Meditation: Entering an altered state of consciousness by use of a mantra, yoga, deep relaxation techniques, controlled breathing or visualization. Mystical Crossroads, Atco, NJ: Occult, magick, neo-paganism, witchcraft (see Wicca). Publishes the Fiery Synthesis magazine. Publishes the Colorado Mind, Spirit and Soul Report newsletter. Allegedly practices mind control and shepherding. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): The term is used generally for all reported sightings of unidentified objects in the sky, most of which turn out to be natural phenomena (e.g., Venus) or man-made craft (e.g., weather balloons). Anthroposophic Society, Rudolf Steiner, Hudson, NY: Similar to the Chicago organization (below), possibly affiliated. W.J. The term is usually reserved to refer to false teachings considered so serious that belief in them excludes the followers from the true faith and salvation; in other words, a belief viewed as fatal to the gospel. Consequently the concept evolved that Japanese people are divine and superior to other humans. Best known for her book, A Return To Love; also wrote Illuminata and other books. Womyn Healing, Sandra Boston de Sylvia, Greenfield, MA: Paganism, guided meditation, visions, Gaia festivals. However, because they used it from Vert, she claims Nepgear as her little sister and the battle ensues. Houston, Jean: Prominent New Age spokesperson and author of many books on education in the American school system. Recovery Version of the New Testament: Version used by the The Local Church. Profile available. Conscious Living Foundation, Drain, OR: New Age, states of consciousness, visualization. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Publishes The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine. vileness of the most dangerous kind, contagion' of the most abominable kind. They often deny or reinterpret in mythical terms such doctrines of orthodox Christianity as the virgin birth, atoning death, and even the resurrection of Jesus. Followers, sometimes called Black Muslims, believe that Allah (God) appeared in 1930 to the last great prophet Elijah Muhammad, in the person of Wallace D. Fard. The sect promotes enlightenment though gongyo. Spiritual Advancement of the Individual Foundation, Sai Baba, Los Angeles, CA: Eastern philosophy, avatars, Akashic records, teachings from the so-called lost years of Jesus. This Index contains brief definitions, descriptions or cross references on over 1,200 religious organizations and beliefs, as well as world religions (including Christianity) and related doctrines. Publishes The Holy Encounter newsletter. Followers dress in robes, no shoes, practice vegetarianism. Universal Network, Aztec, NM: UFOs, space communiqués, cosmic telepathy, spiritual hierarchy. Bible Code, Michael Drosnin: Bestselling 1997 book teaches that prophecies are hidden in a complex network of letters and words within the Old Testament. All Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:19). Peace Mission Movement: Based on the teaching of founder Father Divine, which contains elements of New Thought, asceticism, perfectionism, utopian communalism, and denies existence of race and strictly prohibits discrimination among members. Karma: The Hindu principle of cause and effect. Guardian Action International, Deming, NM: UFOs, Atlantis, ESP. A rough and healthy feeling. Crowley, Aleister: An English magician and Occultist. Her role as the most mature is explained in more detail during a scene in MK2 when Nepgear visits her during a gathering with the other CPUs. Poltergeist: From German ("rattling ghost"); an apparently supernatural disturbance attributed to a ghost or spirit. URANTIA Book, The: Written in 1955, this 2,097 page book reflects a 19th century psychically inspired gospel. Eventually their resilience holds out and the CPU candidates manage to save the goddess. Hyperdimension Neptunia Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Fox, Matthew: Dominican Catholic priest silenced by the Vatican for teaching blatant New Age theology (which he calls "creation-centered spirituality"). See further Form