about Venus-Jupiter aspects in synastry. It will be a chart, called synastry or relationship horoscope, that will contain both your personal horoscope and that of the other person. Click here to discover the best synastry aspects for marriage. Elle se sentira immédiatement à l’aise pour parler de son enfance et de tout ce qui lui tient à cœur. Are you looking for answers through astrology on whether to enter wedlock? There is often a strong need to be with each other. The Jupiter person tends to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Bonsoir, dans le cas de l’ascendant conjoint au FC l’effet est-il le même que si c’était une planète conjointe au FC? Si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Par exemple du même jour jusqu’à une vingtaine de jours de différence. Ce point là est rarement évoqué par les astrologues. Although other factors are involved, Venus is the planet of pleasure, romance, and union. What follows are a large number of compatibility factors in synastry (that is, comparison of one chart to another chart), weighted with numerical values 4, 3, 2, 1, -1, -2, -3, and -4. En synastrie, il est possible de catégoriser les inter-aspects pour définir la nature d’une relation. The full Partner Synastry horoscope examines your relationship under five essential aspects being effective in a relationship. Jupiter will encourage Moon to emote, to feel, and to seek security. The square is one of the latter. Determining marriage from a synastry chart can be challenging. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals interact with one another. – et notre relation dure depuis 20 ans… Donc ce genre d’aspect, même si de temps en temps, ça tiraille, ne suffit pas pour dire que ça ne fonctionnera pas! Une puissante connexion vous liera, et cette connexion sera difficile à briser, c’est comme si vous sentiez que vous étiez faits l’un pour l’autre. The Astrology of 2021: This Year in Astrology. Gemini Chez nous, Vénus en composite est en 7, en conjonction au Descendant en Taureau, voilà l’amour avec un grand A, surtout que le soleil et uranus sont en opposition, donc interprété en conjonction. L’ascendant c’est nos réactions à notre environnement, notre manière de réagir à la vie, la manière dont nous nous comportons en société, la manière dont on initie les choses, notre manière de développer son potentiel (signifié par le Soleil). In fact, Jupiter is quite likely to see the negative, but he only wants to see his child grow, and easily excuses the less desirable traits, preferring to think that the good outweighs the bad. Many other factors are involved when evaluating the compatibility of two people. It is easy to be romantic with each other without feeling like they have hurt their partner’s feelings with a style that is too aggressive or too passive, too intimate or too impersonal, and so forth. Jupiter aspects in synastry are generally very helpful. There is a feeling of a mystical blending of love and spirituality. Each person tends to over-indulge the other at times, and frustrate one another the next day. … These are classic aspects, although they can be rather troublesome. When Venus contacts the outer planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—you will find very dynamic interactions that evolve over time. See our Sun in the Houses in Synastry article for more details. La personne FC se dévoilera complètement à la personne qui porte la planète. Nous avons tous les deux Mars en Scorpion. These interaspects are helpful for creating some common interests between the individuals. They indicate tension or differences in opinion. Mais Saturne en Synastrie représente le “ciment” du couple lorsqu’il fait des interaspects avec les planètes personnelles d’une autre personne (Soleil, Lune, Mercure, Vénus, Mars). It shows us our animal instincts. Relationship Potential in the Natal Chart discusses some themes to look for in individual natal charts with regards to relationship potential. Although sex can be especially exciting—even ecstatic—with each other, the partners may easily become restless, as there is an unsettled feeling between the natives that is persistent. Most of us are familiar with the significance of Venus in mythology. Neptune-Neptune en scorpion 2°03 Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries It is very sweet to see this feature in synastry between a couple because it shows they are helping each other down the same spiritual path. Le signe Ascendant représente l’interaction d’une personne avec le monde extérieur. A loving relationship can happen without involving any Mars and Venus synastry aspects. The two will have a grand time, full of natural humor and enjoyment. When two people have Venus in the same … Aspects explained - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. However, the square, opposition, and quincunx can cause friction at the same time. When powerful interaspects of Mars occur, sex may not be as ecstatic and rich as those indicated by Venus, but it may be quite satisfying on a basic body level. Read more about the challenges of Mars-Saturn in synastry. Note that all these synastry aspects can be applied to straight or same-sex couples. Je me posais la question de la pertinence d’une synastrie pour deux personnes dont les dates de naissance seraient proches, voire très proches? Exemple de synastrie : le couple Michael Douglas et Catherine Zeta-Jones (thèmes natals) Ici, il s'agira d'étudier non seulement les aspects de chacun des thèmes mais également les aspects que. There is considerable attraction, but over time, this sexual energy can become disruptive when left unchecked. At first, the relationship is all-consuming. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 The relationship horoscope or synastry allows you to compare your birth chart with that of your partner. When Venus in one chart aspects planets and points in another, the Venus person tends to get idealized and romanticized. Frequent annoyances and irritations, often that skirt the real conflict, are common. While it is common enough that there can be an attraction to the physical body, it is more than likely a reaction to the Ascendant person’s whole body ego—the manner in which he/she comes across, or the “packaging”. Partners should make every attempt to look beyond the style of relating and into each other’s hearts. Son Soleil en Verseau (et voilà Uranus !) Where does your Sun fall in the natal chart of your partner? This is the mooshy-squooshy aspect– yes, that is technical jargon, feel free to use it. When a relationship lasts long enough to let these energies play out completely, increased understanding and connection are possible. En effet la personne Saturne se sentira “responsable” de la personne qui porte la planète. But an aspect between Mars and Venus is not the end of the story. This way, they may find that they have much less to argue about. Comme Lunisole, nous serions incompatibles, avec un Pluton très fort, et des soleils opposés, ascendants dans des signes qui se suivent. Junon : Quelle est la Personne que vous Épouserez ? Compare the natives’ Venus signs, noting the similarities and differences. The resulting interplay is as complex and unique as our own personalities. The “First Meeting” Chart shows where a relationship is headed, and draws on Electional Astrology techniques. Synastrie : Comment dépasser les Aspects les plus Difficiles d’une Relation, L’Ascendant en Synastrie : Reconaissance et Attraction Fulgurante, Synastrie : Soleil Opposé Pluton : attraction intense et relation transformatrice. This is a highly romantic aspect and an indicator that you have found your soul mate. They figure strongly in relationships that are long-lasting and significant. But there is important the balance. – Si l’on complète des figures de type grand trigones en synastrie. Et pourtant pas du tout compatibles si on s’arrête aux luminaires ou Vénus/Mars comme on l’entend bien trop souvent. The Ascendant expresses our “body ego”—how we express ourselves through our body language and personal mannerisms. Jupiter doesn’t tend to blind itself to the negative (that is Neptune’s job!). He is unthreatened by the child’s behavior. Sexual magnetism of an insistent quality is found in the conjunction. Il signifie à la fois l’opposition et l’union, le conflit et l’association, l’incompatibilité et la complémentarité, la division et l’équilibre, le duel et le duo. If a couple has OK Saturn aspects in synastry with sextiles and one minor semi-square for example, but the composite chart is heavily squared to Saturn; can this prevent a relationship from even forming? Une femme cherchera donc en priorité les hommes ayant le Soleil à la même position que leur Lune, à 10 ou 12 degrés près, ou mieux, à 5 degrés près : plus la conjonction est précise, plus l'aspect est fort In fact, Venus may feel criticized and nagged, and Saturn may feel an unhealthy need to control and restrict the Venus native. The art print at right is a sweet and humorous depiction of a girl who is trying to resist Cupid’s arrow. These couples may try to resolve this conflict by attempting to consciously let down their defenses, turn off their egos, and just have sex. Venus/Saturn Aspects : Saturn aspects in synastry are described as « relationship glue ». Aspects are more intense when they involve personal planets (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Mars) Sun refers to ego/vitality. Free Aspect Online Readings and Online Interpretations. Squares and Oppositions are separating aspects in synastry. The Venus person often feels oppressed and restricted by the Saturn person. Assertiveness and power are likely to be significant themes with this combination, but there is also this crazy, wonderful sexual magnetism. Many of us have experienced attractions to people that we don’t entirely understand. While Venus rules romantic attraction, Mars indicates a more animal need for sex and assertion. Sometimes, “obvious” marriage indicators (i.e. The Venus person is easily hurt or offended by Mars. Je dirai que l’effet est quasi le meme que si une planéte était conjointe au FC. The opposition and square can be very challenging. Before a couple even goes near the idea of wedlock, there must be at least one Saturn connection in their synastry. Vénus-vénus en bélier 0°28 This aspect is a 90-degree angle between two planets. You can realise how and where your focus lies, what topics are of particular importance to you and what development opportunities do you strive for in a relationship. La personne Soleil se sent impliquée dans la relation. Bien qu’il n’y ait aucune garantie, voici ce que je pense être les six points principaux d’une Synastrie qui suggèrent fortement qu’une relation sérieuse va se développer. Bien vu pour la liste, surtout pour le FC et les planètes en conjonction. The more difficult aspects (opposition, square, and quincunx) can point to some problems and discord. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. Moi Uranienne de naissance, je trouve un alter ego. Synastry Books Compared — our favorite books on relationship astrology, and why we like them. Emotionalism and domestic arguments can figure strongly in such a relationship when the difficult aspects are involved. Love with these people is intense and transforming. The level of maturity of both people is very important to take into consideration. The interaction between the planets is interpreted by planetary aspects. Mars-Mercury interaspects, when flowing, indicate passionate and stimulating conversations. Je rajouterai l’impact des noeuds lunaires qui a mon sens peuvent compenser l’absence d’aspects soleil-lune. Click The difference is that they will come to realize that while what they loved the other person for at the outset of the relationship may not have been based on reality, they have the huge potential to love each other for who they really are. Saturn is the planet of commitment, while Venus is the planet of Love. As such, couples who have strong Venus-Saturn aspects (especially double-whammies!) These aspects offer excitement and thrills. Uranus-Uranus en lion 4°44 Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology. Que représente Pluton dans notre Thème Astral ? 10 most xplosive synastry relationship aspects in love astrology. Si le Soleil reçoit des aspects des planètes d’une autre personne alors son identité est “impliquée” dans la relation. 9 conjonctions : Of course, not all squares occur between planets in the same modality, but these examples serve as a general guideline. Square Aspect in Astrology and Synastry. It is an intriguing and enlightening up look on how people connect with each other. Virgo None of these weights are absolute. While lack of understanding and frustration can be the result, they can also create just the right amount of tension to produce excitement in a relationship. There can be a tendency to “see-saw” or “ping-pong” with the opposition—when one person expresses their planet’s energy, the other person counters with their side of the “equation”. Venus is particularly important in Synastry, and Venus interaspects are common with couples who enjoy a long-lasting and significant union. Mars-Pluto interaspects are similarly stimulating, though more intensely so. Donc au vu du rôle qu’il a dans notre personnalité, un contact (dans le même signe) avec le FC de quelqu’un d’autre peut signifier que le comportement de la personne ASC touche profondément la personne FC, la personne FC peut se sentir très attachée à la personne ASC. Other Juno aspects are indicative of a potential marriage partner, as well. Pisces. Look for the conjunction, trine, and sextile, in particular, as an indicator of true love. They enjoy each other’s company, and there is often a fair share of tenderness and care between one another. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec *. The opposition represents polarity and the power of attraction. There is a countering effect here, and often a feeling of literally being “opposed” or thwarted. Although, if the Venus person doesn’t reciprocate the same feelings, Pluto tends to take it up a notch until the desired response is received. Slowly, realities surface themselves. Fortune-MDC 1°41, Malheureusement je ne peux pas vous donner de reponses comme ça sans contexte ni question precise car analyser une synastrie prend beaucoup de temps, The difficult aspects generally play out as an emotional rollercoaster ride, with extreme swings from loving intensely to antagonism.Read more details about Venus-Pluto aspects in synastry. Y a t-il possibilité de vie commune aisée? While it is helpful to consider any one interchart aspect carefully, it is also illuminating to consider the signs involved in the interaction. Nous sommes tous les deux, quand même, des saturniens. Lilith-Lilith en poissons 4°33 Merci pour toutes ces informations. Et grand bonheur, nos Jupiter sont en parfaite harmonie, je n’ai jamais vu autant de sextiles et trigones dans une synastrie. Indicators of Sexual Attraction in Astrology. Any aspect between these planets in synastry points to sexual and romantic attraction. Opposition des mars. Car dans ces cas-là, on tombe sur énormément de conjonction, mais ont-elles une réelle valeur…, Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. This general conflict can lead to problems in the bedroom. But, if other indicators of love and relationship are already present in synastry, strong Mars connections will help (or hinder) the relationship, mostly in the bedroom. Je me lance (c'est la première fois que j'essaie t'interpréter une synastrie du coup j'ai peur de te dire des bêtises, alors j'espère que quelqu'un de plus expert viendra rectifier mes erreurs ) Quand je vois la carte je me demande si a long terme quelques frustrations ne risquent pas de se faire sentir.
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