Criticism. Masters, Roy: Founder of the Foundation of Human Understanding. While some elements of these criteria could be found in virtually any group, Lifton warned that an environment of mind control or thought reform exists when all eight are found implemented in the extreme. Publishes the News From The Mountain Top newsletter. The three are co-equal, co-eternal, and one in essence. As of early 2002, Peggy Nadramia joined Gilmore, her husband, in leadership with the Church of Satan with Nadramia serving as High Priestess. Psynetic Foundation, Anaheim, CA: New Age, channeling, astrology, promotes A Course in Miracles. See also Pyramid Power. Crosier, it was accepted as "present truth" by those who would later become known as Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) after it was confirmed and taught in visions received by Ellen G. White. Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, Boston, MA: Officially called Church of Christ, Scientist. Omega Press, New Lebanon, NY: Sufism. Isthmus Institute, Dallas, TX: New Age, reincarnation, past-life experiences. Her books contain a combination of New Age and Mormon beliefs. She explains that she just forgot to take a break from a mmo and is very warm. Advocates British Israelism and a form of the serpent seed doctrine. A term used in various though related senses to affirm a feminine nature or aspect of the divine. National Institute for Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, Mansfield Center, CT: Hypnosis, visualization, Neuro-Linguistic Programming. URANTIA Foundation, Chicago, IL: Established in 1950. Publishes the Thoughtline newsletter. See also Church of the White Eagle Lodge. This God is an all-encompassing, impersonal principle or force. (Ibid.). She then heard voices asking if she okay. Similar to Unitarian-Universalist. Doctors and hospitals are not allowed. By the Staff of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. The northern kingdom was conquered and decimated by the Assyrians in 722 BC, after which the term Judeans, or Jews, gradually came into use to refer to all Israelites. Publishes The Advocate of Truth newsletter. Positive Confession: Alternative name for the Word-Faith movement. This surrendering of oneself occurs primarily in a spiritual exercise known as the latihan (sometimes, latihan kejiwaan), a trance like state that can produce anything from ecstatic movement and utterance to profound calm. Philosophic Community Center, Denver, CO: New Age, Egyptian rites, man is Divine. College of Divine Metaphysics, Joseph Garduno, Glendora, CA: New Age, metaphysical teaching. Vert has an obsession with beauty as well, especially when it comes to breasts, she has the largest breasts in the world and she often displays them proudly, they are her most powerful assets but a weakness at times. Agasha Temple of Wisdom, William Eisen, Los Angeles, CA: Universal consciousness of god, reincarnation, occult pyramidology, Ascended Masters. Many see the earth as one large living organism made of numerous parts, much as the human body is one living organism with various parts. Around her waist she has a black belt like piece with green circled pads on each hip, connecting to a very light blue ribbon/sash. Affective Education: Also called value-free, or non-directive, education. Meditation Group for New Age, Ojai, CA: Esoteric philosophy, meditation. Teaches the balancing of vibrational centers for health through diet, exercise, herbs, and purification procedures. ), The French color adjective "Vert" refers to the color green. The group claims the biblical prophecies about the coming Jewish Messiah and Christ's second coming were all fulfilled by Father Divine. However, only the Qur'an is considered uncorrupted. Michael, Sandra: Channeler, astral projection, rebirthing. Beginning in the early 1990s under the leadership Armstrong's successors, Joseph W. Tkach and his son Joe Tkach, this group has undergone remarkable doctrinal transformation. BioEnergetic Synchronization Techniques: New Age method using the body's life force to heal itself. Pagan Way, Philadelphia, PA: Paganism, denies reality of sin.
After Solomon's death the kingdom split into a northern kingdom called Israel and a southern kingdom called Judah (the name of David's tribe). Mystics, through altered states of consciousness, tune into this library for information. Boston Church of Christ: See International Churches of Christ. Institute of Noetic Sciences, Edgar Mitchell, Sausalito, CA: From Greek word nous, meaning "mind." The group follows the theosophical teachings of Guy Ballard of the I AM movement, including the Great White Brotherhood. Current president Willis Harman. Publishes Believer's News. Church of God (Seventh Day), Denver, CO: One of the older Sabbatarian churches in America. Publishes The Lotus quarterly. Foundation Church of Divine Truth, Washington, D.C.: New Age/occult, based on automatic writings of James E. Padget as found in the book True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus; teaches that man becomes the very essence of God. Psychomancy: A form of divination based on communication with spirit entities or ghosts. Dang, Luong Minh: Founder of Spiritual Human Yoga. Soka Gakkai Buddhism, Nichiren Daishonin: A mystical form of Buddhism based on the teachings of 13th century Japanese fisherman Nichiren Daishonin, who taught that the true interpretations of Buddha's teachings were recorded in the Lotus Sutra. She guarded and led the people of Leanbox in peace until the monster started attacking her land. Psychic Healing: An occult form of New Age, holistic health care involving the alleged use or balancing of healing energy through touch or hand movements by the practitioner over the patient to bring health. Hohm Community, Lee Lozowick, Tabor, NJ: No specific doctrine, all religions have truth, seek Divine Evolution. The group considers their doctrines and beliefs to be sacred and beyond question. New Age Church of The Christ, Thomas Printz, Long Island, NY: Ascended Masters, karma, death is an Illusion, Father-Mother God, man is divine. SIXT share starts from 9 cents / minute. Hahn, and O.R.L. of the individual. Most deny the Trinity. Taught Christ would return in 1998. Publishes The Beamer newsletter. Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA), Washington, DC: The largest Adventist church. While the Trinity doctrine teaches three distinct Persons, modalism maintains that one Person (usually the Father) has manifested Himself at different times under different names (Jesus/Spirit) or modes. Fort Worth Bible Students, Fort Worth, TX: Bible Students group that republishes older Watchtower Bible and Tract Society materials. Her new purpose was to protect Leanbox from outside invaders. Muslim: Follower of the religion of Islam. Phanes, Grand Rapid, MI: New Age, paganism, goddess worship, alchemy, Kabbalah. Holistic Life University, San Francisco, CA: New Age, aura healing, reflexology, visualization. Vert may like seafood, as she states how good it was at a recent LAN party. Mon-Ka Retreat and Universal Mother Mary's Garden of Healing, Energy, Love and Light, Mary Pacquette, Gabriel Green, Grass Valley, CA: Channeling, UFOs, I AM teachings of St. Germain, Ascended Masters, crystals, Rosicrucian teachings, psychic readings. Author of Diary of a Drug Fiend and Magick in Theory and Practice. Bible: Considered scripture by Christianity. Most notable was the focus on black oppression and equating Satan and evil with the white race. a.k.a. At-one-ment: Term used by several Mind Science or New Thought religions (such as Christian Science) referring to the supposed metaphysical unity or "oneness" of human beings and God as demonstrated by Christ. Assemblies of Yahweh, Jacob Meyer, Bethel, PA: Publishes The Sacred Name Broadcaster magazine. Lemurian Fellowship, Ramona, CA: Esoteric Christianity, The Great Being called Christ which was over 76,000 years ago, Atlantis. The event then ends as Vert quickly leaves. Thought Trends, Roswell, GA: New Age newspaper. Profile available. The Israelites returned to the promised land of Canaan and became a small but powerful nation there under the rule of King David and his son Solomon. Mega: Periodical of the New Age Community Church. His work was later taken by Patrick to Ireland, who is largely credited with establishing the Celtic church. Ultradimension Institute of Greater Awareness, Steve Mazzarella, Denver, CO: Voodoo, casting spells. Publishes the Atlantic Pagan Council Amateur Publishers' Association newsletter. Children of God: See The Family (Children of God). Peyote Way Church of God, Anne L. Zapf, Willcox, AZ: Native American rituals, use the drug peyote as a sacrament. All religions become true or the distinctive doctrines of the various religions must be disregarded in an attempt to achieve the new Global Family idea. Gawain, Shakti: New Age author who popularized Buddhism through creative visualization (meditation) techniques. York's group has also operated under other names and organizations including the Nubian Islaamic [sic] Hebrew Mission, the Ansaaru Allah Community, (an Islamic sect with doctrines similar to Nation of Islam), and the Original Tents of Kedar. Yi King: Alternative form of the term I Ching. Good Lord Mazda and evil Angra Mainyu are seen as equal in power. Summit Lighthouse/Summit University: See Church Universal and Triumphant. Aleph: New name adopted by Japanese doomsday-cult Aum Shinri Kyo January 18, 2000. Originally called International Bible Students, followers today are called Jehovah's Witnesses. American Babaji Yoga Sangam, New York, NY: Hinduism-based philosophy, yoga. Peale, Norman Vincent: Was a popular writer, promoter of the belief in the power of positive thinking popularized through the interfaith magazine, Guideposts. The group is now defunct. His works include One Minute Wisdom, One Minute Nonsense, Wellsprings: A Book of Spiritual Exercises, and Walking on Water. Assembly of Yahweh, Holt, MI: Founded in 1930, perhaps the oldest of the Sacred Name groups in America. Une bite rose entre dans la chatte noire. Publishes Cosmic Channelling newsletter. Apocalypse: Also called Armageddon. Lucifer Trust/Lucis Trust: See Arcane School. Research material available. Differences in practice within the Celtic church were gradually eradicated during the Middle Ages as the Roman papacy asserted its authority over Ireland. Scripture Research Association, College Park, MD: Sacred Name movement, the names Jesus and Christ are pagan. Deprogramming: A coercive attempt to dissuade an individual of religious or ideological convictions believed to be harmful, through a concentrated (usually two to three days) counseling procedure designed to produce a sudden "snapping out." York, Malachi Z., See Ancient Mystic Order of Malchizedek. Satan, (The Devil, The Serpent): Lucifer, a high ranking angel who wanted to be exalted to the position of God. Dominion Press, San Marcos, CA: New Thought, similar to Christian Science and Unity School of Christianity. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: A book by Stephen Covey. Kirpal Light Satsang, Sant Thakar Singh, Kinderhook, NY: Pantheism, eastern mysticism, guru. The Arabic word Islam means "submission to the will of God" and a person who submits is called a Muslim. University of the Christ Light, Charlotte, NC: New Age; inner states of consciousness; man is the essence of God (cf. Free Soul, Sedona, AZ: New Age, spirit guides, commune with Divine Nature, Psychic and Higher Soul Dimensions. Not to be confused with Dominion Press in Tyler, TX, a controversial but orthodox Christian publishing house. Christian Identity movement: The belief that the true identity of the ten lost tribes of Israel is the white, Anglo-Saxon race. The Community of Christ church has a slightly different version of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, and they reject the Pearl of Great Price as scripture. Miller, William: Baptist lay minister from Low Hampton, New York who was excommunicated for teachings that Christ would return in 1844. The Mind Control model should not be interpreted to mean that the subject is not responsible for the consequences of his or her decisions and actions. Church of Christ Jesus: See International Churches of Christ. Christian Rose Cross Church, Olympia, WA: Based on the teachings of Max Heindel (see Rosicrucian Fellowhip), Cosmic Christ, Universal religion. Important texts include Isis Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine, and The Golden Book of the Theosophical Society. Miller, who claims to be one of the two end-time prophets mentioned in the Revelation 11, published Report from Concerned Christians and Take Heed Update. Martindale, Craig: Installed as president of The Way International by founder Victor Paul Weirwille in
American Gnostic Church, Daeva Ares Animo: Paganism, Kabbalah
Book of Shadows: A journal for recording occult activities. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation Used to locate people, objects, or substances, and to diagnose illnesses. BioPsciences Institute, Minneapolis, MN: Astrology. Jesus is a created being known originally as Michael the Archangel; he is "a god," not Jehovah. Father Divine did not actually claim to be God, but he fostered the belief in his followers, and required loyalty and obedience from them due only to God. Grove of the Unicorn, Galadriel, Atlanta, GA: Paganism, Wicca, moon festivals, magic. Niscience, Glendale, CA: New Age, karma, thought talisman, meditation, Christ-consciousness. Paganism: Historically, paganism has been used as a generic term to describe primitive non-Christian religions and superstitions, including religions centered on the occult. Publishes The Intercessor newsletter. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church of the Living Stone Mission for the Coming Days, Corporation of the Presiding Elder of the Apostolic United Brethren, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, Association For Research and Enlightenment, Great Lakes Society for Biblical Research, The Church of the Firstborn of the Fulness of Times, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, International General Assembly of Spiritualists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), Proclus Society and Neo-Pythagorean Gnostic Church, First Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine, First Universal Church of God-Realization, The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints, Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, Triumph Prophetic Ministries Church of God.
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